Girls attack young boy, strip him naked in the street


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The mother ( or victim) doesn't decide if there are criminal charges. Why didn't the crown (or state, where ever it is) press them? The police likely interviewed all involved and even the "victim" treated the incident as a prank/joke. After interviewing they may have felt it wasn't in anyone's interest to ruin lives over it.


Jan 6, 2007
The mother ( or victim) doesn't decide if there are criminal charges. Why didn't the crown (or state, where ever it is) press them? The police likely interviewed all involved and even the "victim" treated the incident as a prank/joke. After interviewing they may have felt it wasn't in anyone's interest to ruin lives over it.

No you're probably right, BUT, I think excusing it as a prank when they had the opportunity and the air time to make it clear that this SHOULDN'T be viewed as a prank just because it was girls, is a missed opportunity.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
The mother ( or victim) doesn't decide if there are criminal charges. Why didn't the crown (or state, where ever it is) press them? The police likely interviewed all involved and even the "victim" treated the incident as a prank/joke. After interviewing they may have felt it wasn't in anyone's interest to ruin lives over it.

But if the genders were reversed, there's no way it would be simply glossed over.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
If they all thought it was a joke aren't they just being kids? If my class of 1979 had to endure all of our antics posted on youtube, then be tried in court, we'd all be residing in the Kingston Pen.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
No... just toss their man hat'n asses into boot camp for the next three years. No more screwing around.

If people are worried about kids going to jail and learn more crime, or not getting a punishment at all?

Toss them into some military school for a couple of years and screw them right up. They thought they had it bad before, boy'o *shakes fist*


Jan 6, 2007
A fair point Kreskin. Perhaps that's the key lesson in there for them....that when you have the wherewithall to video tape and post something, you take this kind of bullying to a level where you no longer come across as innocent children goofing off. You come across as predatory skankbags assaulting a kid 3 years younger than you.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
A fair point Kreskin. Perhaps that's the key lesson in there for them....that when you have the wherewithall to video tape and post something, you take this kind of bullying to a level where you no longer come across as innocent children goofing off. You come across as predatory skankbags assaulting a kid 3 years younger than you.

Or in other words, you're not just attempting to humiliate the kid just to amuse yourselves & your friends at school..... You're trying to embarrass his sorry arse to the rest of the world, which goes well beyond mere bullying.

There are lines, and don't tell me they were that damn stupid to not see that they crossed it? *rhetorical*

And if they think the victim is seriously thinking it was all just a prank, then it must have been a very long time for them since they were in school. Peer pressure, the already existing embarrassment you're dealing with while trying to just make it go away quicker, and possibly being already threatened & harassed to this day..... of course he's going to try and brush this off.... he's a guy. What other choice does he have?

I remember clearly.... in the walls of the school, things work a little differently.

But maybe it was just a silly little prank..... I doubt it.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I think Karrie has the right angle on this.
It's outrageous and shouldn't be written off as a case of lucky boy. Those girls did act in a violent and predatory manner in what amounts to sexual assault. That is a very bad direction for anyone to be heading in. I don't think they need to be pulled from their homes and fostered out or run through the young offenders master course, but they do need someone to sit them down and explain why this was unacceptable and they should each and individually make a formal apology to the boy they attacked and degraded publicly.

In other words... a tiny slap on the wrist. A formal apology to the boy furthering his humiliation seeing they would just have a sit down. And then have these girls snickering.

Do you think that should be the punishment of boys if they did the same thing to an 11 year old girl?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
In other words... a tiny slap on the wrist. A formal apology to the boy furthering his humiliation seeing they would just have a sit down. And then have these girls snickering.

Do you think that should be the punishment of boys if they did the same thing to an 11 year old girl?

So in other words, you left out the part of my message that I'll quote for you here,

If their reaction to that isn't fully remorseful and embarrassment then further steps should be taken and a full assessment of their personality undertaken. Further action as warranted.

because you need to argue this and can't find anyone to argue it with?

Read the whole post next time.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So in other words, you left out the part of my message that I'll quote for you here,

because you need to argue this and can't find anyone to argue it with?

Read the whole post next time.

I did read the whole post. Once you make the girls "formally" apologize and give them their tiny slap on the wrist... THAT is their punishment. End of story unless they rip his clothes off again. This tiny slap means they are getting away with it.

And would that punishment be ok if boys ripped off an 11 year old girl's clothes? I see you decided not to answer that.

I'll rephrase it. If 8th grade boys ripped the clothes off a 5th grade girl and posted it on Youtube, is that the punishment you'd want?


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
Yes, that's a case of sexual assault for sure.

Like you said, if the genders were reversed, there would be no option to not press charges, and it's quite likely that social services would have the aggressors in foster homes.

is that true about no option? if a young girl or woman gets sexually assualted, the police have no choice?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'd say they should press charges as they would undoubtedly do if the genders of the attackers and the victim were reversed.

If nothing else this situation highlights the extreme bias in our justice system and in our society regarding attitudes on victimology.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I did read the whole post. Once you make the girls "formally" apologize and give them their tiny slap on the wrist... THAT is their punishment. End of story unless they rip his clothes off again. This tiny slap means they are getting away with it.

And would that punishment be ok if boys ripped off an 11 year old girl's clothes? I see you decided not to answer that.

I'll rephrase it. If 8th grade boys ripped the clothes off a 5th grade girl and posted it on Youtube, is that the punishment you'd want?

Oh come on. I said they could go much further if warranted. Yank them out of their homes and put split them up, group home, and crack the hell right down on them. If warranted. You get that right, if warranted? Sometimes it's just to the best way to go in bringing down the hammer on someone to force them to submit and accept your control. The case of Ashley Smith is exactly the perfect example of Corrections Canada trying to do just that. Now there lawyers are trying to keep what they actually did, in front of cameras from being shown in court. The lot are, now that she's dead, scrambling to cover their arses because they shouldn't have been trying that crap with a girl who just told the lot of them to go take a flying fcuk. There is teaching a lesson and then there is trying to scare the **** out of someone. If they don't scare you're out of luck.

So tell me just what exactly would you do?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Oh come on. I said they could go much further if warranted. Yank them out of their homes and put split them up, group home, and crack the hell right down on them. If warranted. You get that right, if warranted? Sometimes it's just to the best way to go in bringing down the hammer on someone to force them to submit and accept your control. The case of Ashley Smith is exactly the perfect example of Corrections Canada trying to do just that. Now there lawyers are trying to keep what they actually did, in front of cameras from being shown in court. The lot are, now that she's dead, scrambling to cover their arses because they shouldn't have been trying that crap with a girl who just told the lot of them to go take a flying fcuk. There is teaching a lesson and then there is trying to scare the **** out of someone. If they don't scare you're out of luck.

So tell me just what exactly would you do?
Actually, I think the Ashley Smith case is clear example of the inability of Corrections Canada to identify, treat and basically deal with mentally ill individuals in their care. It may be an example of heavy handedness but I'm not sure anything quite that extreme applies in this situation.

This situation at minimum was extreme bullying (and we all know how those cases often turn out in the end) and maximum it's sexual assault. Irrespective and regardless of gender, it is the behaviour that is unacceptable and, as such, there needs to be a response to it that demonstrates just how unacceptable it is. Now I don't now, nor will I ever, advocate the "lock 'em up, throw the book at them" mentality but, I do believe consistency in applying laws and in sentencing, whether adult or young offenders, is an important part of how we send the message of the unacceptablity of the behaviour.

Just my two cents.


Time Out
Apr 17, 2011
So tell me just what exactly would you do?

When I was 11 years old. I would have gotten aroused, and blew DNA all over their faces. I doubt that they would have posted that on youtube.

If I was in authority I would make sure charges were pressed against them... equally... Just as if they were 8th Grade boys.

When I was 11 years old, I would have discharges pressed against them......but not if they were 8th grade boys. :)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A group of three girls attacked a young boy, choke and hold him down, strip his clothes off, and videotape the whole event.

YouTube - ‪Young Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy‬‏

The mother has declined pressing charges, and frankly, I'm pissed. If this had happened to a girl, if these had been boys perpetrating this assault, would the parents be given a choice in whether or not charges were pressed? I doubt it.

Holy Christ! How will this one escalate? Will this boy suicide out before
High School, or will he grow (physically) & find each girl individually, to
settle the score on a leveller playing fiend, as either a revenge sexual
assault, or physical assault....beating the living piss out'a each girl
one by one? Will this YouTube video become part of his future
defence in the legal system?

When these "girls" get a walk on this one, how will they escalate their
behaviour? Three 14yr olds, one video-recording, so two in on the
assault, would be like one 28yr old vrs one 11yr old boy? Yikes...
Numbers are a force multiplier.

My Father, with two of his Brothers, back in the early '50's, beat a man
almost to death from what I understand. Those three "boys" where 11yrs,
13yrs, & 15yrs old at the time. The man had assaulted their adult Sister.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
8O.................Holy shyt; here's a case for Captain Colpy. All eleven year old boys should be issued .357 magnums, with which to defend themselves against "older" women. Can't you just see the blood and guts in Nova Scotia, and the cheering........OMG, the cheering.

No doubt the poor little bastard in this case will grow up to be a women hater/lover, and wont know the difference. A fine line we tread. A fine line.

Mayhaps the wee ladies should all get a boot in the arse and sent home................that being the new cardboard box......god bless Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I've been thinking about this one for the last few days. I don't see it as sexual assault regardless of if the sex of the participants. Assault probably but there does not appear to be any intent for sex. Years ago in Campbell River there was an incident where a neighbour girl that was 14 or 15 at the time had her top ripped off in the mall by three other girls around the same age. They were rightfully charged with assault although their intent was not so much to harm her as to humiliate which is close to a prank not well thought out. Had to do with not belonging to the right group in school. Personally I thought they were jealous since the young lady had a bigger chest than the three attackers combined.

Holy Christ! How will this one escalate? Will this boy suicide out before
High School, or will he grow (physically) & find each girl individually, to
settle the score on a leveller playing fiend, as either a revenge sexual
assault, or physical assault....beating the living piss out'a each girl
one by one? Will this YouTube video become part of his future
defence in the legal system?

When these "girls" get a walk on this one, how will they escalate their
behaviour? Three 14yr olds, one video-recording, so two in on the
assault, would be like one 28yr old vrs one 11yr old boy? Yikes...
Numbers are a force multiplier.

My Father, with two of his Brothers, back in the early '50's, beat a man
almost to death from what I understand. Those three "boys" where 11yrs,
13yrs, & 15yrs old at the time. The man had assaulted their adult Sister.

That sounds more like justice being delivered in an appropriate and timely manner. This has been known to happen where I grew up as well where people looked after each other and avoided involving outsiders.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I was just pointing out the "numbers" thing. Two or three against one...& it really doesn't matter
who you are, or your gender or're going down. With the "numbers" thing, it doesn't
matter that this was a boy taken down by two girls (who where older than he was).