Galloway Won't Go Away


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I was talking about law here, the organization is outlawed in our sister country, that was my point.....
So, we are under separate constitutions, if we do something that causes most of our topsoil to blow away (into the oceans and then wonder why the fish are going belly-up) should any other 'related country' follow suit? Canada had a PM rule on that a year or so earlier, but after 911, so why didn't out 'sister' country stay in line and follow the lead of the 'older sister'? If groups need a review every year what others were on the list? Does total body count help in determining who is a causing terror?

" outlawed in Australia in 2003 for allegedly being linked to terrorist activities"

At that time what court date was set to start to hear the evidences and how many subsequent dates have been met to determine it is more than thought alone?

Galloway is also a British MP, that makes them a terrorist group by way of association, ban them all and have the trials somewhere down the road.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So, we are under separate constitutions, if we do something that causes most of our topsoil to blow away (into the oceans and then wonder why the fish are going belly-up) should any other 'related country' follow suit? Canada had a PM rule on that a year or so earlier, but after 911, so why didn't out 'sister' country stay in line and follow the lead of the 'older sister'? If groups need a review every year what others were on the list? Does total body count help in determining who is a causing terror?

Ahhh...that is about as incoherent as it could possibly be.

We are discussing Galloway's lawsuit against Jason Kenney.....remember? That is in a Canadian courtroom.

Kenney said Galloway supports terrorists. Galloway admits to supporting Hamas, which is on Canada's list of terrorist organizations.

So, rightly or wrongly, under Canadian law Kenney is not guilty of libel.

It is incredibly simple, so can we at least agree on that?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Hey numbnuts (there's the personal attack)..... it doesn't matter that Britain differentiates between the 2. Canada doesn't..... end of discussion....... In Canada's eyes he is a terrorist sympathiser and supporter...doesn't fricken matter WHAT Britain thinks....... as such, Canada denied him entrance and stated why.... it doesn't matter if he agrees with that finding...or if in Britain, he is walking on the legal side of the line. In Canada he crossed it.

and never mind about the "ya buts"..... we are talking about the big mouth galloway, and his bum buddies Hamas..... not the Isreali's.

In Canada its legal to sympathize with whoever you like and speak freely about it. But its illegal to support Canadian designated terrorist organizations with money or arms. Neither the Canadian government nor the JDL have ever proved these things about Galloway in any court of law. When Galloway gets his day in court, I suspect he will get a court ordered apology as well as financial compensation from people who have defamed him.

Galloway legally lent his voice to a charity which provided food to the malnourished and medical aid to diseased. He delivered that aid personally. Neither of these things are crimes in Canada or in the UK.

Israel blocks international food and medical aid from reaching the malnourished and diseased in violation of international law.

Funny how when Myanmar or Zimbabwe block humanitarian aid, Canada and most of the rest of the world had no problems denouncing these regimes for committing crimes against humanity and threatened sanctions and/or military intervention:
Burmanet » The Lancet (US): Blocking humanitarian assistance: a crime against humanity? – John D Kraemer

Yet when Israel does the exact same thing, these same governments and world leaders remain silent...

Worse they accuse people who circumvent Israel's illegal humanitarian aid blockade of terrorism.

Yes something is pretty screwed up here.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
In Canada its legal to sympathize with whoever you like and speak freely about it. But its illegal to support Canadian designated terrorist organizations with money or arms. Neither the Canadian government nor the JDL have ever proved these things about Galloway in any court of law. When Galloway gets his day in court, I suspect he will get a court ordered apology as well as financial compensation from people who have defamed him.

Galloway legally lent his voice to a charity which provided food to the malnourished and medical aid to diseased. He delivered that aid personally. Neither of these things are crimes in Canada or in the UK.

Israel blocks international food and medical aid from reaching the malnourished and diseased in violation of international law.

Funny how when Myanmar or Zimbabwe block humanitarian aid, Canada and most of the rest of the world had no problems denouncing these regimes for committing crimes against humanity and threatened sanctions and/or military intervention:
Burmanet » The Lancet (US): Blocking humanitarian assistance: a crime against humanity? – John D Kraemer

Yet when Israel does the exact same thing, these same governments and world leaders remain silent...

Worse they accuse people who circumvent Israel's illegal humanitarian aid blockade of terrorism.

Yes something is pretty screwed up here.


You can't really believe this horse****.

Galloway is a con man, a lover of fascists in general and Saddam Hussein in particular, a supporter of terrorism, and a sympathizer of the Taliban.....with whom both Britain and Canada are at war.

He admits supplying money to Hamas, indeed, he admits to smuggling it in the video I provided above. If he BRAGS about it, perhaps you could explain to me how ACCUSING him of it is Libelous???????????????????

We should not let him into Canada to pursue this idiotic suit, in fact, if the judge had anything faintly resembling a brain, he'd have thrown it out in the first place.....


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
And here a little about his know, money from Iraq's Hussein... - The case against Galloway - Comment

Before you convict Galloway, you should at least listen to his side:
YouTube - George Galloway at the US Senate Part 1

YouTube - George Galloway at the US Senate Part 2

(Notice the star rating? 5/5! Entertaining!)


On 17 July 2007, following a four-year inquiry, the House of Commons Select Committee on Standards and Privileges published its sixth report. The committee concluded that there was "no evidence" that Galloway gained any personal benefit from either the former Iraqi regime, or from the Oil-for-Food Programme.
House of Commons - Standards and Privileges - Sixth Report

Four years of investigation and the "secret" documents which "prove" Galloway accept bribes and kickbacks have never been produced. The middle man who allegedly transferred money to Galloway was never interviewed or questioned.

I would be careful about smearing Galloway with unproven unsubstantiated allegations. The Daily Telegraph wrote basically the same crap as you and here is what happened to them:

Galloway wins Saddam libel case

George Galloway said he was 'angry' after the case.

MP George Galloway has won £150,000 in libel damages from the Daily Telegraph over claims he received money from Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.
The Glasgow Kelvin MP had denied ever seeking or receiving money from Saddam Hussein's government, which he said he had long opposed....

...Outside the court, Mr Galloway said: "I had to risk absolute and utter ruin to bring this case.

"If I had lost I would have been homeless, I would have had everything I possess taken from me and would have been bankrupted and forced out of public office.

"In those circumstances I don't feel in any way happy about the award of £150,000.

"I feel angry that I have been effectively banished from the floor of the House of Commons for more than a year, I have had to risk everything to bring this action.

"I feel angry against [former telegraph owner] Conrad Black, [former editor] Charles Moore and [Lord Black's wife] Barbara Amiel."....

...The judge said the allegations were "seriously defamatory" of Mr Galloway

He said readers of the Telegraph claims may have understood them to mean:

Mr Galloway had been in Saddam's pay, secretly receiving about £375,000 a year.

He diverted monies from the oil-for-food programme, thus depriving the Iraqi people of food and medicines.

He probably used the Mariam Appeal, a campaign Mr Galloway launched to raise money for an Iraqi girl with leukaemia, as a front for personal enrichment.

What he had done was tantamount to treason....

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Galloway wins Saddam libel case
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

You can't really believe this horse****.

Galloway is a con man, a lover of fascists in general and Saddam Hussein in particular, a supporter of terrorism, and a sympathizer of the Taliban.....with whom both Britain and Canada are at war.

He admits supplying money to Hamas, indeed, he admits to smuggling it in the video I provided above. If he BRAGS about it, perhaps you could explain to me how ACCUSING him of it is Libelous???????????????????

We should not let him into Canada to pursue this idiotic suit, in fact, if the judge had anything faintly resembling a brain, he'd have thrown it out in the first place.....

Galloway would be in violation of Canadian law if he gave his own money to Hamas.

Galloway would not be in violation of Canadian law if the money came from a registered British charity. The Charity would be in violation of Canadian law, not Galloway.

Galloway is not a member of this Charity's board, nor is it known if Galloway ever gave money to this charity.

BTW, watch your Galloway video again and this time substitute "sweets" for "bribes" and that might explain a few things about the money's purpose. How do you think Galloway was able to cross a closed border crossing????


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

You can't really believe this horse****.

Galloway is a con man, a lover of fascists in general and Saddam Hussein in particular, a supporter of terrorism, and a sympathizer of the Taliban.....with whom both Britain and Canada are at war.

He admits supplying money to Hamas, indeed, he admits to smuggling it in the video I provided above. If he BRAGS about it, perhaps you could explain to me how ACCUSING him of it is Libelous???????????????????

We should not let him into Canada to pursue this idiotic suit, in fact, if the judge had anything faintly resembling a brain, he'd have thrown it out in the first place.....

Hang a man without a trial.

Unproven allegations are facts.

Guilty until proven innocent.

The accused has no right to face his accuser.

Are these your values? Because they sure as hell aren't mine or Canada's.

Section Eleven of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ahhh...that is about as incoherent as it could possibly be.

We are discussing Galloway's lawsuit against Jason Kenney.....remember? That is in a Canadian courtroom.

Kenney said Galloway supports terrorists. Galloway admits to supporting Hamas, which is on Canada's list of terrorist organizations.

So, rightly or wrongly, under Canadian law Kenney is not guilty of libel.

It is incredibly simple, so can we at least agree on that?
Still a pale second to yours. Notice the Judge already gave him the proper defense to use. Bowing to the Jewish lobby is probably another crime if that was in any way a factor. BTW why not when Canada first knew he was coming, why the wait till he was at the gate. That's just asking for headlines or was that part of the plan....see we can even get foreign MP's on the list.

Slander would seem to be more the Canadian crime, afer they lose in court what promotion do you think he will get??lol

Defamation, Libel, and Slander

The personal injury concept of "defamation" involves harm to a person's reputation. "Libel" and "slander" are two forms of defamation. Libel typically refers to defamation that is written or published, while slander is usually limited to oral defamation. Click on the links below for legal information on defamation, libel, and slander.

Under the above the JDL would be guilty of libel and slanderan Canada will be guilty of slander as she was repeating what she was instructed to do.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
...Kenney said Galloway supports terrorists. Galloway admits to supporting Hamas, which is on Canada's list of terrorist organizations.

So, rightly or wrongly, under Canadian law Kenney is not guilty of libel...

I disagree that Kenny and others named in the suit are "Not Guilty". I would say they are innocent until proven guilty. They haven't gotten a "Not Guilty" verdict yet. I doubt they are going to get one either. But that's for the courts to decide.

BTW, Colpy do you believe in due process? Judging from your posts, I'd say you have something against determining guilt or innocence through due process.

What Kenny and others did was claim Galloway finances terrorism, without any proof he ever gave any of his own money to Hamas. Unless Kenny and the others named in the lawsuit can link money from Galloway personally to Hamas, I'd say they are screwed.

Galloway's not stupid. As you can see above he's already been down this path. I think Galloway planned this from the start. He was hoping that someone would take the bait.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
EaO, your little hero is a scumball, a supporter of terrorism, a liar, and a con-artist.

Your unthinking belief in him is absolute evidence that I was correct when I called you "Naive"

Your ability to ignore the facts in this matter is revealing of your partisanship....

George Galloway's charity Interpal back under police glare - Palestinian Mothers

Oh, and here the idiot admits support for Hamas over and over and over......while handing over money....please note he admits smuggling cash to them....
Elected or not, Hamas is a TERROR ORGANIZATION under Canadian law, so Galloway is guilty of supporting terrorism.
YouTube - Galloway Giving Cash to Hamas

And here a little about his know, money from Iraq's Hussein... - The case against Galloway - Comment

Were there justice on this earth, Galloway would be hanged.

Spectacular post Colpy, a real gem, I mean that in a clean, objective and efficient way. Sometimes I don't know where I get the nerve to imagine I could compete with a highly organized monolith like yourself. You have said you do a lot of research, I can see the results, and it's impressive, you're like a machine. I especially like the demonic shrieking and the blanket vitriolic condemnation of all oponents of Israel. It must be a gift eh.:lol:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The CEO of Canadian Jewish Congress is who the bio (a very small part) isn't entirely free from having 'emotional contacts' with Jewish persecution. I have total sympathy for what his family has been through but that also makes him prejudiced towards all real and perceived prejudices. It doesn't say he was the one who wrote the letter, he certainly wasn't the one I saw on a televised (almost) debate.

"Born in Ottawa, Ontario[1], his father was a Polish Jew who lost his first wife, two children and other family members in the Holocaust. Farber cites his father's experience as a major motivation in his life, saying, "the pain my father endured during the war is what drove me to fight for social justice today.”[3]"

This update mentioned a Judge had already ruled on a motion, that ruling enforced the ban. I had posted a bit on one Judge that didn't lift anything but his comments were anything but harsh towards Mr Galloway, he even quoted the law that would be his 'best' defense. The update also gave the name of the CEO whose partial bio is above.

The Canadian Jewish News - Galloway threatens to sue CJC CEO

Any idea if any info is available on this decision,
"overrule the CBSA decision, which found Galloway had violated Canadian law by providing funds to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization"

How does Hamas get Canada to take them off a terrorist list?
Demanding that it make all it's citizens put down their rocks is not something any Nation can accomplish. When invaded some will resist through violense since that is the method being used against them the most.

The peace deal that ended in Dec was not the first one Hamas has entered into. How well they have done can only be determined by comparing infractions. 1 death is 1 infraction, 1 act of causing fear is an infraction, and the list goes on.

Just what does 'all options on the table' mean? It means if things don't change of their 'free will' force through violence will be used, and when it's the US Gov saying it, it could mean atomic. That isn't terror? What is the actual printed definition that clearly separates the two actions. From a distance only the body count is different.

Canada cleared on of our own after he was 'rendered a terrorist and taken for a confined interview'. After a fact finding mission they cleared him of all allegations and when we asked the US to remove his name fron their watch list they said no. (something to do with once tortured always a threat kind of thing)

Between two cease-fires Israel unloaded train-loads of explosives on Gaza, a few years before that it was the same thing unloaded on Lebanon.

What does Israel have to do to get on that watch list???

Hamas can still pursue the removal of Israel by the high courts. If one doesn't exist already then do it in the UN and the big 5 get duct-taped and put in the corner until a resolution has been approved by all remaining countries. Then turn 'the big 5' loose if the resolutions are not complied with in a speedy and voluntary manner.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The Jewish Defense League had every right to bring Galloway to the attention of Immigration Canada. But neither had any right to publicly defame George Galloway.

Currently George Galloway is only suspected of materially supporting a terrorist organization. (innocent until proven guilty). That accusation has not been proven in a court of law. Until an accusation is proven in a court of law, it remains an accusation.

Publicly making false claims and accusations against people for the purpose of defaming them or causing them harm is illegal in Canada.

So if you say or write something nasty about someone, you better be ready to back it up with evidence. The onus is on the accuser to prove guilt, not the accused to prove innocence.

The video posted by Colpy, shows Galloway delivering humanitarian aid and money to the legally elected Palestinian government which happens to be Hamas. But the video does not prove whose money he gave. Galloway will claim he was deliverying it on behalf of a legally registered British charity, which makes him a delivery man, like the postman or western union, not a terrorist financier as claimed by those named in Galloway's defamation suit.

If the people named in Galloway's libel suit can't back up their public accusations with proof, then they are guilty of defaming Mr. Galloway and will have to compensate Galloway accordingly.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Then he should be charged with abuse of process. He has no business wasting our time and money to promote himself.

He's not wasteing my time or money in fact if he needs more I'll gleefully donate.
We Canadians waste so much time and effort discussing the paltry problems of that ****ty little rogue state. Why does the entire world have to be held hostage to genocidal child murderers. Oh, of course, I forgot the blackmail and the bribes. Israel is the planets biggest organized crime. We should all be thankfull men like Galloway exist at all in the age of Zionism.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Then he should be charged with abuse of process. He has no business wasting our time and money to promote himself.

Galloway never initiated this process. The Jewish Defense league and Canada immigration did.

The people named in the defamation lawsuit can stop this process simply by publicly apologizing to Galloway and allowing Galloway entry to Canada.

Or they can stand by their comments and take their chances in court. So the next step is up to them, not Galloway.

Being clever is not abuse of process. Galloway, like anyone has a right to defend himself from unsubstantiated accusations. During the process he will raise issues regarding Canada's support of Israel's illegal activities as well as inappropriate relationships between pro-Israeli lobbyists and public officials.

At the same time, the defendants accused of defaming Galloway will have a chance to substantiate their accusations. But considering the evidence they need would come from Galloway and the charity he supported, I doubt they will find anything. Likely Galloway had his lawyers and accountants go over everything that might be supoenaed, before he decided to launch his lawsuit.
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