Galloway Won't Go Away

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
LOL, look at your handle and then look at your answer. LOL

My handle is consistant with my answer.

Proof, where is it? They want a pass on condemnation for bombing a UN School that they announced would be a safe-zone then they better be able to offer up some proof. So far anything resembling proof is absent, just as they offered no proof for the Nov attack that killed 6 and injured just as many. Had it been 6 IDF killed and 6 injured some for of retribution would have followed.

Were we talking about a school? I thought we were talking about civilian versus military casualties. Nice try though.

Oh yes as part of the cease-fire agreement from June19-Dec19, '08 had to do with opening up the blockade, as pointed out they failed to do comment on the fact that they were in constant violation of the crease-fire.

lol I've commented more times than I care to remember. You just like to ignore inconvenient facts. The opening of the blockade was contingent on the rocket firing stopping. The rockets never stopped. Another nice try.

Under a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in June 2008, Israel agreed to lift its blockade. However, Israel mostly maintained it. By August 2008, Israel was still allowing in very few goods.[12] At Egypt's request, Israel did not always respond to Palestinian cease fire violations by closing the border.[13]

Again, the rockets never stopped.

Again, check your facts. The border was to be opened incrementally over time based on no rockets being fired. That condition wasn't met.

[edit] Blockade agreements

The Palestinians who negotiated the 2008 cease-fire believed that the commerce in Gaza was to be restored to the levels preceding Israel's withdrawal in 2005 and Hamas's electoral victory.

That's BS. See above. Complete unilateral opening of the borders was never agreed to. Ever.

[14][15] Israeli policy tied the easing of the blockade on success in reducing rocket fire[16].

Israeli policy? No, the terms of the ceasefire. Yet another nice try.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
But their actions were just a ruse to launch a surprise attack on civilian targets in Gaza.

Surprise? Please tell me that's a joke. :lol:

Surprise? They should read this forum because we've been warning the Palestinians for YEARS that it would happen if they didn't quit spoiling for a fight. Surprise?!! lol


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
My handle is consistant with my answer.
Well you are in need of a name change over to just my facts. Again you left out the facts, where is the proof that UN Schools were areas that Hamas was using to.
So far the "demonstable facts" are 100% missing.

Were we talking about a school? I thought we were talking about civilian versus military casualties. Nice try though.
Women and kids were taking shelter in the UN Schools. Your post #83 should be a classic, kill them and the paper-trail that can be followed from that point will show he was a fighter. This logic was given to the Christians in the middle-ages, did that come from the same group that gave you your reply?

lol I've commented more times than I care to remember. You just like to ignore inconvenient facts. The opening of the blockade was contingent on the rocket firing stopping. The rockets never stopped. Another nice try.
Now post some actual proof, point it out and we will see that the same corruption used in all Indian Treaties contained the same snake-oil that Israel peddles in the way they write up their agreements.
Again, the rockets never stopped.
No Israel is a liar, plain and simple.
"Israel has stated that food imports into the Strip were restricted by its inability to operate at border checkpoints facing constant Palestinian attack, and not because of any Israeli-imposed limits.[22]"

This really looks like the blockade was lifted, proof Israel will break each and everything she signs.

"Over the one month period from 4 November to 8 December, about 700 truck loads of goods went into Gaza, which is about the amount of material that would have gone through in a single day without a blockade.[11][24]"

Again, check your facts. The border was to be opened incrementally over time based on no rockets being fired. That condition wasn't met.
Yes we know the condition of easing the blockade wasn't met.

That's BS. See above. Complete unilateral opening of the borders was never agreed to. Ever.
On a good month Israel let in what could pass through easily in one single day.

BBC News reported in 11 November that Gaza was then receiving only 28% of the amount of goods traded before the Hamas takeover.[22]

Liars through and through. Just because they lied, just as we lied about every treaty we ever signed with the First Nations, is no reason to hold them up as an example of how to act.

Our contribution was based how wrong we were in our policies toward Native People's rights.

"The State shall ensure adequate primary and secondary education for the Arab and Jewish minority, respectively, in its own language and its cultural traditions.
The right of each community to maintain its own schools for the education of its own members in its own language, while conforming to such educational requirements of a general nature as the State may impose, shall not be denied or impaired. Foreign educational establishments shall continue their activity on the basis of their existing rights. "

Seems like were were violating those rights even when we were supporting those same rights be upheld in other lands. No wonder we want our hypocritical borders closed when it comes to speeches about Human Rights of minority peoples.

Israeli policy? No, the terms of the ceasefire. Yet another nice try.
Who do you think insisted that be in the agreement?

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Well you are in need of a name change over to just my facts. Again you left out the facts, where is the proof that UN Schools were areas that Hamas was using to.
So far the "demonstable facts" are 100% missing.

Again with the schools? You keep skirting the casualty report, which is what we were talking about. Strange.

Women and kids were taking shelter in the UN Schools. Your post #83 should be a classic, kill them and the paper-trail that can be followed from that point will show he was a fighter.

So, there's something illegitmate about concluding that a "police officer" with a website showing him with a Koran and an ak47 glorifying his death as a martyrdom was actually a combatant? Your only response to an actual fact is to pull up some drivel about the middle ages?

Now post some actual proof

Umm, I already did, several times. You chose to ignore it. Unlike some people, I don't keep a handy database to copy and paste from, so I'm afraid you'll have to search the archives yourself.

You're reminding me of that "must sterilize" robot in star trek just before he blew up. :lol:

"The State shall ensure adequate primary and secondary education for the Arab and Jewish minority, respectively, in its own language and its cultural traditions.
The right of each community to maintain its own schools for the education of its own members in its own language, while conforming to such educational requirements of a general nature as the State may impose, shall not be denied or impaired. Foreign educational establishments shall continue their activity on the basis of their existing rights. "

lol too bad the Arabs never accepted the UN resolution. Maybe if they had gone ahead and declared a state instead of war we'd be sharing a good falafel instead of having this discussion.

Still, shall we compare the number of Arab language schools in Israel versus the number of Hebrew language schools in Gaza? Shall we compare the rights enjoyed by Arabs in Israel versus the rights enjoyed by Jews in Gaza? I'd be game.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Again with the schools? You keep skirting the casualty report, which is what we were talking about. Strange.
These ones from your link? 83% of the dead should have never been injured. Pitiful.
On March 12, the PCHR released its most recent statistics: 1,417 dead, including 926 civilians, 255 non-combatant police officers, and 236 fighters.

Your side claims these numbers are correct, "the IDF parried with its own fatality count: 1,166 dead, 709 of them Hamas terror operatives, 295 "uninvolved Palestinians" (89 under the age of 16, and 49 of them women). In addition, the IDF identified 162 men whose names had not yet been attributed to any organization."

Looks like time to allow the UN in (and others to assure impartiality) since even the totals are unequal. Why should Israel even have a say in an investigation that takes place outside their borders. After all the killed over a 1,000 just a few years ago an nobody did anything about it, why do they think these war crimes would be acted on? The middle ages was based on witch-hunts, so is Israel's stance on this situation. Way too many kids over 12 have been sniped for it to be anything but deliberate targeting.

So, there's something illegitmate about concluding that a "police officer" with a website showing him with a Koran and an ak47 glorifying his death as a martyrdom was actually a combatant? Your only response to an actual fact is to pull up some drivel about the middle ages?
Post a few links if they are so readily available.

The middle ages was based on witch-hunts, so is Israel's stance on this situation. Way too many kids over 12 have been sniped for it to be anything but deliberate targeting.

Umm, I already did, several times. You chose to ignore it. Unlike some people, I don't keep a handy database to copy and paste from, so I'm afraid you'll have to search the archives yourself.
You can't even remember important details of an OP yet you remember posting links on this particular part of an issue.

lol too bad the Arabs never accepted the UN resolution. Maybe if they had gone ahead and declared a state instead of war we'd be sharing a good falafel instead of having this discussion.
Israel was at war before the date set for both getting independence was even on the horizon. What ever date Israel used (May 15 I think) the UN date was Oct of that year. Israel has yet to recognize that that date has come and gone. All these killings over the years, and maiming, and military invasion have been against a sovereign country, major list of execution able offences.
They don't have to accept their land being taken away fron them, they have that right, the UN system allowed for no more force than saying 'please'. When no was the reply the Jews should have been taken in by the 33 that said the deserve a special place to call their own. Look how well they fit in with the general populations of those 33 places.

Still, shall we compare the number of Arab language schools in Israel versus the number of Hebrew language schools in Gaza? Shall we compare the rights enjoyed by Arabs in Israel versus the rights enjoyed by Jews in Gaza? I'd be game.
Start with this.
Arabs residing in the area of the proposed Jewish State and Jews residing in the area of the proposed Arab State who have signed a notice of intention to opt for citizenship of the other State shall be eligible to vote in the elections to the Constituent Assembly of that State, but not in the elections to the Constituent Assembly of the State in which they reside.

Jews could keep their land but Jews could not buy more land in those two areas. I'll start with the Jews enjoying the confiscation of land in the West Bank that goes towards building Jewish only settlements. The land is taken it is not purchased, nor can land be purchased in the West Bank for Jewish use. How many areas of Israel have the Palestinians confiscated as settlements?
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