Freeland Harassed in Alberta

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
For the record, I don't think the fact she was a woman had anything to do with it. If she was male she would have been subject to the same verbal backlash. Not defending the behavior. It has no place in a civilized society, but hasn't the reaction too it now been over the top? He didn't shoot her or physically harm her. It's stuff like this that TrueDope will milk for all its worth. Garner the sympathy vote.
Since we seem to be amidst something of a — wonderful phrase this — “teachable moment” about nasty and vulgar terms tossed at political figures, and we have had the obligatory lecture from the impresario of what is correct to say and what is not, “personkind” Justin Trudeau, let’s have a go at it.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was the object of a rude and crude tirade during an appearance in Grande Prairie, Alta., on Friday. I believe the F-word was tossed her way at least twice.

There is never any need, less any justification, for such language. Forget the imperatives of law; the majestic custom of courtesy, of honourable and respectable human interaction, which is what courtesy is, was violated. Courtesy is more important than law — it is how good people have exchanges with people with whom they disagree while maintaining civility. Law has nothing to do with it. Decency of exchange is deeper than any law.

What was shouted at Freeland was despicable, and that is, without qualification, my judgment on it. It was not, however, in any way symbolic or indicative of the Canadian sensibility. Quite the opposite.

Prime Minister Trudeau, as usual, responded with his automatic “this is not what Canada is about” speech. But we didn’t need the reminder.

Of course it isn’t what Canada is about. Trudeau wished to inflate a stupid moment by an oddball protester into an indictment of Canadians.

Well, “Canada” didn’t shout at Ms. Freeland. One guy did. The guy who did is not “Canada.” Not any taste of what most Canadians are like.

Regardless, Trudeau leaped on this singular incident to preach his always-ready sermon about hate and language.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You know what really pisses me off? The fucking Libshits trying to make political hay out of a single person who yelled at Freeland. This is the same govt that's been pretty goddam quiet about handing over more than $500,000 of Canadian tax dollars to a raging anti-Semite who also has a major racist attitude towards Black, White and Aboriginal people too.
Rex Murphy hits the nail right on the head here:
"Could it be that in the imperial halls of our present government, the attitude of “the Jews are used to it” serves as a screen for lassitude toward antisemitism? That a foul word against a cabinet minister calls out the trumpets, but subsidies to an antisemitic “anti-racism” consultant requires no flood of denunciation at all? Requires that ministers remain quiet? Back-benchers mute? By the way — is there not one backbencher in the Liberal caucus who has any idea of spine?"

Nah, let's all just pick on one guy in Alberta and rage against his hate. The thing is, I doubt he was receiving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars granted to him by the govt.

In fact, never mind the crap Freeland received, how do you think Tamara Lich feels being persecuted for peacefully protesting. I tell ya, I'd feel a FUCK of a lot more intimidated being persecuted by a govt that has gone totally off the rails then some shmuck yelling at me.
Tamara Lich merely exercised her Charter right to organize and lead a peaceful protest, yet this govt has no problem persecuting her and trying to intimidate her.

Fuck all this hypocrisy bullshit. If you're going to act like a bunch of fucking assholes, then quit whining when you get treated like the assholes you are. It's really that simple. Quit demanding respect when you clearly have NO respect for the Canadian voter/taxpayer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
RCMP investigating harassment of Chrystia Freeland during Alberta visit
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Publishing date:Aug 30, 2022 • 1 day ago • 2 minute read • 83 Comments

OTTAWA — The RCMP says it is investigating an incident last Friday in which Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia was subjected to a profane tirade in Grande Prairie, Alta.

A video posted on Twitter by an account that voices opposition to COVID-19 public health measures shows Freeland entering an elevator while a large man approaches her, hurling profanities and calling her a “traitor.”

The man in the video looms in front of the open elevator doors and tells Freeland to get out of Alberta, while a woman tells her, “You don’t belong here.”

In a statement, RCMP spokeswoman Robin Percival says physical or verbal actions in person or online can have significant effects and may be against the law.

She says when the threshold for a criminal charge is met, the RCMP or the police of jurisdiction may arrest and lay charges.

If the criminal threshold is not met, the RCMP examines the threats and derogatory comments from an intelligence perspective.

Under RCMP regulations, MPs can receive RCMP protection in Canada and abroad as needed.

“For security reasons, the RCMP doesn’t comment on specifics when it comes to security measures afforded to the deputy prime minister,” Percival said.

Protective measures are intelligence-led and are proportional to any threats or risks assessed by the RCMP, the federal Integrated Threat Assessment Centre and other partners, she added.

“The RCMP continuously reviews its protective measures and practices in place in order to ensure a safe and secure environment for protectees.”

The episode involving Freeland has drawn widespread condemnation.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino says the incident is part of a broader pattern of objectionable behaviour, aimed in particular at women, people of colour and Indigenous people.

He said this week it is important to “bring the temperature down,” adding federal officials are keeping options open to better address the phenomenon.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In the video I saw she was rushed and cornered by a woman with a man behind her yelling shit followed by another woman filming.

Why is media saying the oppisite of what anyone with functional vision can see?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
You'll have to have a little better evidence than that. Just for fun, lets see you walk up to that guy and tell him what a liberal you think he is :) I'll say something nice at the funeral :)
There is all kinds of setup theories floating around the net. Pick one.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They dont need to set anything up. The woman who boxed Freeland in the elevator doesnt exist in print, only in tne video. Print says it was a man who boxed her in.

Or maybe it was a trans in the blue dress who was yelling while a bearded lesbian was mistaken for a guy?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In the video I saw she was rushed and cornered by a woman with a man behind her yelling shit followed by another woman filming.

Why is media saying the oppisite of what anyone with functional vision can see?
The dont need to set anything up. The woman who boxed Freeland in the elevator doesnt exist in print, only in tne video. Print says it was a man who boxed her in.

Or maybe it was a trans in the blue dress who was yelling while a bearded lesbian was mistaken for a guy?
I thought this was odd, back on page 2 and post# 37…. but nobody else picked up on what was being pointed out so I left it alone…. but I did think it was strange at the time.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I thought this was odd, back on page 2 and post# 37…. but nobody else picked up on what was being pointed out so I left it alone…. but I did think it was strange at the time.
Shows how far they will go to change the narrative.

Maybe its a jedi mind trick?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The other day on the top dog CKNW 980 the afternoon government apologizist was telling us that Minister Freeland was in a federal government building , and refused to be corrected .