Freeland Harassed in Alberta


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
He stood in front of the elevator, restricting her ability to leave, and his very size and demeanor and tone was more than threatening enough. Lets not pretend that if you were backed into an elevator by that guy yelling at you like that you would feel no sense of threat. He wasn't simply holding up a placard or the like.

Whether or not he was a liberal plant, the behavior was certainly threatening.
She didn't want to leave. She had just voluntarily stepped into that elevator, presumably to take it to another floor.

Nice try though.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
She didn't want to leave. She had just voluntarily stepped into that elevator, presumably to take it to another floor.

Nice try though.
Oh please. If she wanted to go somewhere else, be it another floor or whatever, she wanted to leave. Unless you're trying to suggest she just decided that she really wanted to have a discussion with this person and the best place do to that would be inside an elevator.

it's not ok to do that to people, especially not a woman. I daresay if someone behaved like that to your wife or your daughter or mother you would not be saying it was acceptable behavior.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh please. If she wanted to go somewhere else, be it another floor or whatever, she wanted to leave. Unless you're trying to suggest she just decided that she really wanted to have a discussion with this person and the best place do to that would be inside an elevator.

it's not ok to do that to people, especially not a woman. I daresay if someone behaved like that to your wife or your daughter or mother you would not be saying it was acceptable behavior.
She was walking to the elevator from the main door across the lobby. Clearly she had a meeting or something on an upper floor. The hecklers didn't try to get on the elevator, didn't try to hold the door open, any of that.

Again, nice try.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Narcissists like Trudeau won't change their sunny ways even if humiliated, caught lying, guilty of a crime.

Psychology is a Science that needs to be followed. A non-confidence vote that applies this Science is a peer review that leads to a consensus.

Why won't Canadians do what the Liberigarchs insist we should do and follow the Science and the Science of Psychology?
Simple. The science does not come up with the desired outcome. About the only two important things I picked up from high school science is reasonably decent technical writing and the proper way to experiment.
Testing the theory
Conclusion. Either positive or negative.
Starting with the desired conclusion and working backwards as turdOWE and his ilk like to do only produces lies and bad science.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Nobody is safe walking the streets of Calgary. My brother who is wheelchair bound was beaten and robbed about a month ago by a homeless meth rat. Trudeau has economically devistated Calgary forcing the city to cut policing and fire protection. Calgary is a beautiful city that is rapidly turning into a Winnipeg type scenario with residents barely eeking out a living while the blight sets in. Its sad.
The fact that Calgary has a left leaning mayor isn't helping their cause either. Same that has happened to Hongcouver.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
She was walking to the elevator from the main door across the lobby. Clearly she had a meeting or something on an upper floor. The hecklers didn't try to get on the elevator, didn't try to hold the door open, any of that.
They stood at the doorway so she couldn't leave and could easily have stopped the elevator. Her ability to go, which she clearly wanted to, was impeded.

Once again - swing and a miss on your part.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Who cares. You're making excuses for inexcusable behavior and that's not ok. If she were wandering naked down a back alley at night, a woman in Canada should not have to fear being attacked or threatened by anyone. If she is - that person is doing something wrong and should go to jail.

It's one thing to protest the gov't. That was something else.
Not if it was a setup. I haven't noticed a woman in any of the news clips either. Perhaps the media was told beforehand what to report? Wouldn't be the first time.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Not if it was a setup. I haven't noticed a woman in any of the news clips either. Perhaps the media was told beforehand what to report? Wouldn't be the first time.
You'll have to have a little better evidence than that. Just for fun, lets see you walk up to that guy and tell him what a liberal you think he is :) I'll say something nice at the funeral :)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do you frequently do things you consider to be 'wrong'?
To be honest, I have no idea. I wasnt there and never really read or saw any news on this. I just have questions. If they'll close and secure a beach in a National Park for her comrade in Chief to surf, why hell didnt she at least have a Commissionairhead with her?
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So what you're saying is you're unable to actually articulate what you think it's "about" so you're going to blather. Well.. i guess that's one option...
Read the forums. I've been quite articulate about what it's about.
No he wasn't. He took over the chancellorship after the previous guy died unexpectedly. He was not elected to that position.
Kind'a like how Groper wasn't elected to a majority. Hitler wasn't elected Chancellor, correct. However the nazi party got enough votes to put Hitler in a position to take over.
He is not a 'dictator', as much as he'd like to be.
Yeah, it's not like wannabe dictators have ever become dictators or anything.
He's still just a prime minister and the house still has it's rules.
:LOL: Tell me how much legislation Groper has shoved through without Parliamentary debate or ascent to the Senate and I'll take that statement seriously.
He's democratically elected and either you respect democracy or you don't.
Well, considering Groper gave himself a run away ersatz majority govt against the will of the voters I'd be questioning HIS level of respect for democracy before mine. Yes, I know coalitions form in multi-party systems but it seems rather unethical to form one to give yourself an unearned majority.
Yeah. He's the type who would do that. But that changes nothing.
:ROFLMAO: Yeah, it does.
Sounds like you've earned it too based on what you're supporting now.
I support anti-authoritarianism so I've earned it, huh?
Then we should elect someone else. That's our choice. That's literally how democracy works. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Oh Jesus fucking H. Christ on a crutch. Quit blathering on about voting. Democracy means a helluva lot more than merely being able to vote every few years. Without govt accountability you have no democracy. At what fucking point in the last almost 7 years has this govt showed an ounce of accountability for anything it's done?
A party that has worked as hard to undermine our democratic, and other institutions deserves what it gets. A party that refers to peacefully protesting Canadians as "intolerable" deserves what it gets. A party that grossly abuses its power deserves what it gets. A party that chillingly freezes the bank accounts of ordinary, every day average Canadians for supporting a peaceful protest the govt falsely labeled as a group of racists while funneling billions of Canadian dollars to a province that is pushing racist legislation, deserves what it gets.
A govt that ideologically attacks and punishes western Canadian O&G in the name of climate change while the PM hops aboard his private jet every two fucking weeks and approves a deep sea drilling project off the East Coast, deserves what it gets.

If these fucking whiny cunts want some respect then they better start showing Canadians more than the utter contempt they have for us. That respect thing is a two way street.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Read the forums. I've been quite articulate about what it's about.
So you still can't articulate your own thoughts. Well.. maybe the problem is your thoughts then.

Kind'a like how Groper wasn't elected to a majority.
It's not even remotely close to anything like that. Holy crap - do i really have to explain the difference between not winning a majority and not actually running at all? Hitler was never elected to chancellor, nor did his party get enough votes to do that. With the death of the previous chancellor he assumed that role and THEN siezed power illegally and took over. Justin won the most seats fair and square. And in a minority which means he needs the help of at least one other party to get things done. And hasn't seized power or declared himself dictator as hitler did.

Yeah, it's not like wannabe dictators have ever become dictators or anything.
Yeah - it's not like one has. He is still answerable to the house and the law.

Tell me how much legislation Groper has shoved through without Parliamentary debate or ascent to the Senate and I'll take that statement seriously.
None. It is not possible to pass legislation without going through the senate or having it ratified by the GG. Clearly you don't know how our system works.

I support anti-authoritarianism
You support authortarianism. Not 'anti'. you believe that people should be bent to your thinking by force and intimidation. That is what you are supporting here That is NOT anti-authortarianism. That's closer to your hitler reference. It's not appropriate for anyone who actually does believe in anti authoritarian thinking, Non authortarians tend to believe that you don't just beat or scare people into doing what you want.

As to your next drool-filled rant - it was virtually ENTIRELY stupid. You pretend voting has nothing to do with democracy. That's dumb.

Like it or not in a democracy leaders are elected. Justin's party got the most seats. If we had gotten the most seats, we'd expect the other side to be unhappy with many of our decisions but we'd expect them to respect the democratic process.

Either you're a brownshirt or you're not. If you're not, intimidating and threatening women in elevators to force the gov't to your will is not an acceptable course of action.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Solidarity! Following the Chrystia Freeland video, we got reactions from every male party leader.​

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was quick to immediately condemn the abusive verbal attack – so quick that we hadn’t even reached out to his office yet!

“Let me be clear, I absolutely denounce the extremely disturbing harassment of my colleague Deputy Prime Minister Freeland,” added Trudeau emphatically, “mainly because it allows me to avoid talking about things like skyrocketing housing prices or COVID numbers rising nationwide.”

“If you could immediately call me for comment whenever any other women get harassed at any time so that I can avoid having to say anything about inflation, I’d really appreciate it,” Trudeau added. What an ally!

Next up was Conservative Leadership hopeful Jean Charest, who we accidentally called when we meant to dial Pierre Poilievre for a juicier quote. “What happened to Minister Freeland was gross intimidation, and every political leader must speak out and condemn this. Speaking of political leaders, how am I doing? Have you heard anything about the leadership race? Oh God, I can’t get trounced by that campus conservative ventriloquist doll.”

Aw, hang in there Jean!

Before we reached out to said ventriloquist doll, we got a comment from NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh (“Just put me down for whatever JT said, thanks!”).

From there, the hunt began to corner CPC Leadership hopeful Pierre Poilievre into giving a quote regarding Freeland’s public intimidation by a burly Alberta man who is almost certainly gonna vote for him.

After days of cat and mouse chasing, we finally cornered Poilievre at a campaign event. “This harassment is absolutely unacceptable, and I am speaking of course of people being mean to me online and unfairly pointing out how my policies are ‘bad’ and my populism is ‘super fake’. In conclusion, I accept you apology.”

Well there you have it, each of the 4 male party leaders responding to the shocking accosting of Chrystia Freeland, who we considered getting a quote from, but then were like “nah”.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
View attachment 15407

Solidarity! Following the Chrystia Freeland video, we got reactions from every male party leader.​

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was quick to immediately condemn the abusive verbal attack – so quick that we hadn’t even reached out to his office yet!

“Let me be clear, I absolutely denounce the extremely disturbing harassment of my colleague Deputy Prime Minister Freeland,” added Trudeau emphatically, “mainly because it allows me to avoid talking about things like skyrocketing housing prices or COVID numbers rising nationwide.”

“If you could immediately call me for comment whenever any other women get harassed at any time so that I can avoid having to say anything about inflation, I’d really appreciate it,” Trudeau added. What an ally!

Next up was Conservative Leadership hopeful Jean Charest, who we accidentally called when we meant to dial Pierre Poilievre for a juicier quote. “What happened to Minister Freeland was gross intimidation, and every political leader must speak out and condemn this. Speaking of political leaders, how am I doing? Have you heard anything about the leadership race? Oh God, I can’t get trounced by that campus conservative ventriloquist doll.”

Aw, hang in there Jean!

Before we reached out to said ventriloquist doll, we got a comment from NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh (“Just put me down for whatever JT said, thanks!”).

From there, the hunt began to corner CPC Leadership hopeful Pierre Poilievre into giving a quote regarding Freeland’s public intimidation by a burly Alberta man who is almost certainly gonna vote for him.

After days of cat and mouse chasing, we finally cornered Poilievre at a campaign event. “This harassment is absolutely unacceptable, and I am speaking of course of people being mean to me online and unfairly pointing out how my policies are ‘bad’ and my populism is ‘super fake’. In conclusion, I accept you apology.”

Well there you have it, each of the 4 male party leaders responding to the shocking accosting of Chrystia Freeland, who we considered getting a quote from, but then were like “nah”.
That’s about it but hay they got the donkeys in the press braying .


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
To be honest, I have no idea. I wasnt there and never really read or saw any news on this. I just have questions. If they'll close and secure a beach in a National Park for her comrade in Chief to surf, why hell didnt she at least have a Commissionairhead with her?
I think the short answer is Cabinet ministers don't get the same security as the PM.