Freeland Harassed in Alberta

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I hear you, & this incident happened at a very fortunate time politically I guess, in that the Canadian economy is sliding towards the toilet…& this happens to happen to the current finance minister…
….Who will be, or at least should be, facing some heavy criticism in the not too distant future. Weirdly conveniently distracting timing.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
For the record, I don't think the fact she was a woman had anything to do with it. If she was male she would have been subject to the same verbal backlash. Not defending the behavior. It has no place in a civilized society, but hasn't the reaction too it now been over the top? He didn't shoot her or physically harm her. It's stuff like this that TrueDope will milk for all its worth. Garner the sympathy vote.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'll defend it. Heckling public officials is a right. Maybe not real productive, but it does no harm. On the information reported, the hecklers did not interrupt or delay any proceeding or any work of the government. They expressed their disapproval and their opinions. They did so crudely. Tough titty.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
--Harry Truman

Or in this case "If you can't stand the heat, go back to the kitchen"

I'll let myself out.

Seriously though, this is a woman that wants people fined $6000 for daring to exercise their Charter right to enter Canada without downloading Trudeau's tracking app.

But don't speak rudely to her.

I wouldn't have done what the guy did. No class. A bad look. But have you seen what they do to Trudeau, Singh, Poilievre.......without the news media talking about it for a week?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
For the record, I don't think the fact she was a woman had anything to do with it. If she was male she would have been subject to the same verbal backlash. Not defending the behavior. It has no place in a civilized society, but hasn't the reaction too it now been over the top? He didn't shoot her or physically harm her. It's stuff like this that TrueDope will milk for all its worth. Garner the sympathy vote.
It's called trying to make political hay. And maybe if the Liberals and Dippers weren't actively working to destroy Canada they wouldn't be receiving the backlash they get almost everywhere they go.
Trudeau stated quite clearly early on that his goal was to turn Canada into the first post-nation state. And he's doing that by letting the WEF and UN, not Canadians, dictate policy in Canada. He's nothing more than a puppet. That's right folks, we have a puppet regime. Lucky us.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Narcissists like Trudeau won't change their sunny ways even if humiliated, caught lying, guilty of a crime.

Psychology is a Science that needs to be followed. A non-confidence vote that applies this Science is a peer review that leads to a consensus.

Why won't Canadians do what the Liberigarchs insist we should do and follow the Science and the Science of Psychology?
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Narcissists like Trudeau won't change their sunny ways even if humiliated, caught lying, guilty of a crime.

Psychology is a Science that that needs to be followed. A non-confidence vote that applies this Science is a peer review that leads to a consensus.

Why won't Canadians do what the Liberigarchs insist we should do and follow the Science of Psychology?
Because the only "science" those dicks follow is ideologically approved "science".


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's honestly amazing to me how completely arrogant, two-faced and tone-deaf the current regime of corrupt "leaders" are. They overtly and methodically stoke hate, anger, and division in the country, then use it to control, distract, and declare moral superiority. They proudly boast about Canadians charter rights, yet shit all over those charter rights which are afforded to all people in this country, then call them disgusting names, freeze bank accounts and crush them when people push back and complain. They hypocritically screech about autonomy and respect for personal choice out of one side of their face, then use coercion and autocratic decree to forbid that very same choice when it's a different "group" who they despise. They actively and intentionally destroy the resource economy of one region in the country while propping up economies in other regions, then are dumbfounded when confronted by unrestrained anger of people while visiting those regions which they've systematically decimated.

Regardless of how pathetically clueless and out of touch these clowns obviously are, it still amazes me that they can't figure out where the anger and hostility is coming from. They can't understand they are the cause of all of it. And it disgusts me that they use their own seething, taunting contempt of the people in certain regions of this country to intentionally evoke negative reaction, then use that reaction for political gain....and then unbelievably declare moral superiority!

The only thing that amazes me more is how clueless their supporters are. They don't seem to comprehend that the very system that they use as a shield and weapon to attack their opponents is the same system that the left is systematically trying to tear down and destroy. They don't seem to realize that the Trudeau Liberal stink contaminates them as well, and that corrupt and autocratic precedents that have been set over the last 6 years will undoubtedly some day be used against them.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The thing of it is the same thing happens to men all the time - look at Jagmeet just a month ago where he had to speed away in his (chauffeur driven) car as people confronted him in a similar fashion. But to hear trudeau it's just women. And calling them names is probably going to calm them right down.

Frankly i agree that it's unacceptable. I think justin trudeau should be able to walk the streets of Calgary without an escort and be perfectly safe and free from fear. I'm disappointed to see things getting like this. But he's making things worse and he's played a large role in getting things to this point.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Because the only "science" those dicks follow is ideologically approved "science".
Science is rigid, cold, heartless and cannot be flexed to fit. Where is the Science we are to follow when we've been lied to about Covid-19 and alleged climate change. Ive heard Trudeau say he can see Global Warming. Nobody can see global warming unless you have a porch on your moon cabin and live 500+ years.

White lies for our own good?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The thing of it is the same thing happens to men all the time - look at Jagmeet just a month ago where he had to speed away in his (chauffeur driven) car as people confronted him in a similar fashion. But to hear trudeau it's just women. And calling them names is probably going to calm them right down.

Frankly i agree that it's unacceptable. I think justin trudeau should be able to walk the streets of Calgary without an escort and be perfectly safe and free from fear. I'm disappointed to see things getting like this. But he's making things worse and he's played a large role in getting things to this point.
Nobody is safe walking the streets of Calgary. My brother who is wheelchair bound was beaten and robbed about a month ago by a homeless meth rat. Trudeau has economically devistated Calgary forcing the city to cut policing and fire protection. Calgary is a beautiful city that is rapidly turning into a Winnipeg type scenario with residents barely eeking out a living while the blight sets in. Its sad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This looks to good to be anything but a false flag . I mean where did they find this typical Alberta vulgar red neck complete with unkempt hair and bib Levi’s , central casting or what ?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
For the record, I don't think the fact she was a woman had anything to do with it. If she was male she would have been subject to the same verbal backlash. Not defending the behavior. It has no place in a civilized society, but hasn't the reaction too it now been over the top? He didn't shoot her or physically harm her. It's stuff like this that TrueDope will milk for all its worth. Garner the sympathy vote.
As prime minister, Trudeau should be concerned about national unity and bringing the country together. Instead, he pits region against region and various groups against each other for political gain and the results are proving disastrous.

Chrystia Freeland didn’t deserve what happened on Friday, no public figure does. If Trudeau really wants to live up to his own words on this issue, though, he’ll take a look in the mirror, consider his own rhetoric and stop trying to divide Canadians.

When Justin Trudeau stood on an Ottawa stage Sunday and called for respect, it was unfortunately laughable. Trudeau was condemning the harassment of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland last week, which was the right thing to do but his words showed a lack of self-awareness for his own actions.

Denouncing the threatening treatment Freeland received was the right thing to do but, as usual, Trudeau has to grandstand and take a step further.

Saying that Canadians deserve respect no matter who you are likely rings hollow to the millions he has denigrated over the past several years. He has called Canadians who disagree with him racist and misogynist many times and long before the trucker protest.

In Trudeau’s view of the world, he can smear entire groups of people – folks he’s never met and doesn’t know – in the most vile terms but insulting words hurled at his minister is undermining democracy.

“Threats, violence, intimidation of any kind, are always unacceptable and this kind of cowardly behaviour threatens and undermines our democracy and our values and openness and respect upon which Canada was built,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau’s track record is lacking. The link is worth a read through.

For Trudeau, respect is only for those who he agrees with, those he sees as on his side.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was in Grande Prairie, Alberta, when a man and a woman (?) began screaming profanities and insults at her, in an incident that has exercised politicians of all stripes in a non-partisan chorus not seen in some time in Canada.

….and a woman? She seems to be invisible to most other media coverage? Weird & interesting. A man and a woman doesn’t fit the narrative of an unhinged Redneck brute from Alberta verbally insulting a woman (and her staffers) in Alberta.

The first step to mitigating the citizen’s anger is listening and a chief responsibility of leadership is ownership of the problem.

Politicians at all levels aren’t demonstrating that they are listening. They are not offering solutions that connect with the average person.