Since science has been torn apart be bloggers and social media with their
nonsense about food diets even vaccines we are seeing the old ills revisit
us and the children die as a result. Most of this is born of ignorance for one
and by people who want to be important and spout theories. Takes you
back to the days when aids ran rampant and the believers condemned the
people instead of the disease. It happens over and over People who don't
see their children are protected and anything happens to them parents
should be prosecuted in my mind these illnesses and deaths are preventable
nonsense about food diets even vaccines we are seeing the old ills revisit
us and the children die as a result. Most of this is born of ignorance for one
and by people who want to be important and spout theories. Takes you
back to the days when aids ran rampant and the believers condemned the
people instead of the disease. It happens over and over People who don't
see their children are protected and anything happens to them parents
should be prosecuted in my mind these illnesses and deaths are preventable