With medicine I doubt if there are any absolutes and I stay pretty open minded about everything pertaining to medicine. I am however convinced that once a vaccine is approved for administation, on average it will do a lot more good than harm not withstanding the fact that anyone can become allergic to any thing at any time.
JLM - I have an open mind on it too, which is why I decided to look for the sources of the opposition to vaccination in general to see if there is anything substantial to it. I'm still looking, and it takes time to pick through all the stuff that is available on the Internt...kind of an information overload. But, there are some interesting bits out there that got my attention...here's one:
"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to
obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against
which they were supposed to provide protection."
- Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of oral Polio vaccine
(Link to this is on my post #258
I'm trying to figure out when and where he said that. If he did say it, I'd really have to back up and take a second look at things, as I swallowed his vaccine on a sugar cube way back when. Mind you, I didn't get polio but neither did the farm kids who didn't get the sugar cube. A bit confusing, to say the least. Like you said, there don't seem to be many absolutes, but there sure as hell are a lot of opinions.