Death knell for AGW


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
This Global warming isn't difficult to understand with 7 billion people on the planet and the majority of them spewing sh*t and hot air! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
GLOBAL WARMING - WHY THE PENDULUM IS SWINGING As the world approaches the close of a decade of stable temperatures, with recent hints of cooling, in New Zealand and elsewhere, ordinary citizens are starting to realise that there is no substance to the hysteria about human-induced "global warming" hysteria created by their governments for political reasons, fanned by news media more interested in attracting readers and viewers with doom and gloom reports of impending catastrophe than presenting the simple facts. Take a few minutes to read this item, to see how you have been misled.
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Hon Secretary, Terry Dunleavy MBE, 14A Bayview Road, Hauraki, North Shore City 0622
Phone (09) 486 3859 - Mobile 0274 836688 - Email - \n This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Want to know why the
pendulum has swung on global warming hysteria?

Take a few minutes to read this:

It has become commonplace knowledge, and is unchallenged, that global average temperature has not increased since 1998. This corresponds to a 9-year period during which the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide, in contrast, did increase, and that by almost 5%.

The greenhouse hypothesis - which asserts that carbon dioxide increases of human origin will cause dangerous global warming - is clearly invalidated by these data.

As if that were not enough, a leading computer modelling team has recently published a paper in Nature
Global Warming - Climate Change - Forecasting - The New York Times
which acknowledges what climate realists (the so-called “sceptics”) have always asserted. Which is that, contrary to IPCC assessments, any human influence on global temperature is so small that it cannot be differentiated from natural cycles of climate change. The same modellers have even predicted (after the start of the event, of course) that cooling will now occur for at least the next few years. Mortal strike two against dangerous, human-caused warming.

At this news, the rare balanced commentaries that hitherto have been but a trickle through cracks in the monolithic dam of climate alarmism have coalesced into a steady, fissured flow, and there is an imminent likelihood of total dam collapse. Interestingly, at the same time, the fierce discussion about the pros and cons of dangerous human-caused change that has formerly been conducted almost exclusively on the internet (including particularly blogs and video outlets like YouTube) is starting to spread to the more mainstream press.

For instance, critical analyses of global warming science reality and policy options have recently been provided by two leading articles in the National Business Review ; - TRILLIONS IN PAIN FOR UNMEASUREABLE GAIN
and others on Muriel Newman’s Centre for Political Research website
and in the New Zealand Herald
Terry Dunleavy: Let's use cooling off period to check our facts - National - NZ Herald News
Christchurch Press
and U.K. Daily Telegraph
Environment: News & features
and NZ Farmers Weekly

Finally, and most belatedly of all, even radio and TV commentators are now starting to provide a broader and better balanced perspective on the global warming issue.

Nzone Tonight is a nightly news and current affairs programme broadcast by Shine TV, a NZ Christian broadcaster that aims to provide a balanced and truthful review of all the day's news suitable for family viewing. In mid-April, Nzone broadcast a current affairs discussion about global warming between host Alan Lee and Professor Bob Carter. Since being posted on YouTube,
this video has attracted 15,000 worldwide viewers, and during its first three weeks has become the most viewed, most discussed and most favoured - and the number two top rated - New Zealand News and Politics video clip of the month. Amongst other supportive comment, one US viewer noted that “I did enjoy the respectful nature of the interview. I do wish this interview was shown on every network in this country, and at every school!”
Global Warming 101: Professor Carter Explains Climate Realism

That these events represent a deep public demand for balanced presentations of the science of climate change is indicated by another Bob Carter video clip - this time of a lecture to the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) that was posted on YouTube just over 6 months ago (in four parts).
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

To date this video clip has achieved more than 100,000 viewers and lists as the 14th most discussed Australian News and Politics item of all time - a remarkable result, and by far the highest ranking that a fact-based lecture has ever achieved.

Comments made on the AEF video lecture have included:

“That was a superb set of videos. Very well done, and thank you, Bob Carter. Should be compulsory viewing for everyone who sees Gore's movie. Any chance of getting (it) into all British schools?”; and 

“Watching Bob Carter's presentation, which he has articulated in a no nonsense manner, I am alarmed at how the so-called environmental movement, supported by sensational journalism, are promoting such an alarmist position on CO2 emissions. It is a frightening prospect that money which could be spent on far more sensible issues may well be wasted on carbon sequestration, which apparently will have little or even no effect on climate change”.

For a science lecture to receive comments such as these, and attain such a large number of viewings, is indicative of a great public hunger for accurate, well balanced information on the science of the global warming issue.

Perhaps, at last, the time has arrived when YouTube and blog discussions will now be supplemented by mainstream newspaper, radio and TV outlets providing the balanced news and documentary programs about global warming that have been so lamentably lacking for the last ten years. Keep your eye on that dam.
You do not actually think that any of the True Believers are going to listen do you? (If you wish to call me names I can return like with like.)

When EVEN PBS is succumbing to the proof that the hypothesis of AGW simply has not the slightest proof - that not one single model has had even the slightest success in showing even a passing similarity with what is happening, it should be time to keep a wait and see attitude.

What do you do when the data is purposely "recalibrated" to show temperature increases and even NOAA scientists themselves say that no such thing is happening. That they are playing math games with thousands of a degree which the error bars are at a tenth - two orders of magnitude above their "hottest year ever" claims.

Using surface temperature measurements as they have used for 200 years it plainly shows a 20 year hiatus on warming. Now this could merely be a pause since the same thing occurred during WW II when the largest amount of CO2 was ever released into the atmosphere. So why is their fear of being discovered as wrong so great that they have to play games with the real data?

When we're being told that CO2 that is man-made is invading the oceans and even NOAA after a 30 year study says that it the oceans already were at their CO2 limits BEFORE the increase in temperatures began and that CO2 from natural oceanic sources are causing CO2 to bubble out of the oceans almost like cracking the top on a soda pop you have to wonder why facts seem so opaque to these True Believers most of whom have no credentials above a Popular Science article or self proclaimed "climate scientists" whose credentials are also suspect continue handing out false and misrepresented data.

My observations of these forums is that real scientists are very few and far between. That many of those that ARE on these forums have no training in the exact fields they are arguing. I'm sorry but a physicist whose training is in quantum mechanics should not be arguing that the sun's luminosity has increased since the beginning of it's creation and that it and not the surface temperature of the Sun has more effect on the Earth's temperature. Especially when we have graphs of the Earth's atmosphere going from 40% CO2 to ppm and the Earth's temperature following this.

Over measureable time the luminosity of the Sun hasn't changed save along it's normal sunspot cycles and the emission bands of the Sun are such that all of the energy in the CO2 absorption bands have been filled with CO2 levels 1/4 the levels they presently are. Additional CO2 has the effect of reducing O2 so slightly as to be immeasurable. It also has the effect of large scale plant growth especially via plankton. We see aquatic species multiplying like never in the past records. The Pacific Blue Whale pods are now larger than what they believed to be of this endangered species in the whole world just 50 years ago.

The world is getting better and not worse. The promotion of public terror over things that occur naturally and for which man has no control simply is from people hoping to gain power or riches from it.

What I am saying, is that global warming is occurring. There can be no argument about that. The evidence is everywhere.
CO2 isn't the only greenhouse gas that could be causing it. Methane is ten times worse but thankfully there isn't as much of it yet.
If you can't see that global warming is happening, then maybe you shouldn't be arguing on the subject.
What you are saying is not what is happening. We ARE in a present warming cycle. Or were until some 20 years ago. Since then we have been pretty stable. The HOTTEST YEARS EVER BS is nothing more than manufactured clown food.

Scientists balk at ‘hottest year’ claims: Ignores Satellites showing 18 Year ‘Pause’ –

We could certainly begin warming again since we had a similar though shorter pause during the 30's and 40's but why are the True Believers of such fear that they could be wrong that they are willing to misrepresent ANYTHING to retain their politically motivated point of view?

But the historic record shows that we have these warm periods about every millennia and that judging from their length we are getting near the end of ours.

So why are we inundated with these wild-eyed claims? What would YOU do to prevent AGW? Would you cease using your car? Stop lighting your home at night? Stop heating your home in the winter and air conditioning it in the summer? Would you understand that stopping these things would reduce the number of jobs in the world by a factor of perhaps 50%?

Are YOU the one that wants to not be able to buy food?

So this is pretty hypocritical don't you think?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
Unfortunately, global warming is alive and well. The following Scientific American article simply adds to the mountain of proof that is readily available for those who can read. More proof is available in the Arctic where the shrinking pack ice has caused the American government to declare the Polar Bear an "Endangered species".

More Proof of Global Warming


By Harald Franzen
Although most scientists are convinced that global warming is very real, a few still harbor doubts. But a new report, based on an analysis of infrared long-wave radiation data from two different space missions, may change their minds. "These unique satellite spectrometer data collected 27 years apart show for the first time that real spectral differences have been observed, and that they can be attributed to changes in greenhouse gases over a long time period," says John Harries, a professor at Imperial College in London and lead author of the study published today in Nature.
As the sun's radiation hits the earth's surface, it is reemitted as infrared radiation. This radiation is then partly trapped by the so-called greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)�as well as water vapor. Satellites can measure changes in the infrared radiation spectrum, allowing scientists to detect changes in the earth's natural greenhouse effect and to deduce which greenhouse gas concentrations have changed.
The researchers looked at the infrared spectrum of long-wave radiation from a region over the Pacific Ocean, as well as from the entire globe. The data came from two different spacecraft�the NASA's Nimbus 4 spacecraft, which surveyed the planet with an Infrared Interferometric Spectrometer (IRIS) between April 1970 and January 1971, and the Japanese ADEO satellite, which utilized the Interferometric Monitor of Greenhouse Gases (IMG) instrument, starting in 1996. To ensure that the data were reliable and comparable, the team looked only at readings from the same three-month period of the year (April to June) and adjusted them to eliminate the effects of cloud cover. The findings indicated long-term changes in atmospheric CH4, CO2, ozone (O3) and CFC 11 and 12 concentrations and, consequently, a significant increase in the earth's greenhouse effect.
Sorry but two space missions 27 years apart can not tell what the continuous record of the global temperature record was. But of course the True Believers in the Church of Global Warming can tell everyone else is wrong and they are right simply by their very existence.

It is always funny that people that know absolutely nothing about the world always have the most to say about it. Locutus is a moron of monumental levels but that doesn't stop him from thinking he's the smartest man in the world - that is what liberals think of themselves. That regular citizens aren't bright enough and they need the educated hand of a liberal to lead them along.

Here is another sign of the psychosis of the liberals. You see - the USA now generates only a tiny fraction of the world's pollution and yet the USA was THE ONLY nation required by the Kyoto protocol to make any changes.

What's more - BEFORE this meeting of the world's "great minds" the commercial companies in the USA had already voluntarily made changes to reduce pollution. Those evil "Big Oil" and "Big Tobacco" or whoever is the latest target of the psychotic left had done it themselves offering less of a target. That didn't change the loony left as usual. There were entire left wing websites telling everyone that the government had to force these commercials companies to do things that they had done voluntarily years before simply because most of the time they could save money by doing so.

Next time you meet an "environmentalist" that tells you about evil commercial companies just remind him of the how the EPA dammed up mines and refused to clean up the growing pollution until they started with far too great a load behind their dams which fractured and turned the entire Animas river in Colorado orange removing the water supply for tens of thousands of Coloradans.

In Michigan the EPA well knew of the old piping in Flint that was leaching heavy metals into the water supply and threatening the entire city. But under Obama they remained silent. What you don't know won't harm you.

So what we see is that the government is far more dangerous than commercial companies have been. But the media of course wants YOU to think that somehow government is not just better than commercials companies but superior in every sense of the word. The media are nothing more than national socialist propagandists working for a world controlled 100% by the very worst of the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Here is another sign of the psychosis of the liberals. You see - the USA now generates only a tiny fraction of the world's pollution and yet the USA was THE ONLY nation required by the Kyoto protocol to make any changes.

Kyoto... another failure that the US had no part of. It was wonderful to be able to sit back and laugh as it fell apart. Even funnier is watching Canada pull out of Kyoto when they found out they had to pay BILLIONS for not meeting their targets.

Paris will fail as well and I am so glad Trump got the US out of it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Tomorrows hope for our nations. Why don't they read some fukkin history and find some serious sad. They have little if any real idea abour politics do they? Arround here boys and girls grow up on the land or right next door to it, a signifigant number of them are very good chain saw types familiar with realities like the coming winter and the frightening prospect of coming up short on firewood and long on winter coincidentally, how the potatoes will do, if the wheels will take them all they way to town without incident, thier choice of politician rates signifigantly below thier chances of scoreing new snow tires for christmas. Those specimins have been educated eh. Had all thier shots, still visit allopathic quackademic twits for thier health care. At least they won't persist very far into this century.

I doubt if they will outlast me. These will be relativly early climate victims. Mommy I'm cold! meheheheheheheh lord of this world the migrating poles and sweeping seas