Death knell for AGW


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I wonder why member 'Locutus' would quote a tweet from a guy with a profile that says he is 'ex Army and has a MBA'... cause it's that guy who added his own interpretative text to that graphic... the one sourced, per the graphic annotation, from "Climatologist Cliff Harris and Meteorologist Randy Mann'. Googlies will return quite the dubious accounting of these two simple folk! :roll:

I think it's all part of the "just keep throwing stuff and see if anything sticks" routine. :lol:


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
guys, guys... see Dendrochronology, see Divergence in select trees in select Northern latitudes. Rely on tree proxies for past climate... extending beyond the relatively short instrumental record period. When divergence occurs in the latter part of the instrumental record... here's the thing... you don't need to reconstruct, no need for proxies - it's called the instrumental record. The referenced study is keying on 1980 - are there pretty good temperature records in that period?

guys, guys... there are several factors considered as possible causal ties to the divergence... do you have a favourite candidate... or do you like em all? :smile:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2

the sun. can you friggin' believe it man? the sun.

how did that skeptic paper make it through? No skeptic papers are ever pubished..... uhhhh, except when they are. Hey Locutus, tell me you're not one of these guys who lives and dies based on the findings a single paper. Perhaps you should hold the parade and wait for a lil' ole Peer Response, hey? :lol: Do you think all these "claimed skeptics" here will rally to the denier cause and claim this as the definitive "AGW killer"... or just the latest one? Peer Response Locutus, peer response!

11,000 years. Interesting. About 11,000 years ago, where I'm sitting, was recently
under about a mile of ice which was then retreating. It is warmer now.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

All time record snow cover during @NOAANCDC 's fake "hottest year ever" …



House Member
Oct 19, 2009

more Goddard... more? Hey now, why don't you actually retweet those gems? Surely, just bringing them here isn't "bang for the denier buck", is it?

but hey now, about that increased snow in the Northern Hemisphere... does Goddard, do you, maintain that's a sign of "less global warming"? Is that what you're implying here? But hey now, that's GSL's analysis of NOAA's daily snow maps... don't let member 'taxi' in on this cause he adamantly maintains that NOAA is a proven 'Lying Liar'!


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
35 Years Of Unprecedented Mann-Made Melting Has Left Sea Ice Normal At Both Poles

Locutus! Just how many times do you need to be burned by serial misinformer "Steve Goddard"? Uhhh... when you know you're purposely misinforming, what does that make you? Your parroting of Goddard sure takes on a most self-serving definition of "normal"!

notwithstanding all that lost melted Arctic sea ice over the decades, the monthly November ice extent for 1979 to 2014 shows a decline of 4.7% per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average. And, again, but more pointedly this year, increased extent is typically new 1st year ice (not building multi-year ice) that will melt... first... during next years melting season. In this particular case I read that there was an unusually high degree of open water; hence increased ice forming.

the Arctic sea ice melting trend Locutus... melting trend! What's normal to... you?

and this is just extent! Should we talk volume Locutus? Would you like the long-term melt trend as reflected in sea-ice volume? Denier types are always so fixated on extent... but never seem to ever bring up volume! Why is that Locutus?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
How's that ice free North pole these days?

It's on it's way, given the trend since the satellite readings started in 1979.

Why would Goddard use snow in the northern hemisphere as a proxy for global temperatures? It doesn't snow much in Winnipeg in the deep winter. Does he provide any justification for use of such a proxy? No, I didn't think so. Humidity as important as temperature in snowfall.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Why would Goddard use snow in the northern hemisphere as a proxy for global temperatures?

Yes, that's a strange proxy, when we have, you know, thermometers...

It doesn't snow much in Winnipeg in the deep winter.

Relative to where I guess? The average Dec-Jan-Feb snowfall in Winnipeg (60 cm) can fall in one Nor'Easter here in Charlottetown. Last winter we had nearly 280 cm of snow. But Winterpeg can keep it's cold, I'm fine with that :)