David Suzuki, Extremists And The RCMP


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
hey now said:
as I've stated previously, I ain't lookin' fer any learnin' from the likes of you! What I am looking for from you is a straight-up change where you actually clearly make a statement, succinctly make a claim and then proceed to directly and explicitly substantiate that claim. You know... the exact opposite of what you do!

Then you are ignoring science. You want me to teach you. I have zero interest in doing so. I can't make you learn. What is the point of having dialogue with someone who has no clue what I'm talking about or the the material presented?

You are a visual learner, there are no graphs or charts to simplify what you need to learn and I can't make you learn.

I'll give you this; Start with the sun, son and work your way to the earth's surface and learn the interactions of all the systems along the way.

There is far more than excited CO2 to get excited about.

How long do you need? 6 or 7 years?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
as I've stated previously, I ain't lookin' fer any learnin' from the likes of you! What I am looking for from you is a straight-up change where you actually clearly make a statement, succinctly make a claim and then proceed to directly and explicitly substantiate that claim. You know... the exact opposite of what you do!

I think the mistake you're making is in assuming that real reasoned debate is desired and that some members are actually capable of real reasoned debate. Good luck on that one.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
You want me to teach you.

so you keep saying... and saying! Again, I'm not looking for any learnin' from you. I suggest you concentrate on yourself and try to settle in on just one of your alternate pet theories! Just one... and then hone the hell out of that. As it stands now, you can't decide if it's warming, cooling or pausin'... you can't decide if it's sunspots, GSRs, an active sun, a quiescent sun, a magical LIA recovery, geothermal, a warming thermosphere, a cooling thermosphere, blah, blah, blah! Just how big is your dart board? You know, the one that has "everything" on it... except... anthropogenic sourced CO2!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It's not just David Suzuki. There were a lot of people protesting the pipeline. I don't see the state cracking down on legal protestors is a good thing. If the government can screw you up because they don't like what you say that affects the freedom of us all. People should be free to speak their mind without the RCMP threatening them. It's sad that I have to explain this to people.

They crossed the line between legal protest which we all support to interfering with people doing a legal job. There is nothing wrong with standing in front of the leg or city hall and waving your little signs but as soon as you interupt anyone else that is trying to earn a living or put anyones life in danger you crosse the line between protest and terrorism.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
They crossed the line between legal protest which we all support to interfering with people doing a legal job. There is nothing wrong with standing in front of the leg or city hall and waving your little signs but as soon as you interupt anyone else that is trying to earn a living or put anyones life in danger you crosse the line between protest and terrorism.

Apparently the rights of Suzuki and these greentards trump the rights of everyone else.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
you keep beating on that same point... through an assortment of your porkies, I keep nailing you on your self-serving interpretation and lack of proper/full context. Here's your missing context:

Colpy beatin' up on a poor old guy!

if nothing else, I trust this video will draw forth the cascading ire of those that choose to put uber-emphasis on Suzuki... while ignoring actual science!

It is what he said..............there is no "self-serving interpretation", there is only simple English.....that language you simply can not, or will not comprehend.

It is not just Suzuki.............on Dec. 10, 2007, Al Gore said The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ he said. ‘It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.’


Guess what??

An area twice the size of Alaska was open water two years ago and is now covered in ice after the arctic ice cap has expanded for the second year in a row

Read more: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now | Daily Mail Online

BTW, Gore said that when they awarded him the Nobel Prize......I guess it was the Nobel Prize for Best Con Job.

Oh.....and there is no pause.

Meanwhile, 10,000 of the concerned party down in Lima on the beaches, having built themselves a nice resort and jetted in from around the world. They're having fun planning their next party at our expense, next year, in Paris.....lol

And you idiots just keep drinking the kool-aid.

And now to the "melting" South Pole.

Remember these idiots?

Scientists to retrace explorer’s Antarctic route to track changes in region - Blue and Green Tomorrow

They got stuck in the ice. Seriously stuck.

Trying to retrace the route of an Antarctic explorer 100 years ago..........who didn't get stuck.

The icebreaker sent to save them got stuck....

But last May, the "scientists" were predicting the collapse of the antarctic ice shield, and a 10 foot rise in sea levels.

You can only cry "wolf" so many times before people begin to doubt your word on the matter.



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
The difference between ...


and this.........................

They are both after your money, and both sound and look like used car salesmen trying to sell you a clunker


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
so you keep saying... and saying! Again, I'm not looking for any learnin' from you. I suggest you concentrate on yourself and try to settle in on just one of your alternate pet theories! Just one... and then hone the hell out of that. As it stands now, you can't decide if it's warming, cooling or pausin'... you can't decide if it's sunspots, GSRs, an active sun, a quiescent sun, a magical LIA recovery, geothermal, a warming thermosphere, a cooling thermosphere, blah, blah, blah! Just how big is your dart board? You know, the one that has "everything" on it... except... anthropogenic sourced CO2!

You do not look to learn but you want to teach. Odd.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
They crossed the line between legal protest which we all support to interfering with people doing a legal job. There is nothing wrong with standing in front of the leg or city hall and waving your little signs but as soon as you interupt anyone else that is trying to earn a living or put anyones life in danger you crosse the line between protest and terrorism.

Terrorists? Seriously? And I'm the alamrist? :lol:

Here's some terrorists:

ooooh, scaaaary.

Here's some more terrorists with their WMDs!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Looks like the guy in the raccoon toque is loading up a crack pipe. If it were a better photo would we see burns on their lips?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Terrorists? Seriously? And I'm the alamrist? :lol:

Here's some terrorists:

ooooh, scaaaary.

Here's some more terrorists with their WMDs!!!!

Let's give Taxslave the benefit of the doubt and consider that some of them may be teachers (and BC teachers to boot). From what he's said on this forum, they are a terrifying bunch.

You do not look to learn but you want to teach. Odd.

What I got out of the comment was that he had nothing to learn from Pete, not that he didn't want to learn. Nothing odd about that.