COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Nominee Member
Jul 9, 2020
As someone with a family member, under 70 (not just 80) who is immune compromised and would likely die at this point if they got Covid from ANYONE while just going to a medically necessary appointment if you had your way and nothing mattered so we don't have to do anything...

Fuck you to what hellhole you came from and stay there.

Your ignorance and selfishness is noted, below are some facts that will hopefully help you come back to reality.

Can you point to any control studies that show the the initial short length genetic fragments identified are from a corona virus (just one is fine)?
Can you explain how they can produce a vaccine for a virus they have not yet isolated? (genetic fragments do not count, nor in a mixture of other animal cells and/or serums)
Can you explain how 100% of all scientific studies show there is no statistical significance to wearing a cloth/surgical mask for flu/corona viruses,
yet our health officials, governments and media seem unaware of the easily available science?
Can you explain how there are countries around the world have no lock downs or mandatory masks or social distancing and are doing fine,
or how there has yet to be shown any correlation to these tyrannical oppressive measures doing any good at all?

Your high horse is not real, do some independent research and reach your own conclusions.
I have noticed this trend though from pretty much week 1, strangers with no idea of the science, authoritatively dictate to you and throw in some cuss words for extra emphasis on their elevated status

Can you ask your family member if they believe that they as one person should dictate that 100 000 others need to lose their homes, businesses, savings, basic human rights and freedoms for his/her 0.037% chance of dying (99.963% chance of surviving according to today's government data).

You have been mind-raped and deserve better from the media and officials.
Your fellow brothers and sisters are truly hurting due to this lie, and your response to those that abhor their physical and mental destruction is to lash out at them in violent rage.
There are hundreds of millions of people who are entering starvation due to supply line issues from this lie. They are going to die.

When the world needs people like you fighting for what is right, you have given over your mind and body to the dark controllers.
You are the one who will call the Calgary police to ensure your neighbors and their kids are 'taught' to kneel like you have.,
never a thought that you have become a brown-shirt.
Even now if you are wishing there was a way to get word to the authorities about certain members of this board,
maybe some time in a camp to cool off and learn about the 'science', maybe a chemical lobotomy,
Then you would tell yourself that one neighbor is more of a jerk, might as well turn them in too, you seem to get that adulation you need from the 'party'.
Maybe if I can increase the number of people I turn in they will let me have double rations.

Wonder no more how people can turn on their fellow citizens, it is unfolding before our eyes.

In Canada there are about 50% of the population that have no problem demanding you turn over your bodily autonomy to the state.
They want government agents to physically force an injection into you without your consent.

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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Your ignorance and selfishness is noted, below are some facts that will hopefully help you come back to reality.

Ignorance and selfishness, is it? Because I refuse to be a huddled in the dark, tin foil hat wearing, fearful little manbaby crying how "The fascists are coming! the fascists are coming!" like yourself? Because I give a shit about my loved ones dying or having after effects of this virus and really, REALLY wish mentally incompetant people like you would just fucking die already?

Well then.

Thank you and you can go fuck yourself with a bag of dicks.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Many people worry about catching a virus from a sick coworker, but perhaps they should also start worrying about other sources of possible infection. New research shows that contamination of just a single doorknob can help spread germs throughout office buildings, hotels or health care facilities within hours.

Researchers applied samples of a virus to surfaces such as doorknobs and tabletops and found that, within two to four hours, the virus had been picked up by 40 to 60 percent of workers and visitors in the facilities and could be detected on many commonly touched objects.

In the study, the investigators used a virus called bacteriophage MS-2 as a surrogate for the human norovirus -- the most common cause of the stomach flu -- as the two viruses are similar in shape, size and resistance to disinfectants. The researchers placed the tracer virus on one or two surfaces -- a doorknob, a tabletop or both -- at the beginning of the day. Then a few hours later, they tested various surfaces in the building such as other doorknobs, light switches, bed rails, phones and computer equipment for the virus, and found the germs had spread widely.

Fortunately, the researchers say that there seems to be an easy solution to the contamination issue: disinfectant wipes.

"Using disinfecting wipes containing quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATS) registered by EPA as effective against viruses like norovirus and flu, along with hand hygiene, reduced virus spread by 80 to 99 percent," study author Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona, Tucson, said in a statement.

Each year, norovirus causes an estimated 19 to 21 million illnesses and contributes to 56,000 to 71,000 hospitalizations and up to 800 deaths. Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then touching your mouth, is a common source of infection.




Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Number of Covid19 deaths in Canada to date = 0
Average number of flu deaths in Canada each year = 3,500
Yes, by all means, stay away from the evil vaxxers. You are a fine example of the shaloow end of the very shallow end of the gene pool. I have to assume your post is very much out of date - like you.
Darwin Rules


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

CSIS warns of threats to vaccine distribution chain​

State actors could be looking for economic gain — or simply to undermine trust​

Catharine Tunney - CBC News

Posted: December 17, 2020
Last Updated: December 17, 2020

COVID-19 vaccination Toronto UHN Pfizer vaccine
Before hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses landed in Canada and started being shipped across the country, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service briefed industry players on emerging security threats. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)
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The country's spy agency is warning companies in the vaccine supply chain that malicious foreign actors could threaten the largest inoculation program in Canadian history — by targeting their workers, among other tactics.

Just prior to the arrival of hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses in Canada, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) recently offered a briefing to industry players about the emerging threat.

One of the people taking part in that briefing was Pina Melchionna, president of the Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation. The non-profit association helps Canadian companies manage delivery logistics.

Melchionna said some of her corporate members are taking part in vaccine deployment, including Air Canada Cargo and Shoppers Drug Mart.

"We've been told that the Canada supply chain in particular has been the interest of many foreign actors, and perhaps bad actors in that respect," she told CBC News.

"I think ... my takeaway from that session was definitely that this isn't like TV, where spies are coming over to get our data. They are targeting people already working within companies who either have vulnerabilities, or who may be sloppy because of the tight deadlines we have in getting the vaccine to market."

Many foreign intelligence agencies are known to manipulate individuals abroad — often through threats, harassment or the detention of family members. It's an old-school espionage tactic described in a landmark intelligence report earlier this year.

But the threat is more alarming now, as Canadian government officials and distributors prepare to vaccinate millions of people against COVID-19 by the end of next year.

A spokesperson for CSIS said the agency has reached out to supply chain associations and industry to tell them what to look out for as they brace for threats to the vaccine rollout.

"CSIS observes persistent and sophisticated state-sponsored threat activity, including harm to individual Canadian companies, as well as the mounting toll on Canada's vital assets and knowledge-based economy," said agency spokesperson John Townsend.

"As a result, CSIS is working closely with government partners to ensure that as many Canadian businesses and different levels of government as possible are aware of the threat environment and that they have the information they need to implement preemptive security measures."

When asked which foreign actors might be targeting Canada's vaccine rollout, Townsend pointed to a July briefing CSIS gave to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce which flagged China and Russia as countries actively involved in commercial espionage.

Earlier this summer, intelligence agencies warned that a hacker group "almost certainly" backed by Russia was trying to steal COVID-19-related vaccine research in Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. And the United States recently confirmed that hackers — widely believed to be backed by Moscow — hit multiple federal departments in a months-long operation.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm not the one claiming everyone is being forced to take a vaccine.

Could it happen, sure? Is it happening now? No.

Throwing that idea out is just as harmful in all this as saying that Covid is a hoax or isn't that bad.

And don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of the vaccine either. It brings too many questions (though not all medical) that can't be answered.
There has been talk in the news of requiring a Covid passport to get on a plane or a ferry. Possibly even attaching it to renewing your drivers licence. The believers are positive they are right and everyone must do as they say.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
There has been talk in the news of requiring a Covid passport to get on a plane or a ferry. Possibly even attaching it to renewing your drivers licence. The believers are positive they are right and everyone must do as they say.

I can see both sides of it to be honest. Businesses will want to protect themselves from people who might be carrying Covid. When it comes to planes and ferries, they're enclosed spaces, all it'd take is one person to shut them down.

That said, if this does become a thing, is that not then infringing on the rights of people and keeping their medical history private? It's a similar issue to HIV really; no one has right to know that stuff.

But until it's actually a real thing, I won't fearmonger that it 'might' be a thing.


Nominee Member
Jul 9, 2020
Ignorance and selfishness, is it? Because I refuse to be a huddled in the dark, tin foil hat wearing, fearful little manbaby crying how "The fascists are coming! the fascists are coming!" like yourself? Because I give a shit about my loved ones dying or having after effects of this virus and really, REALLY wish mentally incompetant people like you would just fucking die already?

Well then.

Thank you and you can go fuck yourself with a bag of dicks.
See you and your ilk always expose themselves, you don't care about your fellow man, your words betray your false altruism.

I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why you were being selfish for punishing hundreds of thousands of others for your special 'one'.
Well guess what, all those hundreds of thousands of others have special ones too.
But you don't care if they are going to become homeless and starving, or commit suicide, let alone the hundreds of millions of poor peole who justgot exponentially poorer and will perish from starvation.
You don't care about them at all, so long as your one special person is put above them, it never occurs to you to simply get that one person proper ppe and implement a logical isolation for them.

Look around, they are taking names and numbers of dissenters and punishing them physically and monetarily for a lie with no scientific backing.
Our leader are openly discussing changing the very fabric of known society without any input from us,
We have a small group of billionaires openly, or seeking to, dictating health, societal and economic policy for not just us, but the world.
There are un-elected bureaucrats physically/legally stopping you from having your last precious minutes with a dying loved one, they die scared and alone.
So forgive me if I won't kow-tow and emulate your selfishness and cowardice.

As to the huddled in the dark, I'm the one out going for walks without a harmful face diaper and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
But I still care about all of humanity and want to ensure they are not pushed into chattel-staus more than they already are.
I hope you will take a half hour of your life and watch this doctor below, that is a truly caring man who exemplifies the morality and ethics of of one who has taken the Hippocratic Oath.
You are very far into the dark, as your death threats clearly show.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
See you and your ilk always expose themselves,

I have no 'ilk'. I try very hard not to have an 'ilk'.

you don't care about your fellow man,

Which just proves you have no clue about me at all or know any history about me on this board at all.

your words betray your false altruism.

Again, you're clueless 'bout me.

I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why you were being selfish for punishing hundreds of thousands of others for your special 'one'.

Not just my 'special one'. Of course that person is going to matter the most because they are my goddamn family, but it's not just them. Friends, other people I know, they matter to me. A friend of mine in Wisconsin is losing her hair and still has medical issues after getting Covid. That concerns me. Nurses in the US who are there with people who are dying alone because they cannot have family with them due to Covid, they concern me. The suicide rate of EMT's and nurses concerns me.

Those are just the front line workers... throw in retail workers, waitress/wait staff in restaurants and that expands the circle.

Well guess what, all those hundreds of thousands of others have special ones too.

Yes, and where is your give a shit about them? Nowhere. Because you call Covid a "lie".

But you don't care if they are going to become homeless and starving, or commit suicide, let alone the hundreds of millions of poor peole who justgot exponentially poorer and will perish from starvation.

You assume; that; assumption doesn't make you right.

You don't care about them at all, so long as your one special person is put above them, it never occurs to you to simply get that one person proper ppe and implement a logical isolation for them.

o_O WTF do you get that is my line of thought?! JFC you're clueless.

Here's a lesson for you - my 'special one' has what they need to go out in between doctor visits and chemo treatments, but all it takes is ONE person without a mask, who is asymptomatic, to get close enough to them and then they could get sick and die because their body does NOT have the immune system to fight off Covid PLUS Cancer and deal with the heart issues they have. Just one asshole with a stick up their ass about wearing masks and how it 'infringes on their freedumbs!' and they could be gone out of my life, forever. Maybe you can be okay losing someone that important to you in your life, but I have a bit more empathy and compassion, apparently.

Look around, they are taking names and numbers of dissenters and punishing them physically and monetarily for a lie

And right there is where you can kindly take those bag of dicks, and after pleasing yourself with them, slap yourself in the face with the dirtiest one because even that is less disgusting than you believing Covid is a lie.

with no scientific backing.

Your ignorance is a blazing light on this forum.

Our leader are openly discussing changing the very fabric of known society without any input from us,

Are they? We elected them, if you don't like what those people have done, don't vote for them next time. But if you don't think there is input then you're ignorant of the power of social media.

We have a small group of billionaires openly, or seeking to, dictating health, societal and economic policy for not just us, but the world.

Proof, and real proof, not some conspiracy, lunatic-fringe of the right BS.

There are un-elected bureaucrats physically/legally stopping you from having your last precious minutes with a dying loved one, they die scared and alone.

Yes, because they are dying of a HIGHLY contagious and dangerous virus that has to be limited to exposure as much as possible. Do you even understand any of that.?

So forgive me if I won't kow-tow and emulate your selfishness and cowardice.

You're the topmost of cowardice, actually, and your selfishness is beyond that of most even on this board.

As to the huddled in the dark, I'm the one out going for walks without a harmful face diaper and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Good for you.

I go out too when I'm not working, enjoying the world and going places where I don't need to mask either. Your point?

But I still care about all of humanity

As you've proven here, that's a crock of shit.

and want to ensure they are not pushed into chattel-staus more than they already are.

You already are chattel, buying into the fear mongering being peddled by the idiots.

I hope you will take a half hour of your life and watch this doctor below, that is a truly caring man who exemplifies the morality and ethics of of one who has taken the Hippocratic Oath.

Looked into it. Not shocked by the fact that while he stands by his beliefs, most other professionals from the Royal College who certified him to the Alberta Medical Ass. and specificallly Alberta Section of Laboratory Physicians are stepping back from this guy.

Fact checking him doesn't help his cause either, or yours.

You are very far into the dark, as your death threats clearly show.

Wishing people would just die because I am tired of their idiocy and how that idiocy risks the lives of others isn't a death threat, it's a death wish; there is a difference.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Neither do your childish posts. He is a proven manager and knows the structure of our military and HOW TO GET THINGS DONE
Upon retirement in 2008, Hillier joined the public speaking arena and developed his own speaking agency

Over the last four years, Hillier has worked with the following companies

Exxon Mobil, Telus Mobile, Rogers Communications, TD Bank, American Express, Tim Horton’s, Canadian Olympic Committee, Best Buy, Gowlings, KPMG, Ontario Police Association, among other organizations and associations.

←What special skills apply to medical vaccine distribution? Chancellor?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Breaking News: Boris to put London, South East England and East England back into full lockdown from midnight tonight

Merry Christmas, guys!
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