I doubt the glaciers are retreating in Glacier Natioonal Park. They are just normal the ebb and flows of ice formations.
USGS maintains a repeat photography project that documents glacier retreat; there are many, many photos of receding glaciers within Glacier National Park... going back, typically, 50 to 100 years and comparing them to, typically, images from 2005-2009
Remember when the Ice disappeared a few years ago at the North Pole leading to world headlines of imminent deluvian inundation and crop failure. And then 2 years later it reappeared, in conformance with a cycle that geological evidence shows happens every century or so. Nothing was reported of the failed and trumped up predictions.
as below, a prior post showing Arctic long-term melting trends for sea-ice extent and volume:
speaking of "recovery" based on a single year reference is nonsense... notwithstanding the context with Extent is single versus multi-year ice. Single year ice is that ice most readily melted in the next year's melting season. Following are the trend lines for both Extent and Volume... for an appropriate perspective on Arctic sea-ice.
What about the advancing Antarctic ice shelves.. again neatly filed and igored.
Antarctic ice-shelves are not advancing. What has increased is sea-ice extent... which is being attributed to,
in part, the freezing of fresh-water melt from land-ice sheets. Of course, if you're not aware, Antarctic sea-ice melts (almost completely) each and every year... that is to say, the concept of multi-year sea-ice in the Antarctic does not exist in the same manner as currently found in areas of the Arctic.
The AGW industry are just such shameless liars and con artists. Nothing they say can be trusted.
this is somewhat novel! To you, just what is your indicated "AGW industry"?
As they should when climbing out from out of the coldest cold spell in all of the Last 10,000 years.
Caribou poo can't be argued with.
whaaa! Say it ain't so... say you're not yet another "coming out of the LIA" guy! :lol: It's a shame that another of your pet theory's has no scientific credence!