Alarmist Cutting and pasting
what's "Alarmist" about showing the long-term temperature trend for the area being discussed? And... I first had to generate the image before bringing it to your attention. Is temperature... alarming to you? :lol:
Alarmist Cutting and pasting
you didn't quote... you linked to an infantile image... I made fun of you!
no - you thought you were cutesy-significant by bringing up an Arctic sea-ice related prediction (made by a smallish number of individuals)... as quoted below, I simply asked you what that had to do with the OP... what it had to do with glacier retreat:
what's "Alarmist" about showing the long-term temperature trend for the area being discussed? And... I first had to generate the image before bringing it to your attention. Is temperature... alarming to you? :lol:
This picture is CO2 denier fake, the shaving cream took two days to lay down. link to follow
Sure, but for every one I do you must do two. Agreed?
The Holocene
Keywords: alpine glacier fuctuations
Most alpine glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere reached their maximum extents of the Holocene between AD 1600 and 1850. Since the late 1800s, however, glaciers have thinned and retreated, mainly because of atmospheric warming. Glacier retreat in western Canada and other regions is exposing subfossil tree stumps, soils and plant detritus that, until recently, were beneath tens to hundreds of metres of ice. In addition, human artefacts and caribou dung are emerging from permanent snow patches many thousands of years after they were entombed. Dating of these materials indicates that many of these glaciers and snow patches are smaller today than at any time in the past several thousand years. This evidence, in turn, suggests that glacier recession in the 20th century is unprecedented during the past several millennia and that glaciers in western Canada have reached minimum extents only 150–300 years after they achieved their maximum Holocene extents.
Maximum Holocene extents.....well I'll be.
Who wants to continue?
You just can't argue with true science and caribou poo.
It says pretty clearly that glaciers are receding due to recent atmospheric warming. So, yeah, dicciult to argue with the science.
Most alpine glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere reached their maximum extents of the Holocene between AD 1600 and 1850. Since the late 1800s, however, glaciers have thinned and retreated, mainly because of atmospheric warming. Glacier retreat in western Canada and other regions is exposing subfossil tree stumps, soils and plant detritus that, until recently, were beneath tens to hundreds of metres of ice. In addition, human artefacts and caribou dung are emerging from permanent snow patches many thousands of years after they were entombed. Dating of these materials indicates that many of these glaciers and snow patches are smaller today than at any time in the past several thousand years. This evidence, in turn, suggests that glacier recession in the 20th century is unprecedented during the past several millennia and that glaciers in western Canada have reached minimum extents only 150–300 years after they achieved their maximum Holocene extents.
Maximum Holocene extents.....well I'll be.
That's a trick question if I ever saw one.
When was that invented?
It says pretty clearly that glaciers are receding due to recent atmospheric warming. So, yeah, dicciult to argue with the science.
your first "ta da" reference was a localized reference to the Swiss Alps... and spoke to fluctuation on a "multi-centennial" scale. Do you think this latest link of yours that highlights "recession unprecented during the past several millennia"... that attributes the unprecented recession "to atmospheric warming"... do you think this makes/reinforces your claim that the relatively recent glacier retreat is simply a part of a natural fluctuation?