We can cut through a bit of the emotional BS here by looking at exactly what is going on in Afghanistan. There is no goal, no boundary we have to reach, no line we have to cross in order to win. There is no winning. Troops will be needed forever to protect the pipeline---remember the pipeline? Canada has served NATO very well, and when this organization was created, it was a gathering of nations,
The Netherlands,
Portugal, the
United Kingdom, and the
United States. who had borders on the north Atlantic, joined together for mutual protection. What the hell is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization doing in the Middle East defending American oil interests? The "war on terror" is a fool's game that can't be won, but we will fight it till our country gags on the phoney premise that this war was started on.
It's diffficult sometimes not to personalize rebuttals and engage in argument as opposed to discussion... argument tends to focus on what someone said as opposed to discussing facts....
I'm not contributing anymore time or thought to the folk here at Canadian Content, because quite frankly I don't think the majority of folk here want to discuss they'd prefer to argue and many come from an entrenched position that relies on wholesale embrace of what we all have known and been shown are lies and misdirection to hide the corruption and criminality taking place as "the coalition of the willing" prosecutes a pseudo-war on "terrorism".
Abu Ghraib isn't a symptom of a war-gone-wrong, it is the product of a war (invasion of Iraq) predicated on falsehoods and lies. One participant was kind enough to send me a PM regarding his interest in discussing the notion of proportionality in armed conflicts, a bright light in an otherwise dim group. Guantanamo Bay "Camp X-Ray" is a prisoner of war camp regardless of what the American media chooses to call it..at the behest of a corrupt administration...
This game of semantics arguing the relevence of "armed-combatant"...vs. prisoner-of-war" is an elegant example of this American administrations prosecution of an illegal war floated on the legalese. A legal argument that permits the United States to dispense with nasty details like the Geneva Conventions....
Certainly when a society elects to sacrfice its children to war in the name of "freedom" or the name of "peace" that society doesn't act as a dutiful parent. The mechanism or dynamic at work is that of an amalgam of the social ethos, a generalized angst sculpted and aimed not by those who seek to establish or re-establish stability, but by those who believe they have something to gain. A dutiful parent will make every measure possible in avoiding harm to their children. When however the "enemy" is defined as those who unscrupulously or in those legal terms so dear to the Whitehouse legal teams...abetted a terrorist, it conjures images of the French Resistance during WWII...a resistance fighter was somone who called the Naziis nasty names behind their backs...
If the criteria for affixing the label of "terrorist" extends to those who unknowingly "allowed" a terrorist organization to train in their country, then it's everyone in that country it isn't just the criminals and fanatics rigging IED's and therefore everyone in that nation is fair game....
When the day comes....when the people against whom this and all the other unjustifiable "wars" have been conducted are in a position to decide whether or not they should detonate a device (nuclear, chemical, biological) and exact a retribution (isn't this all about 9/11????) against those who've abetted funded and militarily supported both those regimes responsible for generations of cruelty and oppression and those who with smug superiority sit in cities far away (half a planet away) taking it upon themselves to decide who lives and who dies to keep their comfortable entitlement to conspicuous consumption thriving, who would doubt what choice they'll make?
The great curse of humankind is the brevity of his memory. The Jews have done a great job trying to get people sensitized to the results which can follow from not acting quickly enough to stem the tide of hatred and yet, these same folk appear to be unable to find a solution to the Palestinian "problem" that dosen't include mass extermination.
The world isn't ready to prosecute a "peace" instead it clings desperately to the machinery of war believing despite all the evidence to the contrary that they have something to win or to gain that can be achieved by killing.
I enjoyed your contribution Juan but I believe it's wasted on this crowd...