Harper would have sent troops to Iraq. My guess is you would have supported it too.
No I wouldn't have, and have stated so, so many times, it's scary. You guys only latch on to whatever you percieve to be against your train of thought.
Harper would have sent troops to Iraq. My guess is you would have supported it too.
cdn bear,
if immature people are trying to engage you personally it is because they have nothing to bring to the table except weak arguments and no facts.
The long winded speeches full of massive run-on convoluted sentences l don't bother reading, it just isn't worth it.
At least when l argue with you, you can form a decent argument, which is a lot more than some of the childish personal statements that l have recieved so far.
Within two days l have been called names, told to go to hell and a few other lovely treats. It is amusing, in the same context as you would find Osama being spanked as amusing. It is bound to happen,again and again, and yet they come back for more...
So, you would rather cut and run having the deaths of the Soldiers before him being in vain? It's pretty easy for you to sit here and blah, blah about how this isn't our War and it's because of the Bush doctrine because you seem to forget Canadians also died on 9/11. The Soldiers who died knew what they signed up for. If Canada wasn't in this War we would be safe? You really have no clue do you? Get a clue because you're opinion would be different if the Liberals were still in power and the United States wasn't in Afghanistan, Afghanistan is a NATO Mission understand?
--G. staircaseBlundering into tyranny with a giggle as we go...
How did it feel to be living in Germany six or seven years before democracy put Hitler in power?
Was there a sense of ominous foreboding, or did most people go about their lives more or less normally?
Could anyone have guessed what was coming? If they did, could they have done anything to stop it? Even living and working in one of the more prosperous and safer parts of the country, I have a growing sense of bad trouble to come.
Put it all together.
The State and millions of families are up to their hairlines in debts they cannot possibly pay. We have the worst balance of payments since 1689.
Frightening levels of youth unemployment are combined with unrestrained mass immigration. Multiculturalism has gone so far that we are, in many respects, an apartheid country, in which the less fortunate and ill-educated of both communities live perilously close to each other in a state of bristling tension.
Meanwhile, the liberal middle classes, who have carefully bought themselves houses as far away from multicultural Britain as they can get, preach contentment to the poor.
Our national airline, whose aircraft bear the crosses of three saints on their tailplanes, disciplines an employee for wearing a tiny cross on a chain round her neck.
Hijabs, meanwhile, are permitted. Let's see what happens when a BA stewardess turns up to work in a full-face veil.
We are involved in two dangerous and doomed wars, in which our troops lack necessary equipment and are short of rations, while the State treats 50,000 self-destroyed drug addicts as too ill to work, and pays them generous allowances to do nothing.
An unelected general speaks for public opinion, while elected politicians sneer at the concerns of the public, despise their own supporters and secretly persuade millionaires to finance their costly brainwashing campaigns.
Our Prime Minister is a fantasist who looks at the blood and burning and ruins of Iraq and sees a verdant young democracy, with twittering birds and blooming flowers. He also thinks we all love him.
The man who, for years, misruled our schools and then our justice system reveals himself as a self-obsessed weirdo, and is exposed as a raving hysteric who demanded that rioting convicts be machine-gunned.
(NB: This former Home Secretary once described a friend of mine as 'mad' for arguing in favour of selective State schools.)
The leader of the Opposition won't say if he used to take Class A drugs, wants to hug hoodies and holds summits with rap artists. And he misses the best opportunity any Opposition leader ever had, because he still can't bring himself to denounce the Iraq War.
If he hasn't the guts to do this now, then it seems a pretty good bet that he, like Mr Blair, would have slavishly followed George W. Bush if he'd been in charge at the time.
There you have it.
Discredited, lawless, ****less, occasionally unhinged leaders divorced from reality; a crumbling constitution; perilous racial and cultural tension; crime and disorder beyond control; economic pain inevitable; the national front-door wide open for anyone to come in; every decent institution under attack, every form of bad behaviour unrestrained.
I see great danger ahead. But who, in our political class, will even address it? Daily we drift closer to the lip of Niagara, giggling as we go.