Canada should pull its troops out of Afghanistan


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
1 right NATO has to be in Afghanistan.

One of the TWO governments in place when we entered the fight ASKED us to be there.

As for Shooting Dissenters we do that in Canada too. Example "Dissent" that you think we should change the law by running into the town square firing an assault rifle at people who oppose you..see how they treat your dissent?

Or if you think this is a defensive war for the taliban. What about this, the Government has a policy you dislike, such as something like "You can't murder a daughter who shames you" and you "defensively" just live how you wish in your own home, and shoot at police who try and stop you..what would happen then? you still get shot as a "dissenter".

"But the Taliban never asked us to help police them". I Never asked the Canadian government to police me either, In fact I never remember getting a choice to live under Canadian law in my own homeland, deal with it.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Yes Canada is there to support a government that is supported by opium growers, Canada is there to secure the area for a gas pipeline. Canada is there to protect a USA puppet government. Canada is allied with war criminals. Canada's allies in Afghanistan treat their women the same as the Taliban. Gee Canada is so noble in it's Afghan role. I see Colpy the Psychiatrist is diagnosing and prescribing medication for posters again. Pathetic !


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Canada will have to feed the Afghans this winter starting right now before the snows start. You'd think that our well intentioned invasion forces would feed thier newly liberated breatherin one last meal at least before bombing them to death.
The scene is set for carnage on a grand scale as the hatefull swine coalition of the dickless mouth breathing western scum armys line up to open the war on Pakistan and Iran.

Starvation in Afghanistan

Global Research, September 20, 2008

Millions of Afghans face food shortage Friday, September 19, 2008 11:07 AM A poor harvest, the harshest winter in memory and widespread drought could mean a severe winter food shortage for millions of Afghans, aid officials say.
The grim forecasts generally cover small farmers in central and northern Afghanistan, affecting 9 million people, more than a quarter of the population, The New York Times reported Friday.
There are also growing fears of civil unrest fed by increasing economic hardship, worsening governmental disorder, deteriorating security, the accumulated pressure of returning refugees and the effects of rising world food prices.
The British charity Oxfam, which conducted a provisional assessment of conditions in remote Daykondi, Afghanistan, appealed for international assistance before winter sets in, warning, "Time is running out to avert a humanitarian crisis." The first winter snows are expected next month.
That assessment is echoed by villagers across the broader region, including in Bamian Province. "In all these 30 years of war, we have not had it as bad as this," a farmer in Yakowlang told the Times.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
They do. The very first missions all the way back to 2001 were to bomb the people with food bundles. Forgot already?

Food shortages are nothing new in Afghanistan. They've been recipients of food aid for decades.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
They do. The very first missions all the way back to 2001 were to bomb the people with food bundles. Forgot already?

Food shortages are nothing new in Afghanistan. They've been recipients of food aid for decades.

The food bundles were propaganda JTF and you know it. Staged little drops of a few tons here and there and photo-ops with the embedded dickhead press. They've been completely self-sufficient for thousands of years.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Yeah, for thousands of years before there was such a thing as food aid, when mortality due to starvation, if you were one of the few who lived long enough even to starve, was par for the course. Not just in Afghanistan, but in most of the world.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Pull the troops out. Let the kids and women suffer. Let the Taliban run the place so it can keep on getting rich on the dope sales. Nevermind that their leader isn't even Afghan and couldn't give a crap about Afghans or anyone else.
As far as pseudo humanitarian reasons goes, look at McDonald's: the only reason there is a McDonald's House is because its a feasible tax writeoff. But they are doing some good regardless of their motives.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Like we can control what happens there...The Greens and NDP say just leave, become a peace if the Taliban will gleefully follow along and put down their rocket launchers and stop blowing themselves up (opps I mean stop getting naive kids to blow themselves up) because we say the rules changed...

It's all about power it always has been, but the islamic forces wrap it up in faith and the all fall in line.

We leave they grow in power and come back over blowing up things in toronto this time around
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Pull the troops out. Let the kids and women suffer. Let the Taliban run the place so it can keep on getting rich on the dope sales. Nevermind that their leader isn't even Afghan and couldn't give a crap about Afghans or anyone else.
As far as pseudo humanitarian reasons goes, look at McDonald's: the only reason there is a McDonald's House is because its a feasible tax writeoff. But they are doing some good regardless of their motives.

Les they"re rotinely being pulverized in thier homes by coalition bombs and missiles. The caolition has killed millions in Afghanistan, and before you object child mortality and starvation and disease are all products of war none of which is the responsibility of the Taleban whos country is Afghanistan. MacDonalds? They kill more people/children every year than the Taleban as well. They do no good, not even a bit. When you subtract the good from the bad you still got a whole lot of bad left.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Like we can control what happens there...The Greens and NDP say just leave, become a peace if the Taliban will gleefully follow along and put down their rocket launchers and stop blowing themselves up (opps I mean stop getting naive kids to blow themselves up) because we say the rules changed...

It's all about power it always has been, but the islamic forces wrap it up in faith and the all fall in line.

We leave they grow in power and come back over blowing up things in toronto this time around

You're not employed in strategic analysis, are you?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Les they"re rotinely being pulverized in thier homes by coalition bombs and missiles. The caolition has killed millions in Afghanistan, and before you object child mortality and starvation and disease are all products of war none of which is the responsibility of the Taleban whos country is Afghanistan.
Yeah, you are right, the Taliban are the harbingers of heaven to ALL Afghans. roflmao
MacDonalds? They kill more people/children every year than the Taleban as well. They do no good, not even a bit. When you subtract the good from the bad you still got a whole lot of bad left.
I see. You allow that McDonald's indirectly kills people but not the Taliban. You say one time that McDonald's does NO good, yet the next thing you say is that the bad McDonald's brings about is more than the good they do.
Wishywashy little rodent, aren't you?
BTW, you said millions have died in Afghanistan. I can't find anything indicating that but I did find this:
Casualties in Afghanistan:
Afghan troops killed: 8,587 Afghan troops seriously injured: 25,761 Afghan civilians killed: 3,485 Afghan civilians seriously injured: 6,273 U.S. troops killed: 513 U.S. troops seriously injured: 1,539 Other coalition troops killed: 433 Other coalition troops seriously injured: 1,299 Contractors killed: 75 Contractors seriously injured: 2,428 Journalists killed: 6 Journalists seriously injured: unknown Total killed in Afghanistan: 13,099 Total injured in Afghanistan: 37,300
50,000 doesn't seem like millions to me unless you are counting ants and other insects, birds, fish, etc.
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Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Harper asked Bush when can we pull out? Bush answered back, take it out of your mine we are here until we drop the last drop of blood, and Harper answered back OK…………….