I think that's a bit extreme.
There won't be a 'cancelling' of Canada day. Although if that did happen (big if), it'd be stupid for whatever party in charge suggested it, and too many Canadians would stand up and tell them to STFU (this Canadian included).
A National day of mourning for what Indigenous peoples have gone through, yeah.
Cancel Canada Day? Uh huh, sure.
There are renewed calls to cancel the Canada Day holiday this year, as Canadians grapple with the recent discovery of an unmarked burial site at a former residential school in B.C.
OTTAWA -- There are renewed calls to cancel the Canada Day holiday this year, as Canadians grapple with the recent discovery of an unmarked burial site at a former residential school in B.C. The hashtag #CancelCanadaDay is gaining traction on social media with many arguing it should be a day to reflect on the injustices inflicted on Indigenous Peoples, including the lives lost at residential schools, etc...
We can lay down a path of reconciliation that brings healing to us, awareness to you and peace to these children, writes Bill Stevenson.
This year Canada needs to lie down on Canada Day and let the Indigenous community mourn. Our ceremonies need to happen on Canada Day. Our healing dances need to be put on. Our drums need to sing. For the 215 and for the so many more that are coming, because we know the floodgates have opened up and there are going to be so many more.
http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/cancel-canada-day With Canada Day being less than four weeks away, there will likely be news on what the Canadian government plans to do sooner than later.
I cannot personally celebrate a country that since its inception has been based on incomprehensible policies that have attempted to eradicate the identity of Indigenous people all over, writes contributor Christine Miskonoodinkwe-Smith.
Canada Day is a contentious holiday. It serves as a stark reminder of the day that our land was not taken away, but stolen. It also reminds Indigenous people of colonization and the assimilationist policies that have been put into place to effectively eradicate us as a people.
http://www.narcity.com/cancel-canada-day-is-trending--there-are-protests-planned-for-july-1 Since Sunday evening, the
hashtag #CancelCanadaDay has been trending on Twitter, with many people calling for celebrations on July 1 to be cancelled
in favour of a day of reflection.