BREAKING NEWS: (of all types )


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was clearly in no mood to waste time when war criminal and convicted liar Elliott Abrams appeared before the House Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday.
This was despite the fact that in recent days she’s faced a bipartisan furor for tweeting the truth about AIPAC’s outsized role in the buying and selling of politicians, as well as calls for her resignation from President Donald Trump for her alleged “deep-seated” anti-Semitism – an ironic statement coming from a man whose stock-in-trade has been open bigotry targeting Mexicans, Central Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and black people.
So when Abrams – now the Trump administrations special envoy to Venezuela and a hatchet man for the slow-motion coup against the Maduro government – appeared before Congress, Omar went straight for the jugular.

She seemed to enjoy it almost as much as viewers did.



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
US closes Jerusalem consulate, demoting Palestinian mission

JERUSALEM - The United States has officially shuttered its consulate in Jerusalem, downgrading the status of its main diplomatic mission to the Palestinians by folding it into the U.S. Embassy to Israel.
For decades, the consulate functioned as a de facto embassy to the Palestinians. Now, that outreach will be handled by a Palestinian affairs unit, under the command of the embassy.

The symbolic shift hands authority over U.S. diplomatic channels with the West Bank and Gaza to ambassador David Friedman, a longtime supporter and fundraiser for the West Bank settler movement and fierce critic of the Palestinian leadership.
The announcement from the State Department came early Monday in Jerusalem, the merger effective that day.
"This decision was driven by our global efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our diplomatic engagements and operations," State Department spokesman Robert Palladino said in a statement. "It does not signal a change of U.S. policy on Jerusalem, the West Bank, or the Gaza Strip."
When first announced by U.S. Secretary Mike Pompeo in October, the move infuriated Palestinians, fueling their suspicions that the U.S. was recognizing Israeli control over east Jerusalem and the West Bank, territories that Palestinians seek for a future state.
Palestinian official Saeb Erekat called the move "the final nail in the coffin" for the U.S. role in peacemaking.
The downgrade is just the latest in a string of divisive decisions by the Trump administration that have backed Israel and alienated the Palestinians, who say they have lost faith in the U.S. administration's role as a neutral arbiter in peace process.
Last year the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocated its embassy there, upending U.S. policy toward one of the most explosive issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians in turn cut off most ties with the administration.
The administration also has slashed hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, including assistance to hospitals and peace-building programs. It has cut funding to the U.N. agency that provides aid to Palestinians classified as refugees. Last fall, it shut down the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Washington.
The Trump administration has cited the reluctance of Palestinian leaders to enter peace negotiations with Israel as the reason for such punitive measures, although the U.S. has yet to present its much-anticipated but still mysterious "Deal of the Century" to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, announced last month that the U.S. would unveil the deal after Israeli elections in April. The Palestinian Authority has preemptively rejected the plan, accusing the U.S. of bias toward Israel.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I wonder why Gaza and the West bank didn't say they would set up an embassy in Jerusalem. Get the right floor and you can see your own house as it gets bombed.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
In Israel there are a group of people honored as ‘Righteous Gentiles”. These are people who “helped to save Jews from the horrors of the Holocaust, often at great risk to their personal safety and that of their families. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum currently recognizes 24,811 saviors”.
In this context one has to recognize there are now those working tirelessly to help save the Palestinians who can only be termed “Righteous Jews”. There are many, many, Righteous Jews. Some are loud voices who also put their bodies on the line during protests risking their lives and their freedom. Other quietly do what they can anonymously.
Miko Peled is one such Righteous Jew. His book “The Generals Son” tells the true story of his father’s role as a famous Israeli general in the 1948 war that established Israel as a country. It is a fascinating story, full of little known documented details of what went on behind the scenes then and later during the 1967 war. Miko has been a tireless supporter of the Palestinian cause through his writing, his talks, his involvements in protests in Israel, often putting himself between Palestinians and the IDF to avoid the potential bloodshed of protesters. The guns are far less likely to be used if Israeli bodies are between them and Palestinian protesters. He is one of many Righteous Jews” although that is not what they call him in Israel. Here is one of his talks. It is well worth a listen if one is interested in what is really going on in this never ending tragedy.

Miko Peled - The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine

Long but well worth it if you are truly interested in understanding the truth of what is happening in Israel and Palestine.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Facebook��s Mark Zuckerberg says he��ll reorient company toward encryption and privacy, outlines shift in online post

The social network's chief executive outlined broad strokes of how he would shift the company��s focus from a social network where people broadcast information to large groups of people, to one where people communicate with smaller groups and their content disappears after a short period.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Happens everywhere, not just in the US. The perpetrators are Progs.
Better if they close the colleges.

KeepOral Roberts open, though, as America still needs a hub of advanced intellectual discourse that excludes Progs.