Breaking : Cdn news


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Unifor is spreading like a virus across Canada including oil and gas.


And UNIFOR head Jerry DIAZ has all the charm and persuasive style of a Soviet Commissar............................

looking for peasants to send to the GULAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the LIE-beral concept of free speech- its just too bad that ONLY LIE-berals feel they should be allowed to speak freely!! Lie-berals think the rest of us ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO LISTEN - POLITELY!!!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Scheer should know shrinking media hurts democracy

By Jerry Dias.

(OH yes- the UNIFOR goof who thinks democracy means having govt supplied jobs - FOR LIFE - is great one to lecture about democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Published: May 26, 2019. Updated: May 26, 2019 5:03 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

JERRY DIAS. I read the tweet, and did a double take.

Here was Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, Canada’s anti-progressive, media-bashing “Trump in the North,” railing against Unifor — Canada’s largest media union — for being invited to identify an expert to sit on a technical panel to define what constitutes quality journalism.

(I offer congratulations to Dias for spouting propaganda so foul it RIVALS that of ADOLF Hitler telling the world that Nazis had to invade Poland to protect Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The contempt in his tweet would have you think that Unifor, itself, was somehow responsible for administering a program that is a lifeline to struggling news organizations, many of which can barely keep the newsroom lights on.

(Oh yes- but IT IS Unifor that is BENEFITTING MOST from this shameless LIE-beral vote buying CRAP!! Firstly- Unifor joined with LIE-berals back in 2008 to openly HARASS the Harper govt for not throwing WAY MORE CASH at Cdn auto makers- who happen to EMPLOY ONLY Unifor HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Secondly it is Unifor that is screaming FOR EVEN MORE TAX DOLLARS to be dropped into the black hole that is General Motors- even as the company leaves Canada!! Yet Unifor is SILENT about the NEARLY THREE BILLION DOLLARS in CANCELLED DEBT to Gm and Chrysler that Our idiot Boy Justin WROTE OFF in early 2019!!!!!!!)

(Worst of all - now that LIE-beral efforts to RIG OUR ELECTIONS with electoral reform SCAMS have failed and now that LIE-beral efforts to SILENCE critics by using FASCIST limits on free speech by threatening to ARREST critics of ANY LIE-beral policy under ILL-DEFINED and open ended Islamophobia Hate Crime legislation- with LIE-berals NOT EVEN ABLE TO DEFINE Islamophobia as being anything other than statements they do not like- now LIE-berals are launching a new anti free speech offensive with the help of GROSSLY SELFISH HYPOCRITES LIKE DIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is true that much of Cdn news media is struggling financially! But that struggle is LARGELY OF THEIR OWN MAKING!! A big chunk of Cdn news media sees its primary job as PROMOTING LIE-beral party values!! And many Cdns simply REFUSE to PAY for propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And How ODD that for SEVERAL DECADES NOW - Conservative fund raising efforts have consistently OUT PERFORMED the LIE-beral version by a WIDE MARGIN!! And is it not odd that it was LIE-beral Jean Chretien who altered the political funding rules FOR HIS PARTIES BENEFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Chretien knew that as his third term was ending and Cdns were wildly OUTRAGED by the LIE-beral Adscam Theft of Three Billion Dollars of tax money- and that LIE-beral ability to fund raise and pay for the next election WOULD TAKE A HUGE HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So in order to “balance” the playing field- meaning RIG the next election in favour of LIE-berals - Chretien arranged for TAX PAYERS to fund the parties in accordance with how many votes they got in the last election!! By this means Chretien POISONED the democratic process by artificially supplying cash to LIE-beral party in defiance of the mood of most Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Part of me understands Scheer is simply playing the new game of politics. I get it.

But I get angry at what this blatant, intentional mischaracterization means for October’s federal election campaign. I’m always up for a fair fight. Go ahead and criticize the government’s plan to protect Canada’s independent press. Let’s weigh the merits of this plan against another and have a healthy debate.

(Diaz says he wants a “fair fight”!! What arrant NONSENSE from a man who is caught up in a GROSS CONFLICT of interest!! Diaz is supporting Our idiot Boy merely in hope of getting MORE GRAVY -BY SELLING HOG VOTES!!!!!!!!!)

(If the owner of a private company offered raises in pay to his employees in exchange for Conservative support - LIE-berals like Diaz would SCREAM DOWN THE POLLING BOOTH!! Diaz hypocrisy is staggering in its crude deceit and insulting deceptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But trashing a plan with misstatements and half-truths, and no plan of your own, is a different kind of fight — one Canadians must not be willing to play.

(And WHY must Cdn tax payers be impoverished by LIE-berals who will use Carbon crap and trade tax scam cash to BUY JOBS FOR HOGS?? Why should Cdns BE FORCED to pay for news media they neither want nor BELIEVE!!!!!)

Scheer’s tweet circulated a satirical photo of elected Unifor officials taken in 2018, spoofing a controversial Maclean’s cover featuring Scheer, Doug Ford and a gaggle of Conservative Party cousins, billing them as “The Resistance.”

Scheer incorrectly stated Unifor officials have been “appointed to help decide” how new federal funds to support struggling news organizations will be distributed.


(Diaz is right in a bass-ackwards way- HE IS FALSE in his statements about Scheer!! Such is the LIE-beral value system they think it is best to accuse the other guy first - and hope to muddy the waters with Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The truth is this is an independent panel of technical experts, including journalists, to define the terms of quality and professional journalism — a task best left to professionals, not politicians. Figuring out what constitutes proper journalism is a necessary precondition to any financial support — lest we cut cheques to every basement-dwelling news blogger.

(How INSULTING Diaz is!! The blue ribbon panel that Diaz is talking about has quietly polled UNIFOR leaders and other HOGS to see how much GRAVY they WANT in return for their LIE-beral votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(If we set up a Commission of Ku Klux Klan members to judge black people -then Diaz would scream FOUL!! Yet Diaz smoothly INSULTS OUR in intelligence by claiming a pack of LIE-berals can be trusted to tell us about Conservatives!!!!!!!!)

Unifor, with a balance of seven other organizations, including journalist associations, worker organizations and media publishers -yes, the same ones who disproportionately endorse Conservative parties come election time, will recommend who can assist in these preliminary, technical discussions.

(Oh how CRUDE is that propaganda!! Cdn media stands CONVICTED of being biased in favour of LIE-berals!! Major brands such as Metroland media- owners of Toronto (RED) star newspaper simply avoid any view hostile to LIE-berals - UNLESS they can slant and distort and weaken that view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Global News follows the Star approach- avoid where possible and then “claim” journalistic integrity” by making mention ONCE of LIE-beral scandals and then BURYING THEM in a flood of more positive news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And DIAZ quietly DECLINES TO MENTION that his blue ribbon panel now speaks for about 15,000 UNIFOR members employed in various LIE-beral friendly news media chains such as The Star and Gobal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(AS for CBC- our Communist Broadcasting Corp- they stand Convicted of using a DELIBERATELY SLANTED VERSION of “fair use policy” that ENSURED that CBC news commentators would never have to say anything in support of Conservatives during the 2015 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The panel has until the end of July to offer its directional guidance, and then will disband.

(Uh huh - one group who knows what HOGS WANT - makes the choices and then slides out of sight while a second group with LESS OBVIOUS BIAS - actually hands out the gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In related news - LIE-berals tellk us IT IS A LIE - that Toronto (Red) Star is getting $115 grand PER WEEK from the LIE-beral media slush fund - BUT - LIE-
berals REFUSE TO SAY just how much Toronto Star IS GETTING!! Should we guess IT IS MORE THAN $115 grand per week?????????????????)

A completely separate panel will then be responsible for allocating funds. Unifor will have absolutely no role on that panel, nor should we.

(Oh yes- the panel “WILL DISBAND”!! Right after it makes very clear to LIE-berals -exactly what policies LIE-berals MUST ENACT if they want to retain ANY civil service union HOG support for the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

There’s a lot at stake. More than 250 news outlets have either closed or merged in the last decade. Newspaper revenue dropped 64%.

Here’s what Scheer needs to understand: Losing news gathering capacity sucks the oxygen from our democracy and allows fake news to propagate.

(DIAZ LIES!! Many of us get our news online now!! From sources that DO NOT Cater to LIE-beral Fake News purveyors in exchange for gravy!! Fake News is gthe result of desperate LIE-beral efforts to cling to power and NOT from lack of news media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Does Scheer really believe his own rhetoric? Does he really want to see the demise of our Fourth Estate?

(Diaz offers HIS VERSION of truth and justice - one that will ENSURE HIS UNION PROFITS AT OUR EXPENSE!! Diaz has all the honesty and sincerity of the old Soviet Mouthpiece mockingly called PRAVDA - TRUTH in Russian!!!)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Doing what and where?

This data does not record the quality of the work (ie wage/salary rate) or if it would be enough to raise a family on.

A bunch of temp, minimum wage jobs don't amount to squat in terms of a person's ability to live, let alone adding substantially to the economy

Canada men's soccer team beats U.S. for first time in 34 years

Canada's men's soccer team has beaten the U.S. for the first time in 34 years, with second-half goals from Alphonso Davis and Lucas Cavallini in a 2-0 win Tuesday night in the CONCACAF Nations League.

TSN played 2 separate calls on the win, 1 from a Canadian broadcaster and 1 from American.

No doubt, it was highly amusing to observe the drastic journalistic descriptions in each


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Except in BC where we have an NDPee government. Unemployment is up, taxes are up, surplus is blown credit rating is heading down.
BC unemployment is 4.3%, Down 0.3% this month

Lowest in Canada.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Except in BC where we have an NDPee government. Unemployment is up, taxes are up, surplus is blown credit rating is heading down.

Uh............Welcome to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral exploited sucker nation of the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes- I understand there are some SMALL DIFFERENCES between LIE-berals and their idiot NDPee cousins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the differences aint enough to matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a reminder of LIE-beral manipulation ond deception::::::::::::::::

Here is an article that LIE-berals won’t like!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau bails and Scheer wins in first debate

By Brian Lilley

Published: September 12, 2019/ Updated: September 12, 2019 10:34 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Three leaders took the stage for the debate where four podiums stood, one of the podiums remained empty.

(Oh - a not so sublte dig at Our idiot Boy for being too chicken to come defend his record of handing out gobs of gravy to LIE-beral special interest groups - including the Lavalin mob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

As the first federal election debate took place on Thursday night, the man who currently holds the title of prime minister wasn’t there. In place of Justin Trudeau, a man many call an empty suit, stood an empty podium.

“Good to see you,” Green Leader Elizabeth May said as she walked over to Trudeau’s empty podium before the debate started.

(How amusing that Our idiot Boy should be mocked this way -even though it is a PALE IMITATION of the major SCORN HE DESERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Justin Trudeau is afraid of his record and that’s why he isn’t here tonight,” Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said.

(True Dat!! How obscenely HYPOCRITICAL of LIE-berals to have harassed Stephen Harper for not spending more to help auto workers and others blind sided by the 2008 economic melt down - and THEN to mock Harper again for having a little $1.5 billion dollar deficit- and THEN as soon as LIE-berals got elected they ran the deficit up to THIRTY TWO BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Even worse- in each of the next three years- LIE-berals ran a series of twenty billion dollar deficits- with NO END IN SIGHT to the red ink!! And these fiscal idiots want to condemn Harper spending!! What a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Even MORE LAUGHABLE was how Wynne-bag LIE-berals drove Ontari-owe into WORLD RECORD SETTING DEBT - and then LIED and told us they had a balanced budget- that was hiding a SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLAR HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals NO LONGER HAVE ANY RIGHT to be critical of how other parties do their budgeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Green Party leader Elizabeth May reaches to the empty mic stand where the invited Liberal leader and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau turned down an invitation to the Maclean’s/Citytv National Leaders Debate, next to New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh on the second day of the election campaign in Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 12, 2019. (Frank Gunn/Pool via REUTERS) POOL / REUTERS

Yet throughout the debate there were fewer shots taken at Trudeau by the three remaining leaders than you would expect.

(As we know- two of the 3 leaders who showed up are fighting for second place- with third leader Scheer simply presenting his valid case to be election winner!!!!!!!)

What we witnessed was a debate where Scheer auditioned for the role of prime minister while May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh auditioned for the role of leader of the campus socialist club.

Singh and May tried to outbid each other with what Canadians could get if they only cast their ballot for one of their parties. Free drug coverage, free dental care, free post-secondary tuition.

(Jagmeet -the political dead meat - Singh should go read olod Tom Muclair speeches since it was he who came closest to presenting a sensible NDP plan!!!!!!!
Mulcair certainly made grand offers in the usual impractical Socialist way - but Mulcair was careful enough to issue qualifications - like not going whole hog on spending till AFTER the economy turned around!! Singh by comparison simply sounds like a younger and more foolish version of Bob Rae - setting us up for those NASTY Rae Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

All available if we would just tax the rich and those greedy corporations a bit more.

The leaders were quizzed on issues of the economy, indigenous issues, foreign affairs and energy and the environment.

At every turn, the Greens and NDP tried to show voters that they would give more and go further than the Liberals when it comes to spending on social programs and on social issues.

In the middle stood Scheer trying to sound like the reasonable one.

“Who do you trust so that you can get ahead?” Scheer asked in his closing statement.

Scheer tried to make the case that Canadians are not feeling the benefits of what the governing Liberals call a booming economy. Unemployment is low but the Conservatives maintain that the average voter is not getting ahead, thus their slogan, “It’s time for you to get ahead.”

(It is true- the only real winners of LIE-beral policy have been civil service union HOGS and SELECT special interest groups such as Lavalin and Bombardier!!!!!!!!)

IF I was Trudope - I would not wish to explain such highly selective greed to the general public either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So Scheer focused on the carbon tax and his assertion that it does nothing for the environment while driving up the costs of everyday items from groceries to the gas in the tank.

(AS we have all come to realize- the LIE-beral carbon tax SCAM is nothing but a GRAVY GRAB!! LIE-berals will further tax and cripple the lives of ordinary people so they can BUY the votes of HOGS and others who also have the BIGGEST carbon foot print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(How can LIE-berals tell us we have a climate emergency - and set up their carbon SCAM so that owners of 300 horsepower Sea-Doos can more easily afford to race their super charged TOYS??????????????????????)

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh asked this simple question at the end of the debate: “Who’s gonna fight for you?”

(Singh and his gnag suffer fro a major case of Schizophrenia- in that they want ot “support” the people who do the LEAST WORK in our society!! Meaning they are focused on welfare recipients regardless of HOW they ended up needing that aid!! NDPers make no distinction between a drug addict and a worker who was laid off due to his job going to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In fact - NDPers are so screwed up their think the drug addict ins worthy of GREATER SUPPORT than th4e sober person whose job went to China - since the laid off worker - whether they are auto workers or oil company types - are “able bodied” and capable of repairing their life - while the addict is seen as totally helpless!! Even as NDPers drown able bodied people in taxes so they can aid the down trodden and dispossessed - with free needles and meals and sleeping bags - all of which ENABLE the destructive addict lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The NDP is also focussing on the affordability issue that the Conservatives have taken on but from a different perspective. While the Conservatives promise to make the lives of voters more affordable by leaving more money in your pocket by cutting taxes, the NDP promises to make life more affordable by having government do more.

(Just HOW govt will do more -when we are about to do a national face plant into the debt wall - and have our borrowing ruthlessly CURTAILED- IS NOT something NDPers want to discuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Another MAJOR ISSUE Ndpers -and LIE-berals wish to avoid is any talk of what happens IF Alberta goes bankrupt!! LIE-berals have told us they wish to KILL the Cdn oil patch and if they do - then HOW will Alberta balance its books after being DENIED the ablity to sell its most valuable product?? And how quickly will we run into a NATIONAL CREDIT CRISIS if Alberta goes under????????????????????)

May and the Greens tried to discuss expanded social programs while also promising fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget within five years.

(Handing out lots of free money - while being fiscal tight wads balancing the books sounds even more delusional that the usual LIE-beral policy!! But as I have said - NDPers and Greenies are the LESS intelligent cousins of LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Trudeau chose not to attend the debate and went instead to visit a pair of ridings in British Columbia during the day before an evening event in Edmonton.

Trudeau`s absence allowed Andrew Scheer to stand beside two opponents clearly not ready for prime time and look like the only viable option to Trudeau himself.

(Four years worth of LIE-beral deficits plus the $12 billion dollars and counting of election promises recently made- takes us up over ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS IN NEW ENTIRELY LIE-beral debt - it IS A FACT that we cannot afford 4 more years of the idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Justin Trudeau runs the most costly and morally challenged govt we have ever endured!! |NO WONDER he is NOT anxious to come defend his record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Name change is all they do for their thugs, like the Bankers going from France to the UK to the USA for who their fall guys are.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Snivelling whiny spoiled child , is my take .

Oh now.........................that might be just a tiny little bit harsh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all the poor child is surrounded by LUNATIC LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO Wonder the poor kid is depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her world view is TOTALLY POISONED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IMAGINE THINKING.........................that building an ocean sailing yacht ................................

made with a HUGELY TOXIC SOUP of chemicals and resins.......................................

and LOADS OF OIL BASED PLASTIC for the Dacron sails..............................

and oil based nylon for the ropes and sheets and halyards.............................

and then loading the thing up with bottled water and all sorts of food in CANS and foil packs........................

and sailing across the ocean...............................

dumping your waste - INCLUDING SEWAGE and washing water.................................

into the marine environment as you go..............................

and then expecting your actions are GOING TO CONVINCE PEOPLE of your love of the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND PERSUADE PEOPLE to allow LIE-berals to DEVASTATE OUR LIVES................................

just so LIE-berals and their civil service union HOG ALLIES....................................

can use the carbon tax SCAM to grab the gravy THEY NEED................................

to maintain THEIR LARGE CARBON FOOTPRINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember - Our idiot Boy thinks nothing od flying from Florida to Ottawa 3 or 4 times in a couple of DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND THEN picking up the wife and kids for a flyign trip out to Tofino for the west coast SURFING?????????????

WHAT ENVIRONMENTAL PRICE FOR THAT WEEK of idiot Boy activity????????????????????

The poor kid - Greta - is CLEARLY CLUELESS about how she is being USED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If she only knew how many people were MOCKING HER ACTIONS........................

SHE REALLY WOULD be possessed by Demons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would not be wildly FUNNY to see the look on Our idiot Boy Justin`s face........................

if Greta started snarling at HIM and spinning her head in circles while dispensing something that looks like PEA SOUP................

out of her mouth like a LAWN SPRINKLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!