Breaking : Cdn news


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
B.C. cabinet minister Jinny Sims resigns amid RCMP investigation

What's going on Hoid the NDP opening a side business and selling citizenships to terrorists?

Oh Moose...............................................

that remark of yours IS ACTUALLY NOT ALL THAT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeing as how a bunch of lllegals were just ARRESTED and hauled off.....................................

from a B.C. race track were they had been working..................................................

and most of them were waving Fake Documents that ALLEGED........................................

they were ENTITLED to work in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody in B.C. has sold a HUGE PACK of illegal documents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The REEK of lawyer and or civil service union HOG corruption is STRONG AT THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
you really have no idea how our country works
It is the legislature, she just stepped down from cabinet but did not relinquish her seat . The split is still the same , and Horgan is still Premier as long as the Greenweavers support him .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
the friggin hypocrites.


YOU ARE FUNNY - but NOT IN A GOOD WAY......................................


Consider some of the CRAP our LIE-beral overlords would like us to FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article explaining why Yankees are suddenly looking at Canada as a possible security risk!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Immigration lawyers report Canadian Muslims being denied entry to U.S.

By: John Paul Tasker CBC News

Published: Aug 30, 2019

A number of Canadian Muslims have been turned away at the Canada-U.S. border in recent weeks, immigration lawyers say.

(And what is the problem with that? Many Cdns are painfully aware of HOW LITTLE EFFORT LIE-berals put into security checks for those they allow to immigrate here- either legally OR illegally!! Yankees have suffered MUCH MORE from Muslim Terror than we have and thus they are more wary of letting unknown people wander across their borders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(This is in SHARP CONTRAST to LIE-beral Cdn policy which happily accepted 60,000 mostly Syrian Muslim refugees ESSENTIALLY SELECTED FOR US from camps run by HAMAS TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Those denied entry include a prominent Guyana-born Toronto imam who serves as a chaplain with the Peel Regional Police and an Iraqi Turkmen community leader who has family members fighting ISIS in the Middle East.

The two men — who were denied entry at different border crossings and were not travelling together — are among at least six Canadian Muslim men who have been denied entry at the U.S. border over the last two weeks.

(OH BOO HOO!! In the most recent news -a 12 year old Muslim girl and her family reacted with OUTRAGE AND INDIGNATION when the kid was required to show her full face to security officers at the airport!! The UGLY FACT IS that most of us DO NOT BELIEVE Muslim convenience should outweigh public safety!! Muslims need to adapt to US!! Not the other way round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The men and their families, all of whom are Canadian citizens, were given little in the way of explanation by border officials for the decision to deem them inadmissible.

Neither Guyana nor Iraq are among the seven Muslim-majority countries subject to U.S. President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" executive order, which essentially blocks refugees and visitors from those countries from entering the U.S.

(Cdn LIE-berals are fools to believe that issuing Cdn papers to Muslim SUSPECTS will automatically remake them - from LIONS INTO LAMBS!! Cdn LIE-berals have made such a mess of our immigration system that Yankee border guards recently ARRESTED two MS 13 gang members as they tried to pass from Canada into United States - carrying their BRAND NEW Cdn passports!!!!!!!!!!)

(Ms 13 is a notorious international drug cartel and murder for hire gang of truly nasty thugs - that Our idiot Boy apparently wants as Cdn citizens - and the two newly minted “Cdn” KILLERS were senior leaders in the gang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Both men were told to apply for visas at the U.S. consulate in Toronto before returning to the border to seek entry — an unusual process for people who hold Canadian passports.

(And the changed process is a GRAPHIC REMINDER of how Yankee trust in Cdns is being ERODED!! Yankees HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN the Cdn citizen of Muslim background who was arrested at their border after explosives were found in the trunk of the guys car - which he PLANNED TO DETONATE at some convenient spot in New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The six men are represented by the Toronto-area immigration firm CILF — Caruso Guberman Appleby. Lawyers there say that if they're seeing this level of activity at their law firm, there may be many other Canadian nationals facing similar problems at the border.

"We've seen a lot more in the last few weeks and we don't know what to attribute it to. We know the climate there in the U.S. has changed, it's a bit different, but at the same time there are processes and procedures and people should be afforded opportunities to challenge a case," Daud Ali, a lawyer at CILF, told CBC News.

(People CLEARLY HAVE the option to challenge a case- they just cannot do it instantly at a border station!! Hence the order to those Cdns to obtain a VISA at the U.S. Consulate - so real security checks can be performed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"But it's hard to know what you're going up against when you're not told why you're denied entry. The fact that they're all Muslims, that raises some concerns about whether these people are being targeted or if this is a new form of some sort of ban ..."

(Yes- it especially hard when Cdn LIE-berals are working so very hard to convince us that Muslims ARE NOT A THREAT - even as the Muslim terror body count grows and the cost of preventive security SOARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Having worked as an immigration lawyer for over 40 years nothing surprises me anymore but, in all my years, I have never seen such a Kafkaesque scenario," said Joel Guberman, a partner at the firm.

(LIE-berals expect us to become inured to Muslim terror and to accept occasional blood spilled in the street the same way we accept blizzards and tornados!! LIE-berals see no reason why we should be upset by shameless LIE-beral vote buying!)

When asked if there has been a new directive in recent weeks with respect to Muslim travellers from Canada, a spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said the agency "has not had any new policy changes."

While unable to speak to specific cases because of privacy laws, the CBP spokesperson said "applicants for admission bear the burden of proof to establish that they are clearly eligible to enter the United States. In order to demonstrate that they are admissible, the applicant must overcome all grounds of inadmissibility."

(IN other words - Yankee security people HAVE SUSPICIONS about several of the Cdn Muslims that they turned away!! And our lazy and biased LIE-beral govt chooses NOT TO SEE Potential national security threats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

No Canadian citizen has a "right" to enter the U.S.; entry happens at the sole discretion of the U.S. customs officers on duty — and they have a lot of latitude to ask questions to determine the admissibility of a foreign national.

CBP lists more than 60 grounds for inadmissibility divided into several major categories, including health-related reasons, criminality, security reasons, illegal entry and immigration violations, and documentation requirements.

Two of the six men denied entry have agreed to share their stories with CBC News to warn other Muslim Canadians about the complications that may arise when travelling to the U.S.

Imran Ally, a resident imam at the Toronto and Regional Islamic Congregation (TARIC) mosque for the last 20 years and a chaplain with Peel Regional Police, was travelling with his wife and three children to attend his best friend's daughter's wedding in the New York City borough of Queens. He was set to officiate.

Ally and his wheelchair-bound, special-needs son were held at the Peace Bridge crossing near Fort Erie, Ont., for more than five hours. They faced three separate rounds of questioning by plainclothes and uniformed officers. Some of the questions centred on his charitable endeavours related to resettling Syrian refugees.

(OH yes- and former Cdn prime minster Harper faced serious criticism from LIE-berals for revoking the charitable status of a number of Cdn charities for allegedly sending aid to Muslim terrorists!! Should we guess that Harper and Yankees had evidence - that Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are IGNORING? After all - Trudope DID eventually revoke the status of a Muslim charity for supporting terrorists last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(IN other news - LIE-berals began sending Cdn aid to terror group Hamas right after the 2015 election!! Yankees have figured out that Cdn LIE-berals ARE HOSTILE to Washington!! Thus Yankees have NO REASON to trust Cdns under certain circumstances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

'I knew going to the U.S. for the first time wouldn't be a red carpet welcome.' - Imran Ally

Ally, a native of the South American nation of Guyana, was questioned about his work as a religious leader, photographed and fingerprinted and ultimately denied entry because he was told his name "matches that of a bad guy."

(The obvious lesson in all this is GET A VISA from the Yankee embassy if you look like a stereotype terrorist from a Hollywood movie!! And wearing a western suit instead of traditional Muslim robes does not cancel out the suspicion!!!!!!!!!)

(There has been TOO MUCH BLOOD SPILLED for the free and easy days of crossing the border without trouble to endure!! And the NEW NORMAL of Chinese and Iranian spies using Canada as a base of operations against Yankees - with Cdn LIE-beral blessing is NOT HELPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Thank you LIE-berals for alienating and offending our ALLIES this way!!!!!!)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
pay close attention: any parliamentary government can (only) be defeated by a vote of non confidence.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
pay close attention: any parliamentary government can (only) be defeated by a vote of non confidence.
So if they don’t have the votes they will be defeated , and presently they have a very tiny advantage .