Black Lives Matter-Ugliness of Racism.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
ah yes newsweek is twitter

from that link: Newsweek article on fountain of youth blood transfusions caused social media to explode with admissions Jones has been right about everything.

Can Blood from Young People Slow Aging? Silicon Valley Has Bet Billions It Will​

Say, betcha we don't see no more "Media bias fact checks" from ol sleepy now they have been sued into the ground for lying

‘Media Bias/Fact Check’ Site Served With Cease And Desist, Gets Fact-Checked​

fact check clip
CCD Editor’s note: Our site has also come under attack by this dubious website, which forced me to correct them on our About Us page. I’m delighted that someone is finally taking them on in the courts.
* * * * *
Discredited, self-styled ‘fact-checker’ website was served with a ‘cease and desist’ legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims against Principia Scientific International (PSI).
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

And your guru alex jones??????????????​

Alex Jones ordered to pay $100,000 in Sandy Hook defamation case​

31 December 2019

Related Topics
Alex Jones
image copyrightReuters
image captionAlex Jones runs the Infowars website, which touts a range of conspiracy theories
US radio host and prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $100,000 (£76,000) in legal fees and court costs in a defamation case against him.
The case has been brought by the father of a child killed in the Sandy Hook mass school shooting in 2012.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
But Austin attorney T. Wade Jefferies, Jones’ most recent lawyer on the case, replied by e-mail that he did not think the Appeals Court ruling would stand.

“I completely disagree that the appeal was frivolous and believe the Texas Supreme Court will reverse the sanctions order and dismiss the case,” he said.

Legal fees and court costs and NO penalties??? When the case HASN"T EVEN BEEN DEFORE THE JURY YET??????
from the link:
“It is rare to see a legal defense so incompetent and disrespectful to the rule of law that it causes a defendant to rack up $150,000 in fines during preliminary motions
before even reaching trial,” Bankston said.


The only man who never made any mistakes is the man who never did anything...but for YOU mistakes are something you are good at

Keep tryin bub...maybe get some help with those reading and comprehension skills.
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Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
One of the main planks of marxist - well, really all communisms, is the complete destruction of the family unit so that everyone becomes individual prey without that protection.

For example just look at the BIDEN cages at the border full of children with no family protection that have been thrown over the wall by cartel coyotes being handed out to people all over the US who do not even have to do background checks as to whether they are pedos or not.
You'd have a point if that was actually accurate about Marxist Feminist Analysis but dude you're looking exactly like a mouth breathing drooling uneducated person sir.
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Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
This was not an example of equal representation of a household no matter gender or financial strength?
Oh holy shit you looked it up.

Good 4 U!!!

Now apply that to me actually saying that I've only dabbled in it.

And fix your panties the rest of the way.

Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
Yes bitching about hitlarian jew killing is jew hate

especially when he funds terrorists like BLM and antifa and crooked D.A.S ( haha pun intended!) and politicians all over the US and Canada.

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"​

Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni "Anti-semitic", "its a trick we always use it"
And TY for proving my point about you sir.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Which ones of those have I posted?


And comrade? I literally explained the marxist feminism and what it is and that it's not a political structure.

You have educational troubles don't you?
Indeed I do. Trying to educate Marxists is a full time job. And I do not accept any money for doing so. I am such a nice right winger, aren't I, eh? ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
WARMINGTON: Police chiefs and association presidents demand Horwath apologize
NDP Leader slammed for tweeting about Regis Korchinski-Paquet's "killing"

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Publishing date:May 28, 2021 • 16 hours ago • 4 minute read • 89 Comments
Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath inside the legislature at Queen's Park in Toronto on May 19, 2020.
Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath inside the legislature at Queen's Park in Toronto on May 19, 2020. PHOTO BY JACK BOLAND /Toronto Sun
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Calling Opposition Leader Andrea Horwath’s social media comments on the death of a Toronto woman a “lie,” the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) is demanding an apology.

“An intentional fact-absent statement is known as a lie,” tweeted Jeff McGuire, OACP executive director and former Niagara Regional Police chief.

“Work being done to improve the safety of all communities is badly eroded by your flame-fanning comments. You owe an apology and you need to correct your statement.”

McGuire told the Toronto Sun that Horwath knows her comments “to be absent of facts” and that is “both improper, distasteful and a complete lack of regard or respect for the mental well-being of first responders.”


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So far, Howarth has not pulled back her tweet.

On Thursday, the NDP leader tweeted: “Regis Korchinski-Paquet was loved and she mattered. She deserved help, support and life. One year after her killing, her family – like D’Andre Campbell’s, Soleiman Faqiri’s and so many others – is still seeking justice.”

Needless to say, this messaging did not sit well with the policing community.

“The death of Ms. Korchinski-Paquet is a tragedy for all involved. Her family, friends and community continue to suffer from the sudden loss,” Toronto Police Chief James Ramer called the comment “inaccurate, damaging to many, and frankly, irresponsible.”

He noted Korchinski-Paquet’s “family, friends and community continue to suffer from the sudden loss” and “the death of a young woman impacts not only the attending officers, but resonates with all of us in the Toronto Police Service.”


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Peel Regional Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah said: “This statement undermines the exceptional work and confidence of our members who dedicate themselves to protecting our community, as well as the great strides our service and our community partners have made in improving mental health response.


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“We support accountability and transparency as well as the commitment from all levels of government to providing additional support for mental health services and community support funding,” Duraiappah said.

Another voice of reason came from Halton Chief Steve Tanner, who on Twitter called it “clearly inflammatory and misleading language used to further divide people at a time when we are all trying to build positive relationships and eliminate racism and systemic discrimination.”


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The SIU ruled 29-year-old Regis Korchinski-Paquet’s May 27, 2020 death resulted from a fall from a 24-storey balcony while trying to scale to another one after a confrontation with police. The SIU cleared the Toronto Police officers and deemed it was not a killing at the hands of police.

It’s the same with the other two names Horwath mentioned. In the case of Campbell, it was ruled justifiable force had been used and in the case of Faqiri, there were no police or corrections officers ruled responsible.

Now police are asking Horwath to correct the record.

“The false account presented of Ms. Horwath is nothing short of reckless and a total disregard for the truth and the facts,” Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid told the Toronto Sun. “For her to perpetuate this false narrative does nothing to support relations between the communities and the members of the Toronto Police Service.


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“As an elected official, integrity should be a hallmark of that position. I don’t see any here.”

Saying he was “shocked,” Reid said he’s hopeful people seek out the full perspective on the Korchinski-Paquet tragedy as well as the others before making judgment.

Reid tweeted: “Ms. Korchinski-Paquet was not killed. Justice is not building a false story of lies villainizing police. Its not questioning accountability when an independent invest didn’t fuel a false narrative, but found the truth. If you want to do better, this is not the way.”


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Peel Regional Police Association president Adrian Woolley agreed, saying it’s also “hurtful” because “the trauma that police officers go through following these incidents is enormous.” He said for someone who’s in the position to perhaps become premier to take this stance is concerning.

“Andrea’s tweet is extremely irresponsible. These deaths are tragedies and no one will argue that point,” said Woolley. “However, the SIU completed a thorough investigation which clearly exonerated our members of any wrongdoing. She is looking to create greater division between the police and the community for the sole purpose of furthering her political agenda.”


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By Friday afternoon, a statement from Horwath’s office neither apologized nor walked back her words, but provided a clarified quote from the opposition leader.

“Regis Korchinski-Paquet’s death was the result of an entire system that failed her,” Horwath said.

“She didn’t get the mental health help, or the urgent de-escalation intervention, she needed to protect her life. She was loved and valued and should still be with us today.”

But in a second part of her original tweet, the Hamilton MPP wrote of this being a built-in problem with policing: “A systemic problem needs a systemic solution.”


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It’s not the first time Horwath has called out the cops. In May 2020, she tweeted: “To get #JusticeForRegis for her family & the Black community, there must be a full, transparent & independent investigation.”


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There was an investigation and it determined the police did not kill Regis.


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Oct 26, 2009
Black Lives Matter co-founder resigns amid criticism about her lifestyle
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:May 28, 2021 • 17 hours ago • 1 minute read • 38 Comments
Patrisse Cullors.
Patrisse Cullors. PHOTO BY SCREENGRAB /Patrisse Cullors/Instagram
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One of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter said Thursday she’s stepping aside as executive director.

Patrisse Cullors, 37 — who was the leader of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation for nearly six years — said she was leaving, effective Friday, to focus on a book and TV deal, according to the New York Post.

Channing Tatum got a cramp 'flexing' for nude Instagram shoot
“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors said. “It feels like the time is right.”

Cullors denied her exit was related to criticism of the group’s finances and her own wealth, which allegedly includes multiple homes worth more than $3 million U.S., according to the Post, citing property records.

“Those were right-wing attacks that tried to discredit my character, and I don’t operate off of what the right thinks about me,” Cullors said.

The BLM foundation said in February that it took in just over $90 million last year, following the May 2020 murder of George Floyd, and said it had more than $60 million at the end of 2020.

Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
Makes sense of your arguments then, I also pretty much agreed that a family pod is pretty much a collective pooling resources to succeed
Ideally it is.

In practice rarely.

Males will have a skewed perspective as well on this.

In many cases women's participation is conscripted.

MF teaches women in their context what their work and worth gets quantified as. It also shows that in the large scale view of the patriarchal construct women/wives are the man's reward for his participation in the workforce as is the continuing of his progeny and name. And that we as women as holders of the production of the next workers are held under strict controls of such.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Ideally it is.

In practice rarely.

Males will have a skewed perspective as well on this.

In many cases women's participation is conscripted.

MF teaches women in their context what their work and worth gets quantified as. It also shows that in the large scale view of the patriarchal construct women/wives are the man's reward for his participation in the workforce as is the continuing of his progeny and name. And that we as women as holders of the production of the next workers are held under strict controls of such.
You should have grown up on a farm every individual in the family's worth is quantified
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I grew up with a divorced father who worked. and was the best camp cook I've ever met, and he also did the dishes and laundry built the house and all the boats, My mother was a DVM., then later, the head of a science department, so all this sounds kinda wacky to me
The state would just replace every valuable thing generated by family for the family with robotic state slavery brainwashing pavlovian cheeze dog poo biscuits.