Black Lives Matter-Ugliness of Racism.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
On second thought he might not be stupid, with all the money he makes, but he sure has a bunch of stupid lemmings for followers
Hey fella, you must be one of those stupid lemmings yourself because you still think that conspiracies like event 201/Covid 1984 does not exist. You keep following the likes of fraudster Fauci and his made up science bull yourself, comrade. You must be then making plenty of money yourself from all of this Covid 1984 nonsense, right?

I saw on the news the other day that there are now 9 new billionaires that have profited off of the Covid 1984 conspiracy Chinese virus. How did that happen, lemming? I suppose that you think that the money they made on Covid was all on the up and up, right? So, which one of those billionaires did you work for? Have you made lots of money yet, lemming? Just asking. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Better stay in your basement until all is safe again outside or a piece of sky may hit you on that empty pea brain head of yours, sleepy head. Just a suggestion. :D

Why Chinese Hate Indians!​

Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai? No more it seems. A recent survey has found that less than one-fourth of Chinese like India. And this begs us to ask the question-Why Chinese hate Indians

The survey conducted by Washington-based Pew Research Center revealed that roughly 23% have a favorable opinion of India, while 62% offer a negative opinion.
Currently, only 44% of Chinese say their southern neighbour's expanding economy is positive for China, down from 60% in 2010.Meanwhile, those saying India's growing economy is a bad thing has almost doubled over the same period.

We can only suggest, but perhaps the 50th anniversary of the Sino-Indian war of 1962 may have made the decades old wound fresh in people's memory.
Or could it be that India's bid to explore oil in South China Sea has caused our neighbours to hate us?

Perhaps India's rise as an economic power is unsettling to the Chinese people.
But do you know what we suspect?
They just couldn't 'digest' the mind numbing theory of Haryana's Khap Panchayats that linked their beloved chowmein with rape.
Borders are O.K. But chowmein is sacred.

Note all the links to other things containing content other than FECES book memes.

...and of course there is crackdad fauci's good buddy China Joe shutting down US oil production too.

The globalist bankers are trying to shut down all the competing economies because the Chinese they have invested so much into are already, like sleepy, already enslaved. Not to mention, if all those international doctors that are being so heavily censored are correct, STERILIZED as well.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Yeah, starvation from lockdowns and the misused Corona virus PCR test which at the cycles they run it at is 95% INACCU -"RAT".
Geez eh...The chi commies and BILL GATES and the owner of the covid patents FAUCI HATE INDIA. Go figure.

The PCR tests is one big scam. The PCR tests were never meant to be used to check for Covid. The PCR tests is what is being used by our dear Marxists political leaders to jack up the numbers of Covid patients to make it look like we are still in this Convid 1984 scamdemic. The higher the cycles the more Covid victims. But try and explain that to lemmings like sleepy head who still believes that conspiracies do not and never have existed. Some people's kids. ;)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Why Chinese Hate Indians!​

Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai? No more it seems. A recent survey has found that less than one-fourth of Chinese like India. And this begs us to ask the question-Why Chinese hate Indians

The survey conducted by Washington-based Pew Research Center revealed that roughly 23% have a favorable opinion of India, while 62% offer a negative opinion.
Currently, only 44% of Chinese say their southern neighbour's expanding economy is positive for China, down from 60% in 2010.Meanwhile, those saying India's growing economy is a bad thing has almost doubled over the same period.

We can only suggest, but perhaps the 50th anniversary of the Sino-Indian war of 1962 may have made the decades old wound fresh in people's memory.
Or could it be that India's bid to explore oil in South China Sea has caused our neighbours to hate us?

Perhaps India's rise as an economic power is unsettling to the Chinese people.
But do you know what we suspect?
They just couldn't 'digest' the mind numbing theory of Haryana's Khap Panchayats that linked their beloved chowmein with rape.
Borders are O.K. But chowmein is sacred.

Note all the links to other things containing content other than FECES book memes.

...and of course there is crackdad fauci's good buddy China Joe shutting down US oil production too.

The globalist bankers are trying to shut down all the competing economies because the Chinese they have invested so much into are already, like sleepy, already enslaved. Not to mention, if all those international doctors that are being so heavily censored are correct, STERILIZED as well.
Geez, if Bill Gates to hell wants to get rid of billions of people on earth then all he has to do is try and get China and India into a war against each other. Those two countries can afford to lose a few billion people here and there. That should make those Marxists enviro"mental"ists feel very happy knowing that there will now be less harm being done to their precious green planet with a few billion people not being around anymore.

And here we are always being told that it is only white people who hate other non white people and we are all just a bunch of white racists. Chinese people are actually quite racist towards others that are not of their Asian kind. But they do seem to like and will tolerate us white folk though. Wow, eh? Lol.

Globalist Gates, Klaus Schawb and fraudster Fauci are all working together with communist China with the goal of trying to implement a new one world globalist communist system of slavery for we the sheeple.

We have to wonder as too how many so called doctors, who took that oath of do no harm to others, are in on this scamdemic? Are many of these doctors that we see that keep pushing this Covid vaccine just a bunch of paid off TV actor doctors by chance? Hey, we never know, eh? Maybe old sleepy would know. LOL.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Don't know much about some places other than Youtube and feces book where after Forehead spoke out about his doubts about the vaccines while veritas just exposed them as censoring out any negative news or opinions regarding covid or vaccines, but here the canadian doctors are under the threat of a lose your license gag order from their licensing body if they speak up.

I posted a link somewhere on the pandemic thread I think.

Canadian Doctors Are Being Censored​

n April 30th, 2021 the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario put out a highly controversial statement regarding what it considers to be Covid misinformation. The CPSO is a regional regulatory body empowered by statutory law to exercise licensing and disciplinary authority over the practice of medicine in Ontario. Think of it as the equivalent of a State Bar Association for American lawyers except for Canadian doctors. The statement from the CPSO goes as follows,

The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations. Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.

The CPSO justifies its statement with the following rationale,

“There have been isolated incidents of physicians using social media to spread blatant misinformation and undermine public health measures meant to protect all of us.”
This development is nothing short of horrifying..."

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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The PCR tests is one big scam. The PCR tests were never meant to be used to check for Covid. The PCR tests is what is being used by our dear Marxists political leaders to jack up the numbers of Covid patients to make it look like we are still in this Convid 1984 scamdemic. The higher the cycles the more Covid victims. But try and explain that to lemmings like sleepy head who still believes that conspiracies do not and never have existed. Some people's kids. ;)
Not to mention the disarmed population VS armed criminals and the wide open southern US border is the soros (Joo killing joo in WWToo) / banker funded marxist invasion army...and all the children crossing the border unescorted are the marxist sex toys...and also there is the marxist dope flow as well just to put a real spin on the ball.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

LOL: Vandals Too Dumb to Spray Paint a Swastika Correctly are Exposed as Black Hate Hoaxsters​

Two black vandals who were too stupid to know how to properly draw a swastika turned out to be hate hoaxsters perpetrating another blood libel against white people.

The two vandals repeatedly targeted a black-owned auto repair shop in Spring Lake, N.C. and were exposed after he installed security cameras:

17-year-old Berlin girl claimed neo-Nazis carved a swastika into her face, but it was a hoax​

She used a mirror and got it backwards...and she is not the only one to have done that in the last while too.

African-American Man Commits Suicide By Hanging Himself – Somehow Turns into Lynching​

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Woman who falsely accused Black bird watcher in Central Park sues ex-employer
Author of the article:Reuters
Publishing date:May 26, 2021 • 1 day ago • 1 minute read • 14 Comments
Amy Cooper is seen in Central Park in a screengrab from video.
Amy Cooper is seen in Central Park in a screengrab from video. PHOTO BY CHRISTIAN COOPER /Facebook
Article content
NEW YORK — The white woman who falsely told the police that a Black bird-watcher had threatened her in New York City’s Central Park has sued her former employer Franklin Templeton, claiming it fired her without investigating the incident and falsely portrayed her as racist.

In a complaint filed on Tuesday night in Manhattan federal court, Amy Cooper said Franklin Templeton’s actions “caused her such severe emotional distress that she was suicidal.”

Cooper is seeking unspecified damages for race and gender discrimination, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence.

Franklin Templeton, part of Franklin Resources Inc, did not immediately respond on Wednesday to requests for comment.

Cooper’s May 25, 2020 dispute with the bird-watcher Christian Cooper, who is not related to her, drew wide attention after a video surfaced of her calling the police and saying “there’s an African-American man threatening my life.”

Franklin Templeton fired Cooper the next day. The video has been seen on Twitter more than 45 million times.

Amy Cooper was charged by Manhattan prosecutors last July with filing a false police report. The charges were dropped in February after Cooper completed therapy that included instruction on not using racial bias.
  • Wow
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

LOL: Vandals Too Dumb to Spray Paint a Swastika Correctly are Exposed as Black Hate Hoaxsters​

Two black vandals who were too stupid to know how to properly draw a swastika turned out to be hate hoaxsters perpetrating another blood libel against white people.

The two vandals repeatedly targeted a black-owned auto repair shop in Spring Lake, N.C. and were exposed after he installed security cameras:

17-year-old Berlin girl claimed neo-Nazis carved a swastika into her face, but it was a hoax​

She used a mirror and got it backwards...and she is not the only one to have done that in the last while too.

African-American Man Commits Suicide By Hanging Himself – Somehow Turns into Lynching​

One has to wonder as to how those white hating black buffoons have been able to survive in life for so long with so little. Sadly, there are tens of thousands more of these black buffoons running around in America. White people are their target. White folk need to wake up soon or else they will soon be pretty much all dead.

Those black buffoons are being used as useful idiots for that globalist communist ilk like Gates and Soros whom are running communist America today. Once their use is not needed anymore they will be dumped aside and thrown in the garbage dumpster. These Antifa and BLM morons are all just being used as useful idiots. They will be the first to go when the globalists find no use for them anymore. Thank God. ;)
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Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021
But of course all of your left wing websites that you like to waste your time on and visit are all for real and reliable websites and should be listened too and believed, eh comrade lefty feminist girl? LOLOL.
Which ones of those have I posted?


And comrade? I literally explained the marxist feminism and what it is and that it's not a political structure.

You have educational troubles don't you?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOLOL unreliable right wing troll site.

Ummm....slight problem with perception?​

Soros invests $220 million in BLM, other racial equity groups​

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist​

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”

Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ million-dollar real estate buying binge​

Well, what a bunch of race baiting commie CROOKS, Eh.

Say, has the British economy ever recovered from being butt raped by sor@$$, the guy who ADMITTEDLY turned in his fellow NON Zionist jews to Hitler?

Liberal Feminist

Time Out
May 14, 2021

Ummm....slight problem with perception?​

Soros invests $220 million in BLM, other racial equity groups​

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist​

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”

Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ million-dollar real estate buying binge​

Well, what a bunch of race baiting commie CROOKS, Eh.

Say, has the British economy ever recovered from being butt raped by sor@$$, the guy who ADMITTEDLY turned in his fellow NON Zionist jews to Hitler?
Yeah look an anti semite. ^^^