Bill C-6 gives terrorists Can. Citizenship

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Dam grumpy
Like you I want this story to be so simple and matter of fact,I desire this to but unfortunately there is a little more to this story.
Dam grumpy I love patriotic loyalty,I love my country but it would be wrong this tragic case be associated with correct patriotism
As a matter of fact if this case doesn't Iniate a civil path of disclosures then Canada's patrosimis in a state of shambles
I feel your sadness,it would be so nice if it was so simple and matter of fact a terrorist.

slways have been, and I'll die wearing a great big smile
Oh please let me know
What kind of terrorist?And why are u still alive?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Oh, quit yer belly aching Durpy. They let you stay in Canada for some gawd forsaken reason. It is because of haters like you we got rid of the Harpo conservatives. It's unfortunate we have Trudeau instead but it is far and away better than the fascist scum you support.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
That particular provision isn't xenophobic exactly but it is in practice. It creates two tiers of citizenship. Because the government can't revoke the citizenship of people with only one citizenship, it only allows the government the power to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens. Which is basically discriminating against people not originally from Canada.
Oh what a load of apologist crap. Then why are they deporting people en masse who's parents lied on their entry documents as kids? AND, they're being deported sans hearings. Well, except a certain Liberal cabinet minister who not only won't be deported, but will get to keep her nice, cushy, Trudeau appointed position.

What Trudeau is in effect saying, and rather hypocritically I might add, is that having parents who lied on your entry document is a far more egregious assault on our values than being a terrorist, and there is absolutely no other way to interpret it without trying to spin the sh*t out of it.

Oh, quit yer belly aching Durpy. They let you stay in Canada for some gawd forsaken reason. It is because of haters like you we got rid of the Harpo conservatives. It's unfortunate we have Trudeau instead but it is far and away better than the fascist scum you support.
Cliffy, if you were any more clueless you'd be a house plant.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I hear he's training to be a yoga instructor,a far cry from a terrorist

He's in full agreement with the USA, the worlds most murderous terrorist nation ever.

Oh please let me know
What kind of terrorist?And why are u still alive?

I hate loath and detest the Anglo Zionist Empire and I love peace and freedom. That's the total of my crimes against the ruling gang of western monsters.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Just hook up with an American Girlfriend and you have nothing to worry about.. Terrorist Obliterated.



House Member
May 18, 2010

Report Card

Prime Minister Junior Trudeau's first report card, Since being elected:

1) From his swearing-in on Nov. 4, 2015 to Feb 12, 2016, the Trudeau

government distributed 208 cheques worth a combined $5.3 billion. But only

$997 million was for projects inside the country . The rest - $4.3 billion -

will be spent outside Canada on everything from aid for refugees to helping

poor countries fight climate change.

2) Hired 2 nannies paid for by the taxpayer.

3) He and his family flew to the Caribbean for a 10 day winter vacation on a

Department of National Defence Challenger jet, which cost about $100,000 per

flying hour to operate but reimbursed the Canadian taxpayer only the cost of

an economy air fare. Yet he could still afford to pay $2,500 US a night to

stay in a 3,400-square-foot villa on the Island of Nevis.

4) He stopped the enforcement of the First Nations Financial Transparency

Act (FNFTA) and restored full funding without any requirement of

accountability. Achieved this by quietly eliminating the law created by

parliament demanding First Nations report on funding spending. In addition,

has appointed 5 new commissioners with 50 million dollars to investigate why

aboriginal Women are disappearing ??

5) He reinstated the Mandatory Long Form Census and the

$500 fine or up to three months in prison for refusing to fill out the survey

or providing false information.

6) In the rush to bring in the first

phase of 25,000 refugees the government

back in November had our military

vacate their housing on 7 military bases

and are still not allowed back . The

reason? There is the possibility of

more refugees moving into base housing as

complaints of hotel accommodations

become more frequent. Also there will be

another influx of 25,000 more

refugees by the end of 2017, to bring the total

to 50,000. And, bring in 100,00 more this year.

He could take a lesson or

two from his buddy Trump!

7) His "secretive Board of Internal Economy"

just gave all MP's a 20% increase in office expenses which will add an

additional $57,690 for a new office budget total of $346,140 per MP and an

additional $193,029 for a new office budget total of $1,158,117 for the


8) He began discussions on decreasing the MP's workweek by 20%

by dropping the Friday sitting of Parliament . The reason? To make Parliament

a more family-friendly workplace.

9) He paid $32.9-million (U.S.) to

maintain Canada's membership in the F-35

buyers' pool, despite his election

promise to exclude the aircraft when

selecting this country's next warplane.

So how does he answer to that? He

creates a new secretive government

committee tasked with overseeing defence


10) He scrapped legislation introduced last year that allowed Canadians who

held dual nationalities to be stripped of their Canadian citizenship if they

were found guilty of terrorism, treason or spying offences.

**The first person that will benefit from this is Zakaria Amara the

mastermind of the plot to bomb downtown Toronto in an effort to terrorize Canadians and cripple the economy. He will no longer be deported nor have his Canadian citizenship revoked.

11. In July 2016, he has successfully achieved the loss of

35,000 Canadian Jobs across Canada while our southern border friends have an

increase of over 250,000 new jobs.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Canada is moving to strip citizenship from a man accused of slaughtering villagers in Guatemala

Jorge Vinicio Sosa Orantes concealed his brutal role in a 1982 massacre by the Guatemalan military in obtaining Canadian citizenship a decade later, the federal government says in newly filed court documents.

Sosa Orantes, 59, is now serving a 10-year sentence for immigration fraud in the United States, where he also held citizenship until it was revoked in 2014.

Canada has opted to strip citizenship in only a handful of modern-day war crimes cases.

The bloody, decades-long conflict between Guatemalan government forces and guerrillas intensified in the early 1980s.

The military junta began a ruthless campaign of destruction that wiped out 440 villages, killing over 75,000 people and displacing more than 250,000, the Canadian government says in documents filed in Federal Court.

The army would typically circle a village, seal it off, gather the people and separate men and women before killing villagers.
"Destruction of property, torture, sexual violence towards women and minors was widespread and systematic during these operations," the court submission says.

Sosa Orantes was a senior member of a military special forces group that led a mission to the Guatemalan village of Las Dos Erres in December 1982 to interrogate inhabitants after some military rifles were allegedly stolen during a guerrilla ambush of troops.

The military members killed at least 162 civilians, including 67 children. Women were raped and children were thrown into an 18-metre dry well.

"The members of the special forces group killed their victims by hitting them on the head with a sledgehammer, by hitting their heads on a tree, by shooting them, or by slitting their throats," the federal submission says.

"In other cases, victims were simply thrown into the well while they were still alive."

At one point, Sosa Orantes fired his rifle into the well, then tossed in a grenade, the documents say.

In supervising the killings at the well, he mocked subordinates "who showed any hesitation to commit the murders."

There were only three survivors, and the missing rifles were not found.

Sosa Orantes left Guatemala for California in 1985. After being denied asylum in the U.S., he visited the Canadian consulate in San Francisco to seek haven in Canada. He was granted refugee status, later becoming a permanent resident and citizen of Canada.

The federal government argues in the court filing that Sosa Orantes failed to disclose details of his military involvement that would have made him inadmissible to Canada.

Sosa Orantes married an American woman and attained U.S. citizenship in September 2008.

In 2010, the U.S. discovered he had committed immigration fraud by concealing his past. He was arrested the following year in Lethbridge, Alta., while visiting family. He was subsequently extradited to the U.S. to face trial.

Sosa Orantes has denied being in Las Dos Erres the day of the massacre.

In ordering his extradition to the U.S., the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench said the evidence establishes Sosa Orantes was one of the commanding officers who decided to murder the villagers and that he "actively participated in the killings with a sledgehammer, with a firearm and a grenade."

"It is difficult for this court to comprehend the murderous acts of depraved cruelty on the scale disclosed by the evidence."

U.S. immigration officials say they will seek to deport Sosa Orantes to Guatemala upon conclusion of his sentence.

Canada tries to strip citizenship from man accused of butchering Guatemalan villagers | CTV News


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Might I suggest opening up the homestead act in AB again. Is that 50,000 individuals or 50,000 families?? Difference being both sides of the rail-line would need to be developed rather than just one side.

Tad soft once you leave the train, plus it already exists for heavy loads as well as slow tourism trips over a long weekend. Hemp matting solves the riding on water issue that is common. Tree-top tenting sites available as an extra cost.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That particular provision isn't xenophobic exactly but it is in practice. It creates two tiers of citizenship. Because the government can't revoke the citizenship of people with only one citizenship, it only allows the government the power to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens. Which is basically discriminating against people not originally from Canada.

He wouldn't pass a Canadian values test.

EERemoving someone that came here illegally or specifically to perform terrorist activities in Canada is hardly discriminating. It is unfortunate for us that we can't deport criminals that were born here. But syou being a lefty you naturally care more for criminals than honest Canadian citizens.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Oh, wow! I never heard that one before. Did you make that up yourself? I hope so. I've ways wanted to someone's muse.
Gosh, you mean like your Fox News insult? Yeah, that's real original. Anything else you'd like to hypocritically whine about while you're at it?


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Oh what a load of apologist crap. Then why are they deporting people en masse who's parents lied on their entry documents as kids? AND, they're being deported sans hearings. Well, except a certain Liberal cabinet minister who not only won't be deported, but will get to keep her nice, cushy, Trudeau appointed position.

What Trudeau is in effect saying, and rather hypocritically I might add, is that having parents who lied on your entry document is a far more egregious assault on our values than being a terrorist, and there is absolutely no other way to interpret it without trying to spin the sh*t out of it.

I don't know how anything I said is being a apologist for Justin Trudeau. I didn't mention his policies, let alone defend the, Maybe you meant to comment on someone else.

EERemoving someone that came here illegally or specifically to perform terrorist activities in Canada is hardly discriminating. It is unfortunate for us that we can't deport criminals that were born here. But syou being a lefty you naturally care more for criminals than honest Canadian citizens.

Me being a lefty I am distrustful of state power. I do not worship the state and I believe that checks should be in place to prevent the state from depriving citizens of rights. If the state declares a person a criminal, I do not fall of my face in praise of the state. I do not join the angry mob that takes state proclamations as gospel and demand medieval justice.

Me being a lefty.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
I don't know how anything I said is being a apologist for Justin Trudeau. I didn't mention his policies, let alone defend the, Maybe you meant to comment on someone else.

Me being a lefty I am distrustful of state power. I do not worship the state and I believe that checks should be in place to prevent the state from depriving citizens of rights. If the state declares a person a criminal, I do not fall of my face in praise of the state. I do not join the angry mob that takes state proclamations as gospel and demand medieval justice.

Me being a lefty.

This is a very good reply

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
He's in full agreement with the USA, the worlds most murderous terrorist nation ever.

I hate loath and detest the Anglo Zionist Empire and I love peace and freedom. That's the total of my crimes against the ruling gang of western monsters.
I think you should talk to someone with these strong emotions,it's not right


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Some of you are wandering pretty far from the original issue-the one in discussion when I came in was where Our idiot Boy Justin was quick to dispose of or otherwise legally harass some people-mostly white and often born to Cdn parents living on NATO military bases around the world and who didn't get their papers sorted when parents came home -after all being a service person USUALLY MEANT you WERE CDN!

Too bad Our idiot Boy does not like military people and is hostile to British subjects as well and likes poking at them! Its why our defense spending is now at record lows! Justin wants us defenseless just as his father did! The Trudopes want to destroy what father PIerre called Cdn Imperialism. And LIE-berals figure if you are stupid enough to volunteer, then you are stupid enough not to notice or understand the LIE-beral contempt directed at you.

And its funny how quickly our govt will deport white people generally to Brazil or Portugal-people who have come here on visitor visas and stayed to work without paying taxes but our govt wont bother with other ethnics who came here as immigrants and committed crimes! LIE-berals give those types many extra chances and lots of excuses to stay-and let immigration courts drag on for years till the candidate realizes deportation is surely coming and simply finds a way to disappear into the crowd!

And of course Our idiot Boy just loves those economic refugees who crash our borders and demand our charity-they are always such slavish supporters of LIE-berals at election time!

In short-we see ugly LIE-beral bias in favour of charity for those who support LIE-berals and one way tickets out of here for those who are white or otherwise POLITICALLY unsuitable!

LIE-beral immigration is designed to bring in and cater to people who idiot Justin thinks will do two things-first they will slavishly vote LIE-beral and second they will support anti white, anti NATO, anti Yankee and anti Israel policies-just as father Pierre had hoped for!

To make matters worse, LIE-beral hug a thug judges have decreed that strangers who show up at our borders after having destroyed all their papers in-flight should have the same rights as Cdn citizens-and this is in violation of the values of over 75 percent of Cdns-most of us BELIEVE that there should be serious security checks put on new comers-yet LIE-berals brought in 37,000 Muslims last year-based on security checks run by Red Crescent Muslim aid group operating under the supervision of terror group HAMAS! And ain't it odd that LIE-berals also RESTORED funding to terror group Hamas?

The final issues-and NO LIE-beral wants to respond is this: What benefit came to Canada when LIE-beral Jean Chretien INVITED Italy to release terror bomber Khadr and let him immigrate to Canada? And what benefit is there ror Canada in letting the CONVICTED terrorist leader of Toronto 189 STAY here-instead of firing him back to where he came from?

If you invited somebody into your house and they pissed on your rug you would throw them why then wont LIE-berals act to dispose of people who piss on our country?

I don't know how anything I said is being a apologist for Justin Trudeau. I didn't mention his policies, let alone defend the, Maybe you meant to comment on someone else.

Me being a lefty I am distrustful of state power. I do not worship the state and I believe that checks should be in place to prevent the state from depriving citizens of rights. If the state declares a person a criminal, I do not fall of my face in praise of the state. I do not join the angry mob that takes state proclamations as gospel and demand medieval justice.

Me being a lefty.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is a suggestion: that we do more as the Swiss do with immigrants. The Swiss do grant long term residency visas to certain classes of people who Swiss feel will aid their economy. You can get a visa and live and work there but will not be allowed to vote-so you cannot poison their traditional neutrality with your imported racial/military/political baggage.

And of course if you piss on their rug, they WILL throw you out! We throw out people who behave badly in our homes-why not do the same to people behaving badly in our country? Or are LIE-berals too obsessed with BUYING votes? Looks like the answer is YES- LIE-berals will screw us all for a few more days in power!

I think we should do something like the Swiss -why should you be allowed to blunder across the Manitoba border-wipe the icicles off your nose-spend time on welfare and soak up English as a second language classes and maybe get some free schooling in some trade and then get to air your imported political rage and religious superiority on Cdn stage-playing to a pack of shameless LIE-berals who will sell us out for VOTES!

Look at the catalogue of born elsewhere LIE-berals insulting us: Hedy Fry from some Carribbean island-who rose to imfamy shrieking in parliament "there are crosses (Meaning Ku Klux Klan) burning in Prince George as we speak"! And in |Prince George where there were NO crosses except on churches-they shrugged her off as a RUDE kook.

Or Italian born Alphonse Galeano-the guy at the heart of the three billion dollar adscam theft. Three billion dollars gone-what more to say there?

Or Maryam Monseff-the Iranian born liar who told us she was from Afghanistan because Afghans were more politically correct than Iranians and she had her 15 minutes of fame shrieking insults at our parliament because Cdns wanted a referendum BEFORE letting LIE-berals ram through their electoral reform vote rigging scam? She insults us because she thinks her Iranian version of democracy is superior to ours!

Or Iqra Khalid-the Muslim who thinks we are all bigots and racists simply because we wont automatically buy in to her pro Muslim view that dictates that we should not worry about terrorists-even as our cops halt various planned attacks with the aid of Yankee FBI! She sees us as worry warts being silly about the cost of letting in masses of Muslims- after all -how can the Cnd Caliphate be established if there are not enough Muslims here? And how come we seem to need FBI to find the Via rail train attackers and why is it FBI that alerted us to that guy who blew himself up in a taxi west of Toronto. Should we assume LIE-berals are ham-stringing OUR security people and putting us at risk for political reasons

Or our current federal LIE-beral immigration minister from Ethiopia who is busy re-writing our immigration laws so we have LESS control over who comes into Canada.

Or the non entity from someplace I have forgotten-the guy who is Ontari-owe Minster of Citizenship under LIE-beral Wynne-bag and who is quite happy to appear on tax funded TVO/The Agenda and tell us that Ontari-owe must be purged of its huge racist value system that is poisoning the lives of so many new comers. The guy is getting a couple hundred grand a year in salary and perks out of OUR POCKETS and still thinks we are all raging bigots?

If we are so awful and so hateful then how did all these people get in the country in the first place?

And is it right to simply call us bigots when our major objection is grossly costly and self serving Lie-beral policy rather than concern over the colour of the skin of the goofs who are killing us with taxes, mad spending and commercials that insult us?

This is NOT about race-its about being bankrupt and under terrorist threats while people from other places tell us to suck it up!

Get on Canada's team

Bill C-6, which proposes changes to the Citizenship Act does a number of troubling things:

- removes the right to revoke citizenships from dual nationals convicted terrorists;

- ends the obligation for new citizens 14-18 and 55-65 to know either English or French or even pass a citizenship test;

- reduces the number of days someone must spend in Canada before they are eligible for citizenship;

- eliminates the obligation that a new citizen will have to “intend” to reside in Canada.

Canada is a generous country. We allow new citizens, under most conditions, to retain the passport of their birth. These individuals become fully eligible for all the benefits from our generous social safety net that Canadians have worked so hard over generations to provide.

These benefits include but are not limited to our universal health care system, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, as well as access to our education system.

Canadians ask that their new neighbours learn one of the official languages, have some knowledge of Canada and our geography, and have a clear understanding of their rights as Canadians as well as their responsibility to our country as per the oath they swear.

Bill C-6 alters radically these terms and conditions, shifting and disturbing in revolutionary ways the "contract" that has so successfully managed the expectations and understandings between new arrivals and existing citizens.

The government's own statistics confirm that 300,000 individuals over 10 years will be exempt having to learn one of the two official languages, that is if the government rejects the minor amendment passed by the senate last week. This will make integration into English Canada or French Quebec harder while promoting ghettoization.

I am most concerned about the radical liberal view that once a dual national is granted citizenship, Canada should not revoke it, especially if the individual is convicted of a serious terrorist offence.

The current law allows for the revocation of citizenship if someone lies or commits a war crime. But if an individual is convicted for terrorism, they will be able to keep Canadian passport and all the benefits that go with it.

It is ironic that the government supports the view that if you lied to get into Canada, you can lose your citizenship, but if you are a dual national Canadian who is convicted for a serious terrorism offence, you cannot have your citizenship revoked.

The terrorist threat in Canada is real. Of the 218 counter-terrorism targets under investigation by CSIS today, approximately 60 are either dual nationals or permanent residents (not yet citizens). Approximately 180 individuals with a nexus to Canada are engaged in terrorist activity abroad and an additional 60 have returned and are on our streets.

That is why I will be introducing an amendment to strengthen our citizenship laws by allowing a sentencing judge to be able to, at his or her discretion, revoke the citizenship of someone convicted of a serious terrorism crime.

This amendment will remove political discretion and leave revocation to the sentencing judge. The individual will have the right to appeal; however, my amendment will preserve the principle that citizenship is a privilege, not a right.

Putting Canada first is not a partisan issue. It is about what type of country we wish to have and what values we wish to remain intact. 86% of Canadians support revocation of citizenship for terrorism.

Join me in urging all senators to get on Canada’s team by ensuring we can revoke the citizenship of convicted terrorists, like 34 other countries presently do.

Daniel Lang serves as the Chair of the National Security ..

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
They would punch me if I talked to them with strong emotions.
Do you need a personal life coach?Ir do you need a piece of pie with cheddar cheese?
I could be your personal coach?Anger is a cathartic or a debilitating gig,plus it is hard on your body
Don't be afraid!

Who is they?

What if I decided to venture into life coaching via internet post retirement,I seek practices

Oh, quit yer belly aching Durpy. They let you stay in Canada for some gawd forsaken reason. It is because of haters like you we got rid of the Harpo conservatives. It's unfortunate we have Trudeau instead but it is far and away better than the fascist scum you support.
Couldn't help yourself could you?