There is no such thing as Canadian values according to Justin. Haven't you heard...Canada is a post-nation state according to him.
Justin Trudeau is making every effort he can to eliminate the notion that Canada can have it's own identity. He believes that there is no such thing as Canadian values, that everyone should maintain their native cultural identity and values while in Canada and that any notion of a unified Canadian identity should be suppressed and ultimately destroyed. He has no concept of sovereignty and is truly repulsed at the idea.
I'm not so much troubled by Trudeau's demented, destructive mindset as I am by the apparent ironic fact that Canadians as a people are either ignorant of what he stands for, or support such a reckless idea and are content watching their Canadian values being flushed down the toilet by this buffoon.
Treason only applies to sovereign nations. This goes against Trudeau's idea of Canada being a "mosaic" of cultures and being free of unified sovereign values.
Sorry there- Our idiot Boy Justin deserves to be called a traitor as he is working- just as his vile father did- to undermine the western wolrd and rebuild us into something that the Soviet Union and Muslim World Wide Caliphate would be comfortable with! The idiot Boy is making systematic efforts to alter Cdm immigration patterns to bring in a pile of people who do NOT hold values that would be compatible with friendly relations with our traditional main allies. Our idiot Boy considers that Red China, Communist Cuba and terror groups such as Hamas and Hezzbollah and Isis are worthy of his respect!
Our idiot Boy Justin follows in his fathers footsteps and longs for the day when Cdn "Imperialism" is destroyed! And we should recall that Our Pet Pierre told us that the British war against Nazi Germany was Imperialist! The Trudopes harbour political poison and they see uncontrolled and unrestricted immigration into Canada as a way to inject that poison into Canada! Consider:
Poor Lie-berals, history simply is NOT on their side! The facts keep piling up and making them look stupid and their constant denials of anything connected to logic and reason (that they don’t approve of) makes them look like what they are-petty and greedy and small! Lie-berals are fighting to hold back the tide and BANKRUPTING us to do it.
The Toronto 18 made plans to attack Cdn Parliament but got stopped by cops in the planning stage. Other Muslims wanted to derail a Cdn Via train and kill `hundreds`-stopped by cops. One soldier run over and another shot in Ottawa by an Isis supporter. The Danish murders over a cartoon, the French Charlie Hebdo massacre-over a cartoon, 50 dead in London bombing, 2 British soldiers stabbed to death on a London street, 3 French cops stabbed outside a Jewish centre, assorted prisoners-some of them aid workers trying to help the sick in the Middle East- beheaded. Japanese journalists trying to tell the story of the troubled region to the world beheaded, a Jordanian pilot deliberately burned to death. Other prisoners who offended Allah and Isis made to sit on dynamite packages and blown up. A Russian aircraft destroyed by a bomb on board. The Boston marathon bombing. And some `wanna-be` Martyred jackass caught trying to blow up Bay Street. The arson of a Montreal Jewish school by a `so called Canadian-born in IRAN! The Paris massacre. Then the 14 dead in the latest terror attack in U.S.
This is what the Muslim swine get up to when our vaunted security people are watching them….and MOST of these terrorist swine were NOT on any security watch list! Many of them were BORN in the countries amongst the people they attacked and murdered-just flying unseen under the radar until they were ready to strike! What plans would they make and what would they do to us if we closed our eyes and turned our backs for a while?
And now we have news that Our idiot Boy Trudope thinks it would be nice if we imported MANY MORE of these dangerous types to Canada. Cdn Lie-berals sneer at anybody who doubts the security precautions they are alleged to be taking-its bullshit of course. The early security `screening` was done by Jordanian and Lebanese MUSLIMS working for the Red Crescent-the Muslim equivalent of our Red Cross and security `testing` was done under the watchful eyes of local Hezzbollah, Al Aqsa and Hamas terror cells-only a LIE-BERAL would have faith in that gang!
We are being assured by LIE-berals they they are now doing follow up security checks, including Iris scanning and finger printing....isn’t that will make it easier to identify the killers in FUTURE terror massacre sites using OUR database of information ...but the security screening now being done is USELESS for now as there is NO previous DATA base to refer to for details of PAST transgressions and there is NO WAY to determine if the people coming here will eventually GROW INTO homicidal maniacs since Lie-berals have proven their crystal balls have failed them!
And this is the GREAT FEAR-we don’t know what triggers radical behaviour in these people and cannot guard against them in any real way. The married couple who killed 14 people in US were living the American dream-they had a house and two kids and a pleasant life....and went on to a dirty death in a blood bath.
Its that random nature of their anger-it just bubbles up so swiftly and from such unexpected sources, it cannot be planned for. How sad for Canada that Trudope does not see that Muslim radicals are a disease that needs to be quarantined? And the best way to quarantine them is to KEEP OUT all potential carriers of the Jihad disease. Send them food and tents and medicine and sleeping bags and winter coats. send them military aid so there can be safe zones created for them in Syria......but DRAW THE LINE BEFORE they get airline tickets to come HERE!
It is a widely held Muslim belief that Canada will one day be a Muslim country…they say this because they can count just as well as anybody! And they understand democracy and can use it when it suits them. Muslim women having 4-5 kids while Christian women have 1-2 means that sooner or later Muslims will have the numbers to ram through Sharia law in Canadian Parliament-and demographics don’t lie…..we are being `colonized` by people who regard us as morally inferior to them and these people intend (if it’s the will of God) to turn our country and its politics upside down by trashing big chunks of the Cdn constitution AND ending our long standing alliance with Britain and US and throwing us into conflicts on the side of people we currently view as enemies.
WE FACE a conflict between Muslim religious values and the politics that accompany them versus Cdn law and tradition. Either we MUST ultimately deny Muslim religious values and refuse Sharia Law and Muslim politics or we must surrender and let Muslim values re-write the Cdn constitution related to women`s rights and our national security. In Muslim Law women have NO NEED of rights! And Muslims HATE ALL of our long standing friends and allies!
Muslims are an indigestible political lump that we should NOT try to swallow-best to deny them entry to Canada until they find a way to halt their endless wars and make some sort of sensible peace with each other and their neighbours!.
And thanks to the guy who put up the recent post called: “Quotes” ....repeating wise words from Winston Churchill!
"Not to be liberal at twenty denotes lack of heart; to be liberal at forty denotes lack of brain."
Liberalism is the philosophy of the young and inexperienced and unthinking.
Here's another one: "A conservative is a liberal who has just been robbed."
Grow up, Liberal suckers.