B.P.'s Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Thread (it's all here).....


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
This was an accident with tragic consequences, does it mean off shore drilling should be completely stopped? No but safety measures must be looked at..

In The End what's important right now is the tragic 11 lives lost and the environmental impact, of course that doesn't matter to Anti-American Ranters like yourself because continuously trashing the United States is more important.. ;-)
Let's see, 11 lives lost because BP was too cheep to put in blow-out protectors. 1 million dead because US lied about WMDs. Smells like a smoke screen.
Nobody here hates Americans, we hate your fascist government. We feel sorry for the decent folks who can't seem to be able to do anything about it.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
This is not to disregard the magnitude of this disaster, but in World War II hundreds of oil tankers were torpedoed in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Each ship held enough oil to create a small marine disaster, but apparently nature took care of most of the environmental damage as there seems to have been very little in the way of lasting affect. Here is a little info on oil spills in general, including a small section on oil spills during World War II.
Oil Spills - Oil Pollution


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
This is not to disregard the magnitude of this disaster, but in World War II hundreds of oil tankers were torpedoed in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Each ship held enough oil to create a small marine disaster, but apparently nature took care of most of the environmental damage as there seems to have been very little in the way of lasting affect. Here is a little info on oil spills in general, including a small section on oil spills during World War II.
Oil Spills - Oil Pollution
And yet the effects of the Valdez spill are still being felt.

http://www.wholetruth.net/downloads/pressReleases/02252008 CNN Money.pdf

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council -


Epoch Times - Exxon Valdez Spill Affecting Wildlife 20 Years On

Yup, it's just a temporary, minor impact.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Let's see, 11 lives lost because BP was too cheep to put in blow-out protectors. 1 million dead because US lied about WMDs. Smells like a smoke screen.
Nobody here hates Americans, we hate your fascist government. We feel sorry for the decent folks who can't seem to be able to do anything about it.
Oh there's an Iraq War WMD Rant which has nothing to do with this thread. :roll:

Facist Government? You realize the President is Obama who brought Rainbows and sunshine to the World, right?

It's not known what BP did or didn't do that will be learned latter so jumping the gun accusing them of this and that doesn't help the current situation right now. So would you be in favor of the United States setting fire to the oil slick before it reaches shore? Yes or No..

And if you can't reply without another Anti-American Rant don't bother..


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Let's see, 11 lives lost because BP was too cheep to put in blow-out protectors. 1 million dead because US lied about WMDs. Smells like a smoke screen.
Nobody here hates Americans, we hate your fascist government. We feel sorry for the decent folks who can't seem to be able to do anything about it.
The solution is right in their Constitution, fire the Gov, since they haven't they are blowing smoke and hot air up your ass. The very old line of 'wait till next election' was a slogan in '04 and '08 and it wasn't worth the words for all the good the elections did in curbing political corruption. I doubt any of them ever even meant it. Even the 'not so democratic' countries of Europe will revolt if the Gov is acting in a fashion that ignores the mass of the people.

For BP not to have a BOP installed would have had to have been in line with the US Gov regulations or the hole would not have even been started. The cementing job was to hold the well even after the BOP was removed so it could move with the drilling rig.

Oh there's an Iraq War WMD Rant which has nothing to do with this thread.

Facist Government? You realize the President is Obama who brought Rainbows and sunshine to the World, right?
The Obama suck job has nothing to do with this thread either.

It's not known what BP did or didn't do that will be learned latter so jumping the gun accusing them of this and that doesn't help the current situation right now. So would you be in favor of the United States setting fire to the oil slick before it reaches shore? Yes or No..
Since it would only burn off a portion of the oil I say No. Let it hit the coasts and then the out of work fishermen can spend 10 -20 years cleaning it up. Send the bill to the one who caused the mess. BP hired Halliburton. If you hire a plumber to service your furnace and your house burns down within 1 day I'm pretty sure the plumber is going to be sued for the whole cost of the cleanup. After all, as long as it is the US shoreline it is an 'in-house' problem. Watch the price rise at the pumps over this though.

And if you can't reply without another Anti-American Rant don't bother..
BOP's are standard for all holes drilled in Alberta if you don't apply the same safety standards to wells drilled in the US why should anybody have to suffer any ill effects other than you? All at your own cost too BTW.

Not that I should be offering the US any advice that would be considered telling them what to do but rather than fire and all the fallout from that (which is actually not all that bad considering) but there is also a bacteria that eats 'crude', once their 'food supply' is depleted they die off rather than develop an appetite for a new food source.
If this article is correct all they need to do is trip the BOP and sue the manufacturers of it and the 'dead man' Expert Views on the Deepwater Horizon Incident and Aftermath ION Seis Matters Blog

If they can make one that eats methane they should be able to manufacture one to cleanup after the well is capped.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
America's thirst for OIL

What do you guys use? Wood?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
This is the result of yankee greed. It looks good on them. I hope they learn their lesson, but I suspect they are too stupid to realize it. Unfortunately nature has to suffer for it.

At least we tip you tight wad.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Speaking of levees....

How does a so called rich nation let this happen?

....and a socialist nation of just over 16 million accomplish this?



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
It's not known what BP did or didn't do that will be learned latter so jumping the gun accusing them of this and that doesn't help the current situation right now. So would you be in favor of the United States setting fire to the oil slick before it reaches shore? Yes or No..
Actually, I can't see what BRITISH Petroleum has to do with the USA anyway other than having the platform near the USA.
Anyway, judging by BP's past performance and attitude of its directors, the chance the company is culpable is pretty high.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
It is. Warned two days before the hurricane that the levies were insufficient. Yes that is a heck of a lot of notice. I didn't know they were built during the Bush Administration. Why didn't the Mayor of NO order an evacuation? Why didn't the Gov of LA order an evacuation? It was their responsibility to do so... not Bush's.

Like I said... that's ridiculous.

If you read the timeline someone posted for you, you can see that the Mayor ordered a mandatory evacuation after a paper had printed that hurricane forecasters were warning that the levees might not hold.

Like I said... plenty of blame to go around. I suppose you're right though, being forewarned about something before it happens is ridiculous...8O


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Actually, I can't see what BRITISH Petroleum has to do with the USA anyway other than having the platform near the USA.
Anyway, judging by BP's past performance and attitude of its directors, the chance the company is culpable is pretty high.
Does that mean they have to take responsibility for a cement plug that did not hold? Doesn't the cementing company have a 'guarantee' that the cement will hold or does somebody beyond their control give then the formula and locations for the plugs before the last cap is put in place?
You don't even have to guess who is going to make the money out of this accident if two of the three being asked for opinions are Lawyers and the insurance companies will need bigger bailouts than the Banks and they are even more intertwined on an International level.
Since the fishing is going to be slow why not hire those boats (@ a premium price) to troll into the slick with some fine mesh filter cloth that could wick up some of the heavier particles. Those rolls could be loaded onto barges for further processing (recovery of the oil and reuse of the mesh). Once the discharge is stopped the shoreline could then be addressed.

Be a good time for Syncrude to donate a few 'duck deterrents' in the areas where they are in danger. Marshes should recover by themselves ..... eventually .... reeds (like cat-tails in Alberta) can be used as a sponge in an oil spill. They are then harvested, dried and burned until the contamination is down to the desired level. For an Exxon type of spill the crude would have only saturated the gravel beaches to a certain depth and a barge could have been used to scour the top few feet at recover that oil if complete restoration was the desired goal, which it wasn't in Alaska but the Carribbian might be a different case. As always the cost gets passed onto the American taxpayer, of the minimal amount is done. Out of site out of mind.
For all the cost they should flood the whole coastline it huge gates to keep the rivers backed up some and turn the whole place into a floating salt water city. The newer landbased industries would be moved to higher ground, and really that stuff was rather old anyway. The new 'lakes' could be a combination farm / city.

There was lots of 'enthusiasm' for Haiti and their 'long term' recovery in the early days of the quake. Hardly any follow-ups at all that points to their lives being made much better. America should be able to solve this entirely on her own, after all the Military was (again) the first ones sent in. (Commandos looking for planted explosives)


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Does that mean they have to take responsibility for a cement plug that did not hold?
Not necessarily.
Doesn't the cementing company have a 'guarantee' that the cement will hold
You'd have to ask the concrete suppliers if they guarantee their product, not me.
or does somebody beyond their control give then the formula and locations for the plugs before the last cap is put in place?
I don't know. They didn't show me the instructions for the plugs.
You don't even have to guess who is going to make the money out of this accident if two of the three being asked for opinions are Lawyers and the insurance companies will need bigger bailouts than the Banks and they are even more intertwined on an International level.
Ya think? BP still isn't doing too bad with 1st quarter profits between 2 and 3 times as much as their last quarter either.
Since the fishing is going to be slow why not hire those boats (@ a premium price) to troll into the slick with some fine mesh filter cloth that could wick up some of the heavier particles. Those rolls could be loaded onto barges for further processing (recovery of the oil and reuse of the mesh). Once the discharge is stopped the shoreline could then be addressed.
Most critters use the oceans within a certain distance of the shores, so the main effort should be to keep the oil away from shore. But that's a pretty good idea.

For all the cost they should flood the whole coastline it huge gates to keep the rivers backed up some and turn the whole place into a floating salt water city. The newer landbased industries would be moved to higher ground, and really that stuff was rather old anyway. The new 'lakes' could be a combination farm / city.
I think a better idea would be to get the aliens from CEOTK to teleport the stuff straight to the refineries.

There was lots of 'enthusiasm' for Haiti and their 'long term' recovery in the early days of the quake. Hardly any follow-ups at all that points to their lives being made much better. America should be able to solve this entirely on her own, after all the Military was (again) the first ones sent in. (Commandos looking for planted explosives)
Haiti? Now there's an idea: they could get some big fans to blow the stuff to Haiti and get Haitians to bucket it up and they get to keep what they scoop. What's the price of a bbl of crude these days?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It is. Warned two days before the hurricane that the levies were insufficient. Yes that is a heck of a lot of notice. I didn't know they were built during the Bush Administration. Why didn't the Mayor of NO order an evacuation? Why didn't the Gov of LA order an evacuation? It was their responsibility to do so... not Bush's.

Like I said... that's ridiculous.
I thought everybody knew you should leave the area if a storm is coming? Wasn't the areas set up to hold 'refugees' that could not travel neglected in that the few days prior supplies were stockpiled securely at those locations, as it was they ran out of food and the 'bathroom' would be outside the Stadium, preferably at the floods shore.

In an emergency that can be prepared for why couldn't mayor buy all the food from all the grocery stores (distribution warehouses not from the store shelves)and keep it in a common place for distribution after the actual storm has passed. Lots of 18 wheelers could be loaded and left at the final destination to be used as part of the recover program.