Another Shooting?? Shocking !! (not)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
that's great. Like your positive twist on things. :smile: Have a nice day.

You use the word "hysteria". If your assessment of a posters input is "hysteria"....... than I suggest you volunteer to help in the ER and see what gun shots yeild in the form of injuries ...and the amount of skill it takes to fix them........if they can be fixed.

Yes......there are all kinds of other methods that the culture of violence partakes in. And they too yeild horrific bodily harm. But that is not the topic and that rationalization does not excuse the amount of gun abuse. All you are doing is validating the existence of a culture of violence. In that , you would be correct..

You inquired : who would pay for it?? as in pay for time in the morgue and time in the ER. ?? IF any payment would be would be paid for by the one seeking gun ownership. Just call it paying for gun education . Usually no pay is nec as both areas are more than willing to teach the consequences of shootings.

The morgue visits have been done on a small scale with young (early teens) school kids........and they had a powerful impact . Sure makes gun ownerhip and use a whole lot less glamorous than seen on the telie. There have been trips to the ER by some student groups to see the results of gunshot wounds. Again........powerful and lasting impact.

Hysteria?? How about the author of that comment volunteer to advise the family of the victim of what happened, how thier loved one died and deal with the reaction to their loss. & grief. Then come back and tell us this is a" hysterical" response to a serious and deadly issue in today's culture.

How about the trauma that witnesses suffer.?? Seeing your school mates hurt and killed due to gunshots leaves a lasting affect.

Unless of course..........society has become so jaded and conditioned to gun shootings now........that it is hardly a ripple in its collective consciousness.

Of course if even one of those class mates had a hand gun many lives could have been saved.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What surprises me is that society has nothing to address the problem period. No I don't
think we should take all the guns away from people or start imprisoning people because
they might commit a crime. Society has to look at the bullying in schools and try to help
marginalized kids so the have some hope if nothing else. We tend to look as such a
program as an expense instead of an investment. We are so damn eager to punish the
people who are in trouble, rather than spend that same money addressing the problem
that created the feelings of alienation in the first place. How come governments and the
society in general are willing to spend money fixing things rather than preventing them?
Health care is another thing, we manage illness rather than preventing sickness.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
And if at least one of them had been armed chances are fewer or perhaps none of them would have been wounded.

If that had been the case........we would probably have a regular full on shootout . (chances are ....)

gosh, maybe all students should carry guns now. (for "self protection" of course) One can imagine the scenarious that would evolve from that.

: The US culture of violence is well entrenched now.

What is amazing is that so many of us attended schools, colleges, specialized training , and never had to concern ourselves with "self defense" or the number of guns floating around......It never even crossed our minds. We did not have to live in gated/ security guarded communities, and were virtually free of all the fear mongering , and still survived to be responsible , reasonable , sensible and humanitarian oriented adults.

A shooting at Oikos University in east Oakland, California, resulted in multiple fatalities, an Oakland police spokeswoman says.

A suspect was taken into custody after the shooting at the religious school, police spokeswoman Johnna Watson says.
Source: CNN breaking news mailing.

more details emerging. Wonder what this shooters story is.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What surprises me is that society has nothing to address the problem period. No I don't
think we should take all the guns away from people or start imprisoning people because
they might commit a crime. Society has to look at the bullying in schools and try to help
marginalized kids so the have some hope if nothing else. We tend to look as such a
program as an expense instead of an investment. We are so damn eager to punish the
people who are in trouble, rather than spend that same money addressing the problem
that created the feelings of alienation in the first place. How come governments and the
society in general are willing to spend money fixing things rather than preventing them?
Health care is another thing, we manage illness rather than preventing sickness.

That's just it, we're going broke buying band aids! :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Another shooting today at a Christian School this time what a bloody sad state of affairs.
Again how do we determine who is going to do something like this? There is no way of
course and when someone tries to make the decision they become a Zimmerman and
kill someone for talking to his girlfriend. All because the believed he looked suspicious.

These things happen due to people in gangs trying to kill each other. They happen due
to the belief system that abortion Doctors should die and God said so.
These things happen because people feel demoted in life and feel that others are getting
more than they can cope with. It happens because people get fired and feel hopeless.
Mental stress, and people on drugs. Sometimes its bullying that causes someone to snap
and the list goes on.

My point is, it doesn't matter if guns are legal or not, it doesn't matter how many laws we
have in place it does not matter whether someone intervened or not. It will always happen
as long as there are people. We become angry because we ourselves feel hopeless and
somewhat afraid as well. The answer is there is no answer to prevention, it can happen
at random to anyone anywhere, America, Norway, Canada, anywhere.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Oakland shooting suspect upset by students' teasing

7 killed, 3 wounded in 'cold-blooded execution in the classroom' of small Christian university

This shooter must have had some serious issues (emotional/ psych ) that either went unattended to, or undetected . When "teasing" becomes an excuse to go on a rampage..... society is in serious trouble indeed. (sadly)

********** can we anticipate /predict this kind of behavior?? Interesting how easy it is to see the pattern of dsyfunction that led up to the event ....when using hindsite vision. Perhaps, if schools had better psych departments as part of the health care , behaviors that can potentially be problematic would be indentified. Many of these CAN be prevented if the skilled people are available for consultation and if society did not still consider abnormal behaviors some kind of aberration.

The easy availability of weapons does not help minimize these incidents. Aggression is honored and seen as strength and "fighting back " or some other catch phrase. ., so the general attitude of society plays into an environment where these incidents occur with monotonous and tragic regularity. And to repeat from previous posts.......a culture that needs to use war , and create a war mentality in order to solve problems ........seldom solves the problem it is dealing with , and usually makes it much worse.

There is no need to attach the word "war" on problems. and yet we hear it all the time. The kind of mindset that accompanies this kind of belief system.... sees things only in black and white, "good" and "evil" IOW.......extremes.

This principle would apply to any society where aggression , verbal, physical, etc is a paramount componant of its mindset.
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