Canadians no longer believe a word Justin Trudeau says
Most sensible Canadians now eagerly await a new federal government that is competent and sensible
Author of the article:Stephen LeDrew
Published Jan 11, 2025 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read
A whole week has passed since Justin Trudeau somberly announced his intention to resign.
The world is still turning normally, except for the Justin-cult elites who feed off the Trudeau Government – they are starting to get twitchy just wondering who will pay for their next well-stocked plane flight.
Trudeau declares himself a fighter, but in the same breathe stated he is not up to the fight of the “internal battles” within the Liberal Party.
What “internal battles”?
There is no Chretien vs. Turner, no Martin vs. Chretien – now those were battles!
Does this Prime Minister have no guts?
The fight that Trudeau has shied away from is the contempt with which most Liberal Parliamentarians hold Trudeau. It is a contempt grounded in MPs finally realizing that he has thoroughly mucked up, so much so that our very nation is in danger.
Those MPs are embarrassed at being suckered in for so many years by his charm and his tall tales of success.
An open and transparent government? Reconciliation with Indigenous? Cutting emissions?
And no matter how often Trudeau boasted of great success over the years to Canadian media, and now with American media (watch him telling CNN’s Tapper this past week that Canada is in fabulous economic standing, and that the land is strong), people no longer believe a word he says – the world knows the truth.
News reports and columns around the world are wondering why Canadians put up with such failed and divisive leadership for so long.
Journalists, some of them in Canada, are conducting the solid research to show that the Canadian economy is on the ropes, no matter what the Liberal-paid Toronto Star prints to the contrary.
Certainly most Canadians know this arrogant and autocratic government has stifled economic enterprise, cost jobs across the land, made the decision (not discussed by anyone except for Trudeau and his wedding party Cabinet ministers) that Canada will be an “open society” in a post-nationalist manner, bringing in millions of undocumented people, who instead of becoming Canadian, carry out tribal battles in our streets.
Very few Canadians like the changes he has brought about – “safe” drugs anyone? How about the dramatically rising number of drug deaths, and the deterioration of our parks and streets due to druggies such that law-abiding citizens can no longer venture out alone?
And what has been the need to send ministers out across the land, crossing into provincial health care and education responsibilities, to warn that parents should not be told by bureaucrats of sex changes “desired” by their adolescent children?
Woke progressivism has been revealed as a debilitating fad, with no redeeming qualities. But Justin is still adamant that he is out there “fighting” for it.
He hasn’t realized that he is seriously out of step with whatever remains of the Liberal Party, and definitely completely detached from any of the values the average Canadian holds dear.
So, a week after that glorious announcement that left CBC-types in tears, most sensible, average Canadians are looking forward to a government that is competent, sensible, not given to nutty, out-of-date ideological excesses, which will not dictate to Canadians what kind of truck they must drive, and which will reset the rules to allow Canada to prosper in a fair and equitable manner.
Now all that we have to do is endure the leadership puffery of those poor unfortunate egos who think that they can change the Justin Cult back into a solid political party worthy of the support of Canadians.
Good luck with that.
– Stephen LeDrew is the former president of the Liberal Party of Canada and host of The LeDrew Three Minute Interview on YouTube
A whole week has passed since Justin Trudeau somberly announced his intention to resign.