Most of you know what my position on war has always been. Unfortunately, that position has now become untenable. WLDB makes very good points on other areas of the world. I have stated in the past that it was getting to the point where the UN needs to take a firm stand against attrocities and do something about it. It has now past the tipping point. It matters not, at this time, the whys and wherefores. It is time to take firm action and do something. If the UN members are not willing to take that stand, then NATO must.take the reins and step up. As a world family we no longer have the luxury of sitting back in our easy chairs mouthing platitudes. Action, and at this point it looks like military is our only option left no matter how unsavoury that May be, must be taken. Not in a week, or a month, but immediately. If the UN is unwilling or unable to pull the world community together then NATO must step up and take the reins.
Too many in this world, for far too long, have lived under threat. We must end the threats, and make sure those that wish to continue killing know that they will be dealt with quickly and perminatly. It has become uncomfortably clear to me that that is the only way our global community will have any chance at long term peace and prosperity.
Short term pain, for long term gain globally. Time to look at the greater good, rather than the selfish, personal, short term, comfort.