Here's the thing. Canada (Alberta) and Mexico could get together and set a date to collectively shut the taps off to the US for one week, just to make a point about how much the US relies on Canadian and Mexican oil. Like if the US doesn't need our oil as Trump states, then why did he approve the Keystone XL last time? About 60% of America's refining capacity is set up for Mexican and Canadian heavy crude. That equates to roughly 400,000 US jobs. It also means that the US can't use the majority of the oil it produces.
Then there's the deficit that Trump mistakes for a "subsidy". When you factor in all cross-border commerce including investments, the US trade deficit is around $43 billion. We don't even crack the top 5 when it comes to trade deficits the US has with other countries. And there's a simple reason why the US has $43 billion trade deficit with Canada, they have 9 times the population and thus collectively buy more shit than Canadians do. No frickin' idea where he's getting his $100 billion then $200 billion figures from.
Also, considering the billions the US spends every year keeping troops in the Mid-east to help keep oil supplies secure and considering it costs the US $0 to keep Canada's oil supply secure, I'd say we can shave several billion off that $43 billion deficit.
Then there's Ontario and Quebec. On a good day, after supplying their own needs, the two provinces export enough hydro to the US to power anywhere from 11.5 million to 15 million households. Can the US north-east meet their energy needs without it? We might find out.
Counter-tariffs on stuff we also produce would be another way to go. Things like US liquor, beer and wine, dairy, steel, aluminum etc. Tariffing things we don't produce only punishes us with the extra costs. Remember folks, tariffs on things you don't produce, or don't produce enough of, only hurt the importing country not the exporting country. And that's something Canada, the EU and Mexico could also do in a coordinated effort.
Or ya know, we could actually be a responsible neighbour and address the immediate and legitimate border concerns Trump has. Not that WE don't have any concerns about illegal immigrants and guns flowing north from the US so maybe Donny-boy should do something about that and be a responsible neighbour as well.
One last thing, further to a post in another Trump thread. As I said there Ruzzia seems to be gearing up for a go at more Arctic territory. Whether that's Finland or Canada who knows. If it's Canada you know the US will defend us because they already have Ruzzia as a neighbour near Alaska. They won't want Ruzzia basically having two potential fronts against the them . My concern though is if the US DOES come to our defence, that WILL be the end of Canada and we WILL end up being the 51st state whether we like it or not.
I like the US (the geography) and I like the people, generally. But I do NOT want to be an American unless the "51st state" gets to keep its healthcare system, such as it is. Yeah sure, the US has better health care and WAY better diagnostics but who the hell can afford it?