Alberta declares State of Public Health Emergency


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The same Bonny Henry who admitted in the opening chapters oh her book , to setting policy with political considerations in mind ? Is and was she working for the people of B.C. or the NDP government ?
Being a professional person who has consistently shown dedication and kindness, I think most would agree she is working for the people! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I thought you might have figured out by now that nothing in this world is certain! All you can do is go with the odds. If you don't then you pretty well know you are headed for disaster! :)
The vaccine is also killing people what happened to your if it will save 1 life? Let the people free and let's get to herd immunity naturally
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
When was the last time she saw a patient?
She wouldn't have to! How many different statistics does she have to process every day just to stay on top of the situation? And not just Canada's statistics but those from around the world to draw comparisons just to chart a safe and effective course. :)


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
You can say "we are not wrong" and then say "It is now clear that we were wrong." This is generally how all the business gets done.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
She wouldn't have to! How many different statistics does she have to process every day just to stay on top of the situation? And not just Canada's statistics but those from around the world to draw comparisons just to chart a safe and effective course. :)

Factcheck: Dr. Fauci’s Claim that the “Highly Effective and Safe Vaccine” Prevents Individual from Getting Infected with COVID-19 is FALSE (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 11, 2021 at 7:39am

An Epidemic of the Vaccinated: Latest UK Data Shows Rate of Infection Among Vaxxed Exceeds Unvaxxed in Every Age Group Over 30

By Jim Hoft
Published October 10, 2021 at 6:00pm
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

A simple question:

(1) Why are there so many nurses and doctors being fired for refusing to take the covid jabs?

(2) Is there something about and in those covid vaccines that they are aware and scared of taking?

(3 ) Is it because they have seen the drastic results of way too many vaccinated people who took the covid jabs and have either become seriously ill, maimed or have died?

(4) Where is there any common sense and logic at all in not allowing the non vaccinated into places like restaurants, pubs, casinos and sports events to name but a few where we the non vaccinated MAY spread the covid virus, but yet we the non vaccinated can go into a Walmart, Save On Foods, Home Depot and government liquor stores where we the non vaccinated could easily spread the covid virus? One would think that the government would not want anyone to be allowed to enter their liquor stores seeing that they are the big believers in the covid virus?

(5) And we all now know that the fully vaccinated can still get covid and can then spread the covid virus to anyone in all business and stores premises if one is near those vaccinated. Places like sports events, airplanes and concerts can be seen as huge covid super spreaders.

You want to debate? Well then, answer all those simple questions for me. And if you do not, then I now know that I gotcha by the you know what. :LOL:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
But aren’t you double vaxxed ?

These double vaxed people will never get it. They truly have lost their minds. Probably due to the fact that they took all those covid vaccines jabs. If people like JLM have been double vaxed, why then are they still so much in fear of the non vaccinated? What's it to those like JLM if there are so many non vaccinated people out there? Even those that are fully vaccinated still have to wear a diaper mask. Why? A question those vaccinated refuse to answer.

And I am pretty sure that fools like JLM will be taking the many booster jabs to come along in the near future. I am pretty sure that JLM will be taking all the booster jabs and will still wear a clown mask because he still lives in a state of fear and panic over a virus that died off months ago. The Delta virus is the covid vaccine.

The lying politicians, the lying media, and those lying health ministers sure have fools like him by the nut crackers alright. They make asses of people like him and makes them all look like a bunch of gullible brainwashed buffoons who have lost the ability to ask any questions or challenge anything that those three mentioned above tells him to do. This is the main reason why Covid may be around forever. We still have way too many people in Canada who have pretty much now become brain dead. They walk around like a bunch of zombies and waiting for their political masters to tell them what to do next. (n)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
She hasn't had a patient in 35 years. She is management aka a politician.

Bonnie the commie Henry is nothing more than a lying globalist communist evil satanic biotch. Everything that comes out of her lying satanic mouth is all just bullshit and lies. I will bet that good old Bonnie the commie Henry never took the experimental covid vaccine that the sheeple were forced to take. She probably took some kind of a saline water vaccine like the rest of our political elites have done also. Bonnie the commie Henry will no doubt have taken a water saline solution and be able to show a vaccine passport that was made just for her. A fake vaccine passport compliments of the NDP government.

If Bonnie the commie Henry is a real doctor then why is she violating her oath to do no harm? The forcing of mandatory vaccines is a violation of her oath. But ask the biotch if she really gives a bloody dam. The human rights and freedoms violator needs to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity and jailed for life. I doubt that day will ever come.

When you are a satanic member of the globalist elite she is well protected from paying a price for her crimes for now. Little does she know that she is being used as a useful idiot for the deep state globalists who will shove her to the side if and when they get their great reset new world order in place and up and running because she knows way too much. People like her who sells their soul to the globalist devil never seem to learn that when you decide to play along with the devil(globalists)the devil is actually playing them for a fool. (n)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The same Bonny Henry who admitted in the opening chapters oh her book , to setting policy with political considerations in mind ? Is and was she working for the people of B.C. or the NDP government ?

Yup, Bonnie the commie Henry sure does really care about we the sheeple alright. :ROFLMAO:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The Covid situation has been in constant evolution since day one, and apparently so has the virus. I'm okay with the thought that the vaccine offers some protection, it's certainly better than none. I'll be okay with a booster shot if recommended, it will offer me more protection than not getting it. I don't for a second put any faith in the fear based thought that the possibility of long term adverse effects outweighs the immediate benefits of added safety. If you ask me the anti-vaxxers are just afraid of needles and will grasp at anything to avoid the shot. Fine with me, it's their decision. If they're lucky someone might open a theater for anti-vaxxers only before the new James Bond movie comes out.
Good. Now leave the non vaccinated alone and go far far away. And make sure that you take your five booster jabs that will be coming along very soon. Those experimental gene therapy covid vaccines are going to keep you alive(dead)and well(sick). Just remember/ Even though you are fully vaccinated you still can spread the covid virus to others like we the non vaccinated and you still have to keep wearing a clown mask. BTW, why is it that you still have to wear a mask if you are fully vaccinated. Please explain that one to me. Thanx.
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