Alberta declares State of Public Health Emergency


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So you being double vaxxed needs to be tested for a virus you are protected from? Do you see a problem with that? The vaccine is a failure.

Not at all! I don't think you've been listening! These vaxxes are a precaution, NOTHING is 100% certain in this world! Every day on C.B.C. they announce how many of the infected patients are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Invariably the UNVACCINATED FAR OUT NUMBER THE vaccinated patients!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Alberta to launch proof-of-vaccination program, declares health emergency amid surge in COVID-19 cases​

"It is now clear that we were wrong, and for that I apologize," Kenney said.

Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency and is taking immediate action to stave off the ongoing crisis in the health-care system, the premier said.

Anyone who doesnèt recognize the emergency has to be deaf, dumb and blind! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
What is the true definition of a vaccine? It's suppose to be more than taking Vitamin C to reduce the chances of a cold isn't it?

The vaccine is a fail because it is not eliminating the virus, no path to herd immunity through this path period.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Yes I do! I'm just one person, I wouldn't want to risk infecting 50 other patients in the hospital! I'm amazed there's so many people who can't follow the logic in this! It ain't rocket science! :)

So, aren't you just the caring one. There is no logic nor any common sense in any of this covid bullshit lie and hoax anymore. Sadly, you are one of the many dumb fools out there who are still not trying to get with the picture yet and by the looks of things, you never will. It would appear to me as though you have allowed yourself to become what is called a useful idiot for your comrade politicians and the globalists. They are playing with your health. Hello?

So, the vaccinated can enter a hospital, go into a pub, shop at stores like Costco in the hundreds, attend sports events in the thousands, and can take an airplane ride where there may be hundreds or thousands of people all huddled together and yet even though vaccinated they all can all still spread the covid virus and can spread it onto others next to them. The non vaccinated are not even safe with being around vaccinated people like yourself. you appear to be a threat to our health. But talk about places one can go where hundreds or thousands of people can get together and become super covid spreaders at those places mentioned.

I am happy to see that countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Singapore have finally admitted that it is time to drop all of their covid restrictions and face the fact that this covid virus is here to stay and that we cannot keep living in a constant fear over something that no one can do anything about. Nothing is working in trying to stop covid. HELLO? This covid virus game needs to come to an end so we can all get back to the good old normal days once again.

Otherwise, if we do not end this covid game now next will be booster shots for all and it will be something that everyone will be forced to take forever. Don't believe me? Watch and see. Your arm is going to start to look like a pin cushion. You are in shit trouble already for allowing yourself to get fully vaccinated. Don't make it any worse by taking more covid jabs.

Maybe it is high time for people like you to go and ask any of those doctors and nurses as to why they are refusing to take the covid jabs. You may start to learn something for yourself. Otherwise, good luck with your booster shots.

I believe that your covid rocket beliefs have failed on it's first launch and mission and after takeoff it blew up and it is now lying at the bottom of the ocean. (y)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Anyone who doesnèt recognize the emergency has to be deaf, dumb and blind! :)

Anyone who still believes all of this covid virus nonsense bullshit has to be really really deaf, dumb and stupid. :ROFLMAO:


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Not at all! I don't think you've been listening! These vaxxes are a precaution, NOTHING is 100% certain in this world! Every day on C.B.C. they announce how many of the infected patients are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Invariably the UNVACCINATED FAR OUT NUMBER THE vaccinated patients!

This is a pretty good question eh JLM?

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The hospitals in my area are no busier then normal . Try the numbers again , who is dying ? Is it the same aged , obese and those with co morbidities ? Right those numbers aren’t broken down by the ever curious news readers .
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the news. Otherwise healthy people in their 30s and 40s are dying, but I guess that doesn't matter since they're not you! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the news. Otherwise healthy people in their 30s and 40s are dying, but I guess that doesn't matter since they're not you! :)
Now look at how many of those in their 30s and 40s are immunocompromised and how many have already been injected.
PS don't believe the liberal owned media. Look for facts.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Much much lower. If you pay attention to Bonnie Henry you get that information!
Here check these 2 articles out

COVID-19 Infection Rates Soar in Singapore Despite the Country Having One of Highest Vaccination Rates in the World at 83%

By Jim Hoft
Published October 9, 2021 at 8:45am

AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plunge After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 9, 2021 at 10:50am

As of October 8, only 20.5% were fully vaccinated and 35.9% got their first dose.

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Here check these 2 articles out

COVID-19 Infection Rates Soar in Singapore Despite the Country Having One of Highest Vaccination Rates in the World at 83%

By Jim Hoft
Published October 9, 2021 at 8:45am

AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plunge After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 9, 2021 at 10:50am

As of October 8, only 20.5% were fully vaccinated and 35.9% got their first dose.

I thought you might have figured out by now that nothing in this world is certain! All you can do is go with the odds. If you don't then you pretty well know you are headed for disaster! :)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I guess you haven't been paying attention to the news. Otherwise healthy people in their 30s and 40s are dying, but I guess that doesn't matter since they're not you! :)
One person in his 30’s died the other day . Nothing was said about how healthy he was or wasn’t.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Much much lower. If you pay attention to Bonnie Henry you get that information!
The same Bonny Henry who admitted in the opening chapters oh her book , to setting policy with political considerations in mind ? Is and was she working for the people of B.C. or the NDP government ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
One person in his 30’s died the other day . Nothing was said about how healthy he was or wasn’t.
That was "one" day, If you add up all the other days, you'll get a hell of a lot larger figure than "one"! :)