ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
LOl my word,I get a great kick out of how nick-pickie some people are.

I have looked at electric cars and it really doesn't work well in my situation. It means I would have to have so much stuff delivered,weekly, monthly by truck an electric car would cost more in polution than it saves. I live on a farm. Truck deliveries, for everything I get in my van every week, would put put up MY environmental footprint in the ridiculous zone. Oh and that vehicle is exceptionally great on gas.

Yesterday, 10 bags of salt for the water softener, 4 - 8 foot boards for repairing a barn problem, my weekly groceries, and before hand, a gym visit. I have carried bricks, bags of cement, furniture, garden & farm supplies. Oh and when it is not loaded with supplies, it can actually carries 8 people comfortably and fairly often as well. Oh those bags of salt are on the back deck awaiting enough energy to get down to the basement.

So, as I said an electric car is not exactly the epitome of energy saving for everyone, and in many cases ends up a poor choice for some. A thermo-pump combined with gas for when it gets too cold to work, good energy saving windows, and plenty of insulation in a farm house built before 1850, are better choices for me.

You could have spared me the legnthy laundry list of excuses as to why you absolutely need oil and just admitted that you're a hypocrite.

And how does your electric car work for you?

Not practical for me... You see, I can't get by without having at least 400 hp available at any given time, after all, rubber tires just don't smoke themselves.

Besides am far more worried about all of the heavy metals, acids and contaminated water that result from the spent batteries in electric cars than I am of exhaust from gas.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I figure my example is pretty blooming good. In the 80's our swimming pool was solar heated by a combination of black plastic pipes on a hand tilted frame. Now the system is considerably more sophisticated. Now what is YOUR contribution to saving energy!!

By the way what has my energy consumption got to do with Alberta leaving Canada!! Oh I remember now, it is the policy of a few here avoid the actual subject to attack the person when they cannot find a decent rebuttal. How tiresome.

hmmm.......Yes, unfortunately, Quebec lost 600,000 people more than they gained over the past decades. Simply threatening to separate from Canada would probably reduce Alberta's population quite nicely. Too bad, so many businesses leave the province that threatens separation as well. Sending back all ex-Quebecers could solve both problems.

Oh yeah... my next door neighbour did the same thing for his swimming pool

And some years ago I bought a high efficiency furnace even though it was considerably more expensive than the regular gas furnace
Added extra insulation in the attic, thermal windows in the house......traded in the truck for a car that does 45 MPG on the highway


My neighbour freely admits that he did it to save money

So do I......traded the truck and trailer for a car because I had had enough of camping

You see.....we're not hypocrites!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No I’ll leave that to you.. you’re doing such a great job now PiGS

Never said I hate the USA, I don’t like Trump.

I’m not very happy with Trudeau either, but it’s who we have as PM, not much I can do but live with it for a few more years..
Boner is a knob gobbler .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No I’ll leave that to you.. you’re doing such a great job now PiGS

Never said I hate the USA, I don’t like Trump.

I’m not very happy with Trudeau either, but it’s who we have as PM, not much I can do but live with it for a few more years..
Too bad we don't have federal recall legislation.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You really should listen to this..

No time. The idea has been floating around for decades. I would much prefer Cascadia. But there is a problem with all the freeloaders that have come to infest the wet coast. QUite a change from when My father came here as a child in 1919 when BC was frontier and not a place for the faint of heart.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yes. Alberta should bugger off. Send their dirty oil down to the states and any BCers who like dirty oil should move to Alberta and become Americans too.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Didn't you hear Notley? No BC whine!

You personally burn that dirty oil.

You are part of the problem you bitch about.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
He probably buys cheese in Bellingham when fueling up.

Didn't you hear Notley? No BC whine!

You personally burn that dirty oil.

You are part of the problem you bitch about.

There is a solution to your problem. Burn CO-OP gas in your motorcycle. It's from Regina.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
This is an idea that (if you are serious about) then you have to think about how it would come about.

To me the fundamental first step would be restricting the movement of people back and forth between the places involved.

For instance you could start by invalidating inter provincial qualifications and licenses, which would make it more difficult for workers to get jobs.

Many more small things like this is how you begin to dissolve the union, such that it actually dies.