Ten Years after 9/11, the US/NATO War Machine Rages On
Ten Years after 9/11, the US/NATO War Machine Rages On
What kind of world have "we" created out of a militant response to a tragic, horrifying "terrorist" crime.??
Has terrorism been scourged from the planet?? Is THAT even a realistic expectation???
Has the texture / type of terror acts changed ?? Has the fear mongering helped or hurt the american collective psyche.?
Who is benefitting from the continuous wars and probably more to come??
How many; people have been slaughtered as the US war machine moved across several countries now ??? as extracted its revenge......something that can never be done , particularly when other agenda is in place.
How is american (west) anger, hatred and rage different from those they are killing??
Has the US become unnecessarily more extreme ?? and how has this been fueled.
...........those are just a few thoughts and questions that come to mind.
Just watched an item on BBC...........American flags waving ( a forest of them) and signs saying "Muslims go home" with accompanying chants of hatred. A little girl comments: "I was born in America, , so where am I supposed to go .This is my home "
Will we ever know what truly happened that day ??? Not in our life times . Hopefully some enterprizing historian in the distant future has access to all the data , evaulates it and publishes the findings. The distant future might offer the objective perspective that does not exist now .......and can't because the emotional aspects of the event are exploited just to keep the patriotism at fever pitch.
With due respect to: those that lost their lives , were injured, the families involved. Much respect to all those that dealt with this atrocity from the rescue teams , to the clean up teams.
Let's give thought to them all with a quiet dignity
Ten Years after 9/11, the US/NATO War Machine Rages On
What kind of world have "we" created out of a militant response to a tragic, horrifying "terrorist" crime.??
Has terrorism been scourged from the planet?? Is THAT even a realistic expectation???
Has the texture / type of terror acts changed ?? Has the fear mongering helped or hurt the american collective psyche.?
Who is benefitting from the continuous wars and probably more to come??
How many; people have been slaughtered as the US war machine moved across several countries now ??? as extracted its revenge......something that can never be done , particularly when other agenda is in place.
How is american (west) anger, hatred and rage different from those they are killing??
Has the US become unnecessarily more extreme ?? and how has this been fueled.
...........those are just a few thoughts and questions that come to mind.
Just watched an item on BBC...........American flags waving ( a forest of them) and signs saying "Muslims go home" with accompanying chants of hatred. A little girl comments: "I was born in America, , so where am I supposed to go .This is my home "
Will we ever know what truly happened that day ??? Not in our life times . Hopefully some enterprizing historian in the distant future has access to all the data , evaulates it and publishes the findings. The distant future might offer the objective perspective that does not exist now .......and can't because the emotional aspects of the event are exploited just to keep the patriotism at fever pitch.
With due respect to: those that lost their lives , were injured, the families involved. Much respect to all those that dealt with this atrocity from the rescue teams , to the clean up teams.
Let's give thought to them all with a quiet dignity