The buck doesn't stop with the machete, the ones giving them machetes know what will be done as that is why they just happened to show up before they were needed. Do this crime and we will make you rich, refuse and we will find somebody that will use them on you.But the majority of those people are Christian professing. Had they been true Christians they would never have committed those atrocities. Same with all other conflicts we have discussed on this forum.
It's a trap, I commented on her fashionable berka like eye-patch (black even) and she almost bit my head off. I would have to check but when a few selfies were posted she glossed over my submission and I know for a fact my legs were way too hairy in the photo. Tread carefullylol. What about my eye? Say something nice about my eye...
Flattery will get you everywhere with me! lol. I'm a sucker for people being nice. Especially when they're being nice to me.
mischief = niceIt's serene, with just a touch of mischief.
Flattery will get you everywhere with me! lol. I'm a sucker for people being nice. Especially when they're being nice to me.
What he said.I love your pretty smile and nice boobs.
Sure, why not?mischief = nice
Try this for openers. "Wow, those eyes remind me of my 1st wife, . . . a lot.' When she says, '1st, how many times have you been married?' to which you reply, 'Never, you would be my 1st.' If she smiles and her eye twinkles try something a little more earthy.
That's why it it wise to consult with an expert from time to time.Sure, why not?
T-bones: And that's how it happened, doctor.
lol. What about my eye? Say something nice about my eye...
The foundations of morality has its origins in religion.
lol. What about my eye? Say something nice about my eye...
Does it perform 20/20?
That makes 'sense' to let the nose take over at that range. Scopes and handguns were never meant to be the perfect couple, more of a marketing thing.alas, no. I can see great distances but never what's right under my nose...
The need for an inheritance based on directed existence, 'a child' is the only hint you need.Which came first?
- Religion
- Law
lol. What about my eye? Say something nice about my eye...
I'm going to be so thankful when you grow up to the level of 'child'.I need a screwdriver crammed up my nose and my cerebral cortex turned to mashed potatoes to understand any clue you have to offer.
In the black patch/ zipper pic you made the right decision in what part to not wear.
My script says you now say, "I see."
I'm going to be so thankful when you grow up to the level of 'child'.