
Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sure - nobody who isn't an evil nazi conservative (defined as anyone right of castro of course) has a problem with this situation in the slightest. It's just the KHHHHAAAHHHNNNNN-servatives. Because they're evil. So we don't have to care about any of their concerns or listen to them. I'm sure that will end well and will help promote understanding and acceptance down the road.

Well done. If you're ever wondering why hate an intolerance is climbing in the us and Canada right now - make sure to have a mirror handy.
Yep, blame it on the Yanks. Not that you ever need an excuse to do that anyhow.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Yep, blame it on the Yanks. Not that you ever need an excuse to do that anyhow.
Not the yanks. You. YOUR behavior there was bad, and YOU should be ashamed of it. It was the act of a bad PERSON, not a bad country.

If your fellow americans choose to be embarrassed as well because you're one of them, that's something they'll have to address. But the problem was your pathetic behavior, not your nationality.

Maybe you should learn to think of people as... i don't know... people? Instead of bigoted stereotypes that allow you to dismiss concerns because they're now 'sub human'? Just putting that out there.

In any case, despite your insistence that it's just the KHAAN-servatives, there's a lof of people who have issues with this behavior mocking women and those who are legitimately transitioning. Simply dismissing those concerns and others as coming from subhumans doesn't make them go away.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I wrote CONservatives. Damn, your alleged mind, if it exists at all, is truly defective.

And Castro was clearly a right-winger. Except for the fact that he was an ineffectual little turd, you couldn't slip a poker card between him and Hitler.

Makes a body feel sorry for Cubans. Hmm. . . Batista or Castro? Hell of a choice there.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
I wrote CONservatives. Damn, your alleged mind, if it exists at all, is truly defective.
Yes, but we all know you pronounce it KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! servative :) At least when you get into one of these moods.
And Castro was clearly a right-winger. Except for the fact that he was an ineffectual little turd, you couldn't slip a poker card between him and Hitler.
That would actually make hitler a left winger. But sure :)

Makes a body feel sorry for Cubans.
Communism is no way to live, that's for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yes, but we all know you pronounce it KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! servative :) At least when you get into one of these moods.

That would actually make hitler a left winger. But sure :)

Communism is no way to live, that's for sure.
Runs pure capitalism a close race for a shit way to live (but a real quick way to die).

Still, funny how conservatives revere World War II, the period when Britain, Canada, and the U.S. were the most authoritarian socialist of any time in their histories.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Runs pure capitalism a close race for a shit way to live (but a real quick way to die).
I don't think there is such a thing as pure capitalism. Capitalism is pretty much strictly an economic model and always operates under a seperate political model. Communism is a combined economic and political model, you can't really separate the two.
Still, funny how conservatives revere World War II, the period when Britain, Canada, and the U.S. were the most authoritarian socialist of any time in their histories.
It would be funny. If it were true.
Show me anyone who 'reveres' the actual war. I can't think of any time i've ever seen anyone actually say it was fantastic that there was a war and that they worship or revere the war. There are many who are proud of what our countries were able to accomplish when war was forced upon us. Nothing wrong with that, you gotta do what you gotta do and we stepped up BUt - i don't think that's particularly conservative.

Are you saying that you believe democrats felt we shouldn't' have fought the war?? You know it was a democrat that dropped the bomb on japan right?

Very strange hill for you to want to die on :) I think whomever told you that didn't think it through all the way :) I'm pretty confident that there are democrats and liberals who are proud of our countries performance during the war, and i doubt there's much of anyone in either country that actually reveres the war itself and is thrilled it happened.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
No shit, Sherlock. Never was.
err..... then why did you say it's really bad to live under it? If it can't exist then nobody can live under it. I'm not sure you're quite understanding what you're saying.
Never was communism either, an any community over 100 or so.
Of course it has. But for fun go back and see if you can find my post some time ago about how when those on the left are losing an argument they claim that "TRUE!!" communism has never been tried :)

Usually followed by something that actually means "Oh - if ONLY it had been ME that attempted it, then it would have worked because i'm so much smarter than those who've tried it in the past".

It has, it's largely unworkable, it always fails. It can't work. but whereas you can see right away that "true" capitalism can't be a real thing because it lacks a political component, communism at least at first glance appears possible. It's only later when you try to make it happen that it goes to crap and makes life hell for those who live under it, at least until it collapses under it's own weight.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
No shit, Sherlock. Never was.

Never was communism either, an any community over 100 or so.

Mainly because Communism is, IMO, based on humans being selfless.

Which they SO are not.

Reason why, I think, so many countries who "Tried Communism" end up in dictatorships is because they didn't really "Try" communism, rather they said they were, in order to get people to go along with them since it does appeal at a certain base level. And then of course, once the people in power get enough of said power, oops, communism vanishes.

People don't seem to get that though; there are a lot who still insist that communism exists/is in practice right now.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Mainly because Communism is, IMO, based on humans being selfless.

Which they SO are not.
It's also a fantasy.

It's only possible in communities small enough that everybody knows everybody else. Some of the barbarian tribes of North America had it.
Reason why, I think, so many countries who "Tried Communism" end up in dictatorships is because they didn't really "Try" communism, rather they said they were, in order to get people to go along with them since it does appeal at a certain base level. And then of course, once the people in power get enough of said power, oops, communism vanishes.

People don't seem to get that though; there are a lot who still insist that communism exists/is in practice right now.
Yep. Anything that scares them and doesn't comport with when they were kids/young adults, when we all know everything was perfect.

Men were men and sheep were nervous.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's also a fantasy.

It's only possible in communities small enough that everybody knows everybody else. Some of the barbarian tribes of North America had it.

True. Those damned barbarians...

Yep. Anything that scares them and doesn't comport with when they were kids/young adults, when we all know everything was perfect.

To be fair, when you're young and ignorant of reality, things are 'perfect'. Sadly too many want to live in that 'perfection' of ignorance.

Men were men and sheep were nervous.

LOL Or maybe in the case of some... chickens.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Reason why, I think, so many countries who "Tried Communism" end up in dictatorships is because they didn't really "Try" communism, rather they said they were,
No, that's not the problem. You were closer to the problem to begin with.

Many who 'tried' communism believed in the idea. i'm sure. But it just doesn't work as a system.It can work only for short periods in very specialized cases in very small groups.

Part of the problem is as mentioned it requires people to be Selfless. And not just some, or even most. ALL. Because if ANYBODY had personal ambition, they're going to be able to quickly game the system and wind up controlling power that the model doesn't allow for. So right off the bat it's against human nature. Its in our nature to be ambitious - thank god.

And if everybody WAS selfless, there's no motivation to strive for things.

Which brings us to the next problem, it requires people to be motivated and productive without any particular reward. All you get for working harder is the same as everyone else. And what happens is that a very small group winds up having to be productive enough for the entire group, which tends to drag the group down into poverty. So that's strike two - another violation of human nature - motivation without reward.

And of course the other major problem is tied into that - it punishes innovation and efficiency and makes trade with other countries insanely challenging. Because of the nature of such systems it automatically will force all participants towards the lowest common denominator for such things, not the highest. You are not rewarded for and are in fact punished for innovating or looking at doing things differently. This is why the soviet union was never able to keep up with western technological advances.

There are other issues as well but those by themselves are deal killers. Communism cannot work outside of something about the siize of a family unit for sustained periods of time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Communism demands compliance. Compliance needs a brutal regime to to enforce compliance.

There is no utopian Communism.
But everyone is beautiful ? And utopia is just around the corner if only we can force you to understand .
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Communism demands compliance. Compliance needs a brutal regime to to enforce compliance.
And thus, in the end, communism is just another form of slavery, except you get to own your own turnip if you're lucky.

It is an attempt in the end to create a system similar to a hive. And that just isn't in human's nature. And any system that's not compatible with human nature will fail.
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