Lecce speaks out on teacher with huge fake breasts, but it's time to act
School board officials apparently want to push political correctness to new levels
Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Dec 20, 2022 • 3 minute read
It’s time for the Halton District School Board to deal with the teacher wearing the giant fake breasts, Education Minister Stephen Lecce said Monday.
Would it be OK if they were real boobs?
That’s a good question. I found a comparable example I think, which takes this from the theoretical to reality:That has been my exact question but no one answers it so...
17-year-old scolded for crying over transgender woman's penis at YMCA — New York Post
A California teen cried as she recalled seeing "a naked man" in her local YMCA, telling the city council in her San Diego suburb she'd been traumatized by the experience with the person she described as a trans woman.
This is some newish ground for many. On the Canadian side of the border, nobody wants to be in the crosshairs of a human rights tribunal because unlike any other legal situation, where you’re considered innocent until proven guilty… with a human rights tribunal, you are guilty until proven innocent. I believe that’s why the Holten school board is walking on eggshells more so than if they were actually walking through a minefieldInstead of listening to concerns of students or parents, though, the Halton board has made this issue about trans rights.
The link that I have found and posted above actually deals with non-fake body parts. Takes the fake thing out of it.Being trans doesn’t require wearing obscenely large fake breasts over tight shirts while teaching children and respecting trans rights doesn’t require accepting such an outfit. In fact, there is an argument to be made that Lemieux and the Halton board are making a mockery of actual transgender issues.
In the above link, the 17 year old girl in the shower is technically legally still a child (I’m assuming without knowing California’s laws), and the other person in the woman’s shower room, technically has a real penis.
The person that is not the 17 year old girl in the woman’s locker room must identify as a woman with a penis, which, in other circumstances is irrelevant unless it’s dangling out I’m assuming further than the fake nipples on the fake boobs at the shop teacher.
When the girl (the 17 year old girl as opposed to the adult) brings this up with the management she is reprimanded… sort of like the students at the school in Ontario, who are threatened not to take pictures of that Boobalicious shop teacher.
When the girl is hiding in the shower, she’s not the person wandering around with their (neutral pronoun) penis out, I’m assuming she (the 17-year-old girl) probably isn’t thinking, “I wonder what gender that person self identifies as?” or the adult (with a penis) isn’t singing the “I self identify as a woman” song.
Should the child (legally) have been reprimanded? Was the YMCA correct or incorrect in reprimanding her? If so why?
“As I was showering after my workout I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,’ she told the Santee City Council. “I immediately went back into the shower, terrified, and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.”
Philips (the 17 yr old girl) said the policy of allowing trans women in the female locker rooms should be changed — adding she was especially worried her 5-year-old sister could be exposed to naked trans women at the YMCA, the Daily Mail reported.
Should she not have been concerned about her five year old sister (who I’m assuming was also in the building?) who could’ve walked into the same locker room like she stated in the above link? Does that make the 17 year old girl a bad person?
I’ve just googled and found this with respect to California: When a child reaches the age of majority he or she is considered an adult. In California the age of majority is 18 (CA Family Code 6500-6502).
OK. The closest I could find to remove the “fake” boobs out of the above debate.