2016 Republican National Convention


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Honestly, who really cares if Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump.

Putting Cruz in Prime Time to totally disassociate himself from Trump seems the handiwork Paul Monafort, Trump's new campaign manager. It was his job to properly vet Melania's speech, and i suspect he was instrumental in the choice of Mike Pence for running mate. Pence seems like a nice, lacklustre shill for the neocon establishment line, and will likely be as ineffective in drawing votes for Trump as Cruz was in rallying votes against.

Monafort is basing his decisions on the premise the Trump's only hope of election is to unify the Republican Party.. but that's nonsense. The Reagan, Bush, Romney wing of ideological NeoConservatives AND Cruz's Puritanical Evangelical Right are both utterly IRRECONCILABLE to Trump's brand of pragmatic natonalism and populism. So why even try. They are sworn enemies of Trump.

Trump would have been better off with Christie for VP, who at least is a flexible and aggressive politician.. or even Gingrich, who's smart and tactical (although the guy might be too opportunistic, abstract and insubstantial even for Trump's tastes). Pence doesn't seem flexible or smart.. nor does he seem to have much substance or make a memorable impression. Trump's franchise is with independents and disaffected members of BOTH parties.

What Monafort should realize is that the NeoCon ideology (read that Global Free Market, elitist, trickle down economics bound up with cynical and disingenuous pandering to religious voters) is finished.. it is twisting in the wind. But that's not the only thing that on its last legs in this election. The gender, ethnic, race based politics, moral relativism and economic liberalism of Democrats has become so fragmented, divisive, incongruous and incoherent that they will not be able to hold their own electorates.

Essentially this is a political wasteland.. a new politcal order.. and Hillary is inextricably bound up with old. This is Trump's election to win, even with the massive bungling of his campaign. But he'd do well to ditch Manafort and find someone who is somewhat clued into the new electoral reality and landscape.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
But isn't he a liar? I'm sure I heard somewhere that he is!

you people on this thread are consumed by the word 'liar', how are you so familiar with
lieing, are you experienced at it?

I give cruz credit, he has nothing to lose, he is staying his ground, not sucking up to play
politics, and he isn't forgetting what trump said about his 'wife' and his 'father', I respect
that stand, and I'm sure his wife is too, just like he said, he's not going to just suck up,
why should he.
and I don't believe he is setting himself up for next election, he knows he won't do well, he
is just walking away with his head held high, good for him, he is being his own man, not
someone else's 'boy'.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
you people on this thread are consumed by the word 'liar', how are you so familiar with
lieing, are you experienced at it?

I'm sure I heard the word come up on the news two or three times. :)

As a matter of fact I did see Cruz on the noon news taking exception to what Trump said about his father and wife & I don't blame him in the least for that. Perhaps Cruz's downfall was trying to mix religion with Politics..............doesn't seem to fly as well as it used to! I think Gaglardi killed that strategy............in Canada at least.

Lying is not generally tolerated in most walks of life & it's not tolerated in the judiciary arm of Gov't. (good for 14 years in the slammer) so why should the two contestants for the highest political position in the World be absolved of blame for chronic and habitual lying? :)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I have said for decades that politics is a movie they play to entertain us while they go about whatever they the hell they please. But this US election is the most blatantly absurd I have ever witnessed. It is like the ruling elite are thumbing their noses at the sheeple who support them. The scary part is that the sheeple are lapping it up like manna. The script for this election looks like it was written by Monty Python.

The really scary thing is that republicans are so afraid of another democrat winning that they are willing to elect a psychopath. All reason has left the building. The Democrats are not much better, willing to elect Hillary who blatantly stole the election from Bernie. It's like reality TV - completely scripted by lunatics.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I think Cruz is betting that Trump loses the election, and Cruz will be back to say "I was the guy that stood my ground against that blowhard.. let me introduce you to the guys who cowered..meet Mr Rubio.."

Wheeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn will it be over?
Wut? 2020 started last night with Cruz's first campaign speech.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I think Cruz is betting that Trump loses the election, and Cruz will be back to say "I was the guy that stood my ground against that blowhard.. let me introduce you to the guys who cowered..meet Mr Rubio.."

Wut? 2020 started last night with Cruz's first campaign speech.

God save us, I heard his speech earlier today, that misbegotten piece of meat is possessed. That is evil incarnate. In the old days the village would have burned the little prick when it first opened it's foul mouth.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I am so very happy that thing did not stay in Canada.

He said his father escaped Cuba with a hundred dollar sewn into his underware. How in fuk can you hide a hundred dollars in underware?
He's a lying piece of human garbage and every American should shun him and drive him out of your country. Into Mexico where he will be eaten by wild dogs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I watched Trump (and Ivanka) for an hour tonight. I liked what I saw. Just hope Congress doesn't f**k him up. He's what America badly needs. :)
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