2016 Republican National Convention


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
yea real leftists. we're aren't talking about hilary clinton or bill maher, lol. idiot liberal.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
you can say that again...
There seems to be a lot of ignorant bigots doing all they can to defend their hero, the ignorant bigot with the orange skin and fairy dust toupe. Mock and denigrate anybody who doesn't think the Donald is the second coming so people don't notice the knuckle draggers who support him.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There seems to be a lot of ignorant bigots doing all they can to defend their hero, the ignorant bigot with the orange skin and fairy dust toupe. Mock and denigrate anybody who doesn't think the Donald is the second coming so people don't notice the knuckle draggers who support him.

It's pretty much come si come saw, Cliffy.............at the other end of the spectrum you have a chronic, compulsive and habitual liar.

Under TRUMP, ISIS is going to Bitch Slap the USA..

ISIS may be the one getting "Bitch Slapped". :) :) (Ala George Bush 2001 style) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
be interesting to see how this unfolds:

JUST IN: Woman Suing Trump For Rape Speaks Finally Speaks Out, And It's DEVASTATING (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s past sins may have finally caught up to him. The woman who has been suing him for attempted rape has finally spoken out publicly in response to Trump’s dubbing her a liar and and that her claims were “meritless,” telling her whole story in an hour-long interview to the Guardian.

Jill Harth, a make-up artist, is accusing Trump of a range of indecent advances, from sexual harassment to an attempted rape.

Harth first met Trump in 1992, when she and her boyfriend, George Houraney, met with Trump in New York to see if he was interested in their business, a festival called the American Dream that featured a modelling competition for calendar pin-up girls. Even at that first meeting, Trump behaved very unprofessionally, leering and asking inappropriate questions about her relationship status.

The very next night, he groped her under the table at a dinner with pageant contestants. Following that encounter, Trump then mounted a relentless harassment campaign and “began subjecting her to a steady string of unwanted sexual advances.” His business and position made it

Harth details how “Trump did everything in his power to get me to leave [her boyfriend and business partner]. He constantly called me and said: ‘I love you, baby, I’m going to be the best lover you ever had. What are you doing with that loser, you need to be with me, you need to step it up to the big leagues.’”

The harassment culminated in a visit to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida to finalize the American Dream deal. While on a tour of the mansion, Trump pulled her aside – into his own daughter’s bedroom – where he assaulted the poor woman. “He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again and I had to physically say: ‘What are you doing? Stop it.’ It was a shocking thing to have him do this because he knew I was with George, he knew they were in the next room. And how could he be doing this when I’m there for business?”

Harth dropped her lawsuit after settling another business related lawsuit with Mr. Trump, but has decided to speak out after Trump and his daughter called her a liar – and called her office asking for her to publicly recant her statements. Her business reputation has been damaged from being associated with the accusations and from being smeared as a lying opportunist, and she wants an apology. “Nobody was defending me, that’s why I’m talking. You can believe it or not, but I went through hell and I still have to relive this again. And I just, I’m horrified that I have to think about this again.”

Knowing what we know about Donald Trump today, about his long history of rampant misogyny and his repeated indications that he even sees his own daughters as sex objects, we have to take Harth’s accusations seriously. Coming so soon after FOX News CEO Roger Ailes’ dishonorable discharge from his position over his long history of sexual assault, we can only hope that this new information will be yet another nail in the coffin for Trump and his divisive, hate-filled campaign.

... more ...


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
closed minded and intolerant Republicans boo Ted Cruz:

Ted Cruz Booed, Doesn't Endorse Trump

Ted Cruz stood before the third night of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday with an entire convention center awaiting the answer to the question: Will he endorse Donald Trump or won't he? The answer came late in a speech that was well received until the end. "We stand here tonight a nation divided," Trump's final Republican rival opened, before congratulating Trump on winning the nomination. But as Cruz's prime-time speech, which focused on freedom, neared its finish, it became clear he would not endorse the GOP nominee, proclaiming that Republican voters should not stay home in November, but rather "vote your conscience."

As chants of "We want Trump!" broke out among the crowd, Cruz replied, per Politico, "I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation." Or as Andrew Sullivan put it at New York, "open war is breaking out, as the crowd is beginning to shout Cruz down." Trump himself appeared side-stage, seemingly to suck oxygen from Cruz's moment. Writes Sullivan: "Cruz leaves to a massive wall of hostile noise."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
LOL Love how the Cons try justifying Melania's plagiarism..

It's like well he jumped off the bridge, I think I'll follow mentality.

Does one who spent the greater part of the year extolling the greatness of Ted Cruz qualify as a Con ?

Donald Trump Is ‘ISIS’s Best Recruiter’

...and IF, and very big IF Trump get's elected as President, terrorist attacks in the USA will skyrocket.

Trump doesn't even have the balls as a man to deal with Megan Kelly, and you think he's going to deal with ISIS.. other than getting another 300,000 US Soldiers killed..
Didn't mom send you to bed ?

There seems to be a lot of ignorant bigots doing all they can to defend their hero, the ignorant bigot with the orange skin and fairy dust toupe. Mock and denigrate anybody who doesn't think the Donald is the second coming so people don't notice the knuckle draggers who support him.
Can you bake me some bannock ?

trump appeals to the lowest common denominator, racist, white trash and stupid people. If your a war monger or hate monger, you're a big trump supporter.

I just don't understand how americans can back this guy.. I honestly thought americans were better people..

I voted republican in every election in the past.. I just could not bring myself to ever vote for trump.

boom boom !

He was my choice this time but we'll see what 2020 brings.
Didn't mom send you to bed ?

He was my choice this time but we'll see what 2020 brings.
He was BOOMER's choice also .


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Most American cringe at 80% of what Trumps yells about, but for the first time, there is 20% that is simple, clear, 'blatantly' to the point, maybe just clear enough. For me, usually 100% of what comes out of politicians' mouth is foreign and pure lies that they cannot believe they can ever accomplish. An American friend told us that when we here in Canada experience first hand horrors such as 9/11, Boston, Florida, etc.. and theirs new reality of fearing the person sitting next you, only then would we understand why so many are able to shut out the 80%. I wonder if a secret ballot was held in France right now, asking if they would want Trump to run their country, what the result would be??


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Are 50% + 1 of the American people actually going to vote for a chronic, compulsive and habitual liar? :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Back when it was McCain/Palin, the term 'VPILF' came into vogue. Are we going to have a FLILF?

Are 50% + 1 of the American people actually going to vote for a chronic, compulsive and habitual liar? :)

I'm pretty sure anyone who votes, but doesn't spoil their ballot, will be doing so.