Black Lives Matter-Ugliness of Racism.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Then I stand corrected. He didn't cross state lines with the gun.

He still had the gun illegally.

In the end, it'll be up to the court to decide if he is guilty or not. My point originally was that he had a 2 million dollar bail and guess who paid to get him out?! Right Wing Trump supporters who are also helping fund his defence.

So again, crying "Oh the Dems are getting BLM people out!" when he's gotten the same is hypocrisy on your part.

I'm... sorry, did you just ask an obviously stupid question?

1) the shooting itself wasn't racist. Whether self defence or a murder, we don't know that yet.

2) just because he didn't shoot any black/brown/asian/purple people doesn't mean he's NOT a little racist shit. Hanging out with Proud Boys, being their little "Buddy" and flashing White Supremecy symbols (if you believe it's the A-OK sign you will believe anything) DOES however heavily push him to be racist.

Ergo, 3) he can be BOTH.

Yep. The courts will decide. But it appears to me to be such an obvious case of self defense that the prosecution of this guy is ridiculous.

As for the minor gun laws, which, btw, are unconstitutional, (IMHO) I couldn't care less. Thank God Rittenhouse had a weapon, or he would have been seriously injured or worse.

BTW, do you know why he was attacked? He got a fire extinquisher and put out a dumpster fire lit by the protestors. They took exception to that.

Oh, and you're accusation of "racist" is simply typical lefty BS. It makes you look ridiculous. Rittenhouse did NOTHING to indicate he was racist. Nothing.

Oh, and the last leader of the Proud Boys? A BLACK Cuban. Some bunch of white supremacists. The Proud Boys might be a lot of things, (stupid, looking for trouble, mad-ass idiot Trump supporters) but obviously racist is not one of them.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Then I stand corrected. He didn't cross state lines with the gun.

He still had the gun illegally.

In the end, it'll be up to the court to decide if he is guilty or not. My point originally was that he had a 2 million dollar bail and guess who paid to get him out?! Right Wing Trump supporters who are also helping fund his defence.

So again, crying "Oh the Dems are getting BLM people out!" when he's gotten the same is hypocrisy on your part.

I'm... sorry, did you just ask an obviously stupid question?

1) the shooting itself wasn't racist. Whether self defence or a murder, we don't know that yet.

2) just because he didn't shoot any black/brown/asian/purple people doesn't mean he's NOT a little racist shit. Hanging out with Proud Boys, being their little "Buddy" and flashing White Supremecy symbols (if you believe it's the A-OK sign you will believe anything) DOES however heavily push him to be racist.

Ergo, 3) he can be BOTH.
So you are ASSUMING he's racist but have no proof one way or the other! Riiight - got 'cha. Makes complete sense.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that Kyle Rittenhouse was giving the AOK sign and not a sigh of White Supremacy.

View attachment 9666

Take your denial and shove it up your ignorant ass, Jinny.

Some Lefties; good thing I'm not a Lefty and therefore it doesn't matter.

Oh, oh! And the Right doesn't? Fuck off.

Again, the right doesn't?

Didn't say that.

Yes, it was illegal for him to have that gun.

Exactly; still a crime, still illegal.

Have I said that? Where? Because, WRONG AGAIN, I didn't. I haven't said anything other than their pasts have nothing to do with Rittenhouse shooting them, because they didn't A) know one another and B) prior knowledge has no bearing on this incident. If you want to discuss the people Rittenhouse shot, sure, we can. (hint, NOT going to go like you assume so far)

And are you FUCKING serious?! Rittenhouse's skin color had NOTHING to do with this. FFS...

Three white guys chasing a white kid with a gun, nah, not racist. Fucking STUPID and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" sure... but NOT racist.

See above.

Comrade Serryah is at it again. Stop lying. You are a communist. God bless the right. LOL.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'Candyman' review: Slasher update has a sharper social edge
Author of the article:Reuters
Owen Gleiberman
Publishing date:Aug 25, 2021 • 12 hours ago • 4 minute read • Join the conversation
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II stars in "Candyman."
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II stars in "Candyman." PHOTO BY HANDOUT /Universal Studios
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LOS ANGELES ( – “Candyman,” the 1992 slasher movie starring Tony Todd as a vengeful specter in a floor-length fur-lined coat, with a hook for a left hand and a devoted swarm of killer bees, was an urban-legend horror film that was ahead of its time but also, just maybe, a little too much of its time. Todd’s scowling ripper started off as an enslaved person’s son, Daniel Robitaille, who in the late 1800s was a successful artist. But then he had a relationship (and fathered a child) with a wealthy white ingenue whose portrait he’d been commissioned to paint. Her father hired a lynch mob to go after him. The mob tore off his hand and covered him in honey, and a swarm of bees stung him to death. Candyman is the violent ghost he became.


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That’s a potentially incendiary premise, but in 1992, amid a swarm of boilerplate sequels featuring Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees, each of whom came with his own sadomasochistic backstory, “Candyman,” directed by the English filmmaker Bernard Rose (and adapted from a Clive Barker short story), adhered a little too closely to the stylized tropes of the slasher film. The fact that Candyman would be summoned if you said his name five times played as the kind of storybook megaplex device (“One two, Freddy’s coming for you…”) designed to prime the audience for shock cuts. The movie worked, but like too many slasher films of the time it was more sensational than haunting.

'Candyman' review: Slasher update has a sharper social edge
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But now “Candyman” has been remade, by the director Nia DaCosta (I’m pleased to report that Tony Todd is back — he looks a little bit older, and a lot more venerable in his grin of unspeakable pain), and what she has done is to make The new “Candyman” references the plot of the original as a sinister fanfare of shadow puppets, as if to say, “That was mythology. This is reality.” It’s less a “slasher film” than a drama with a slasher in the middle of it.


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It stars Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, the actor who just about seared a hole in the screen as Bobby Seale in “The Trial of the Chicago 7,” and Abdul-Mateen gives as searching a performance as you’re likely to see in a movie that’s a voluptuous pageant of fear and gore. He plays Anthony McCoy, an aspiring artist who grew up in the Cabrini-Green housing projects of Chicago, which is where much of the original “Candyman” took place. He hasn’t just heard the legend; he was taken by Candyman as a child. And now, as he prepares a new set of work for a group show that’s being organized by his girlfriend, Brianna (Teyonah Parris), who works for Clive (Brian King), a hipster gallery owner who’s the person in the movie you most want to see die in a fancy way (the film does not disappoint), Anthony looks to the Candyman as an inspiration to leave esthetic safety behind and create a work that’s daring enough to be true.


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The art-world setting allows DaCosta, who co-wrote the film with Win Rosenfeld and Jordan Peele (who is one of the producers), to offer a deft satire of gentrification, with the Cabrini-Green projects paved over — and the knowledge of American economic apartheid they represent buried right along with them. At the gallery show, Anthony’s featured piece is a mirrored installation that, if you look closely enough, contains images of horror from the past; but if you don’t look closely, you’ll just see yourself. (That’s a great metaphor for liberal myopia.) The name of the piece is “Say My Name,” and that’s a disquieting joke — because, of course, it’s a Candyman reference that plays off the rhetorical fire of our own time, in a way that suggests that confronting racial demons isn’t as simple as “acknowledging” the crimes against Black people that have happened on a daily basis. The movie says: You can acknowledge the injustice — but what happens to the rage? “Candyman” presents the return of the repressed for an era that wants to pretend it’s no longer repressing things.


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One reason this “Candyman” never feels like a formula slasher film, even during the murders, is that DaCosta stages them with a spurting operatic dread that evokes the grandiloquent sadism of mid-period De Palma. When four young women prepsters stand before the school bathroom mirror and say “Candyman” five times, it’s as if they’re acting out what they think is their privilege; their deaths come at us in a way that’s just oblique enough to get you to imagine the worst. And when a know-it-all art critic (Rebecca Spence) receives her own ghastly comeuppance, DaCosta shoots it from an elegant distance that heightens the horror.

Mad slashers in movies are technically villains, and then, if they hang around long enough (i.e., for enough sequels), they turn into ironic franchise heroes; they’re the icons you want to see. But the whole premise of “Candyman” is that Candyman, from the start, is a supremely un-mad slasher. He’s a walking historical corrective, throwing the violence of white America back in its face. It’s Anthony, the film’s hero, who turns into its most haunting figure. He gets stung by a bee, creating a wound on his hand that starts to grow and rot, spreading over his body, until by the end he’s become a shattering image of what racial violence looks like when it begins to eat you up from the inside. In “Candyman,” there’s plenty of horror, but none of it is as disturbing as the true-life horror that can make people feel like they’re ghosts of the past.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'I CAN'T BREATHE': LAPD body cam footage of Pelicans' Jaxson Hayes' arrest released
Author of the article:Reuters
Publishing date:Aug 28, 2021 • 13 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
Jaxson Hayes is seen being held down by Los Angeles Police Department officers outside his home in a screengrab taken from a police body cam video shared on the LAPD YouTube channel.
Jaxson Hayes is seen being held down by Los Angeles Police Department officers outside his home in a screengrab taken from a police body cam video shared on the LAPD YouTube channel. PHOTO BY LAPD /YouTube screengrab
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The Los Angeles Police Department released body cam footage from the July arrest of New Orleans Pelicans centre Jaxson Hayes that shows an officer kneeling on his neck as Hayes says, “I can’t breathe.”


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The video also shows an officer using a stun gun on Hayes’ chest as other officers held him down and attempted to subdue him.

Musk says Tesla's latest self-driving software update 'actually not great'
The LAPD, which bars the practice of blocking a person’s airway while trying to detain someone, said the incident is being reviewed. The department also directs officers to aim for the forearm, thigh or calf when directly stunning a target whenever possible.

Before his arrest, Hayes, 21, was arguing with the officers as they tried to enter his Woodland Hills house.

The LAPD had been summoned via 911 by a cousin of Hayes’ girlfriend, who told a dispatcher the couple was arguing and that Hayes had become “loud and violent.” The cousin also told the dispatcher that Hayes was an NBA player and that there were no weapons in the house.


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Hayes and another man, whom he identified as his cousin, met with police outside the house.

“We were just having a little argument. She was throwing some stuff at me,” Hayes told the responding officers.

But when they told Hayes to stay outside while they talked to his girlfriend inside the house, Hayes objected and insisted the police needed a warrant to go inside.

The officers told Hayes he was wrong and continued toward the house, with Hayes arguing along the way.

When the police neared the door, they attempted to detain Hayes, who appeared to shove one officer into a wall before he was wrestled to the ground.

Hayes was arrested for suspicion of resisting arrest, but prosecutors have yet to file any charges against him related to the incident on July 28. The woman who was at the house at the time has “declined to cooperate,” according to the LAPD.

Hayes averaged 7.5 points and 4.3 rebounds in 60 games (three starts) last season. He was the No. 8 overall pick in the 2019 draft.


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Oct 26, 2009
Colorado police officers, paramedics charged in 2019 death of Black man
Author of the article:Reuters
Keith Coffman
Publishing date:Sep 01, 2021 • 9 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
Women dressed in yellow form a "wall of moms" during a march against the death of Elijah McClain and racial injustice in Aurora, Colorado, July 25, 2020.
Women dressed in yellow form a "wall of moms" during a march against the death of Elijah McClain and racial injustice in Aurora, Colorado, July 25, 2020. PHOTO BY KEVIN MOHATT /REUTERS / FILES
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DENVER — Three Colorado police officers and two paramedics have been criminally charged in the death of Elijah McClain, a Black man who died in 2019 after he was subdued and injected with a sedative, the state attorney general said on Wednesday.


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A state grand jury handed up a 32-count indictment, Attorney General Phil Weiser said at a news conference. All five defendants are charged with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide.

McClain, 23, was walking home from a convenience store when he was confronted by police in the Denver suburb of Aurora on reports he was acting suspiciously, although he was not suspected of a crime.

Police placed McClain in a carotid neck hold and was later injected by paramedics with ketamine, a powerful sedative. He went into cardiac arrest and died days later at a hospital.

The case drew national attention after George Floyd, a Black man, died in May 2020 when a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck. That case, which resulted in a murder conviction and a 22 1/2-year sentence for Derek Chauvin, galvanized a protest movement against the unjust deaths of Black people at the hands of law enforcement.


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“Nothing will bring back my son, but I am thankful that his killers will finally be held accountable,” McClain’s father, LaWayne Mosley, said in a statement after the indictments were announced.

“We recognize that this case will be difficult to prosecute,” Weiser said at the news conference.

The police officers charged are Nathan Woodyard and Randy Roedema, who are both still on the force, and Jason Rosenblatt, who was fired after he responded “Haha” to photos taken by uninvolved officers mocking the death of McClain.

The two paramedics under indictment are Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec, who also face assault charges for the drug injection.

In a statement on its Facebook page, the Aurora Police Association called the indictments a “hysterical overreaction” and noted that the initial investigation cleared the officers of wrongdoing.


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“Sadly, Mr. McClain died due to a combination of exertion due to his decision to violently resist arrest and a pre-existing heart condition,” the statement said. “There is no evidence that APD officers caused his death.”

The city said the four defendants it still employed were suspended immediately and indefinitely without pay.

Initial internal investigations determined that the officers and paramedics had not violated policy and the local district attorney declined to file criminal charges, citing an autopsy that listed the cause of death as undetermined.

Weiser took over the case after Governor Jared Polis appointed him as a special prosecutor last year, and in January announced that a state grand jury was convened to review the case.

An independent panel hired by Aurora’s City Council found that police officers who stopped McClain had no apparent reason to suspect a crime was being committed and that a subsequent internal police investigation of the incident was flawed.

The family has filed a federal wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Aurora, the police department and paramedics.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
They were "treating" him for "excited delirium," a syndrome that is not recognized by the American Medical Association, the World Health Organisation, or the American Psychiatric Association, and is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

But ya gotta admit, it calmed him right down!
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It would be interesting to know the time lapse between the carotid hold(presumably unconscious) and the injection of Ketamine. I can see him being somewhat agitated waking up from an attack like that.


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Oct 26, 2009
Virginia can remove statue of Civil War General Lee, state's highest court rules
Author of the article:Reuters
Jonathan Stempel
Publishing date:Sep 02, 2021 • 12 hours ago • 1 minute read • 10 Comments
The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is seen in Richmond, Virginia, September 16, 2017.
The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is seen in Richmond, Virginia, September 16, 2017. PHOTO BY JOSHUA ROBERTS /REUTERS
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The Virginia Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Thursday that the state can take down a towering statue of the Confederate General Robert E. Lee, a centerpiece of protests against racial injustice, from its capital city of Richmond.


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Ruling in two cases, the court said Governor Ralph Northam could remove the statue because restrictions in deeds from 1887 and 1890 that transferred the statue to Virginia no longer reflected the state’s values, and were therefore unenforceable.

“Today it is clear, the largest Confederate monument in the South is coming down,” Northam, a Democrat, said in a statement.

“When we honour leaders who fought to preserve a system that enslaved human beings, we are honoring a lost cause that has burdened Virginia for too many years,” Northam added.

The 21-foot (6.4-metre) bronze statue located on Monument Avenue in the Confederacy’s former capital depicts Lee in military attire atop his horse, and sits on a 40-foot (12.2m) pedestal.


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Northam announced plans to remove the statue in June 2020, 10 days after a Minneapolis policeman killed George Floyd, who was Black, sparking nationwide protests.

The removal was challenged by nearby residents who said they had a property right to enforce the deeds, and that an 1889 legislative resolution required leaving the statue alone.

It was also challenged by a descendant of the family that transferred the statue, who described what the court called his “familial pride” in the statue.

But the court said restrictive covenants in the deeds were “unenforceable as contrary to public policy and for being unreasonable because their effect is to compel government speech, by forcing the Commonwealth to express, in perpetuity, a message with which it now disagrees.”

Patrick McSweeney, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, declined immediate comment.

Northam said removing the 12-ton statue would be a multi-day process, and would not begin this week.

Richmond and other U.S. cities have removed various Confederate monuments since Floyd’s death. Protesters have taken down other monuments.

The U.S. Civil War ended in 1865. Lee died in 1870.
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Oct 26, 2009
Virginia removes statue of confederate commander Robert E. Lee
Author of the article:Reuters
Brendan O'Brien
Publishing date:Sep 08, 2021 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • 27 Comments
The statue of Robert E. Lee is lowered from its plinth at Robert E. Lee Memorial during its removal on Sept. 8, 2021 in Richmond, Va.
The statue of Robert E. Lee is lowered from its plinth at Robert E. Lee Memorial during its removal on Sept. 8, 2021 in Richmond, Va. PHOTO BY AMR ALFIKY, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC-POOL /Getty Images
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A statue of Confederate commander Robert E. Lee was removed from its base in Richmond, Virginia’s capital, early on Wednesday after a yearlong legal battle over a monument that has been the focus of protests over racial injustice.


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As onlookers watched, crews secured the 21-foot (6.4-metre) bronze statue of the U.S. Civil War leader to a crane that hoisted it off its 40-foot (12.2-metre) granite pedestal and placed it on the ground.

Since 1890, the towering memorial has stood at its location on Monument Avenue in Richmond, the former capital of the pro-slavery Confederacy, a group of Southern states that fought against Union forces in the 1861-65 Civil War.

The Robert E. Lee statue is one of the largest still standing in the United States. Memorials that honor leaders of the Confederate side have become targets of protests against racism. Defenders of the statues say they are tributes to the bravery of those who fought to defend the South.

Officials have said workers will move the statue of Lee, dressed in military attire and mounted on top of a horse, to a secure, state-owned storage site until a decision on its future is finalized.

The hoisting of the statue was captured on the Twitter feed of Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, who announced plans to remove it in June 2020, 10 days after a white Minneapolis policeman killed George Floyd, who was Black, sparking nationwide protests.


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During the last six years, more than 300 symbols of the Confederacy and white supremacy have been taken down, while some 2,000 still stand, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Streets around the statue were closed on Tuesday evening as crews prepared a viewing area for the public to watch the statue’s removal.

On Thursday, workers will remove plaques from the monument’s base and replace a time capsule believed to be at the site with a new one. The base will remain in place as the community reimagines Monument Avenue.

Last Thursday, the Virginia Supreme Court unanimously ruled in two cases that Northam could remove the statue. In summer 2020, the removal was challenged by nearby residents and a descendant of the family that transferred ownership of the statue to the state.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009

Blame it on artificial intelligence for making an offensive suggestion.

That’s why Facebook is feeling the heat after some of its users who viewed a newspaper video featuring Black men were asked if they wanted to “keep seeing videos about primates” upon finishing the footage, BBC reported.

Facebook has apologized for what the company described as a “clearly an unacceptable error” from its AI recommendation system. After the apology, Facebook said it disabled the AI system while an investigation was launched.

BBC News reported this isn’t the first time concerns of racism were raised in artificial intelligence.

Six years ago, Black people were labelled as “gorillas” in pictures featured in Google’s Photos app. The company later apologized and vowed to fix the error.

This past May, social media platform Twitter admitted there was racial bias in the way its “saliency algorithm” cropped images for preview.


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Oct 26, 2009
Philadelphia to pay $2 million to Black woman beaten by police in front of toddler
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Publishing date:Sep 17, 2021 • 13 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
Rickia Young, a mother who was assaulted by Philadelphia police in front of her toddler, speaks out after city of Philadelphia offered her a settlement of $2 million.
Rickia Young, a mother who was assaulted by Philadelphia police in front of her toddler, speaks out after city of Philadelphia offered her a settlement of $2 million. YouTube
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The city of Philadelphia has offered to pay a $2-million settlement to a Black mother after she was beaten in front of her two-year-old son, then separated from him.


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Rickia Young was driving home with her son in the early morning hours of Oct. 27, 2020, when they found themselves in the middle of a large crowd protesting the fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. hours earlier, according to Young’s attorneys at a news conference on Tuesday.

Young had just picked up her teenage nephew in West Philadelphia and made a U-turn to avoid the protest when two dozen police officers surrounded her car.

“Suddenly and without warning, a pack of Philadelphia police officers wearing riot gear and wielding batons descended on the car, smashing multiple windows of the vehicle,” recounted one of Young’s lawyers, Riley Ross.


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Toronto Police headquarters on College St. in Toronto.
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Durham Regional Police Service logo
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“The officers then violently yanked Ms. Young and her nephew from the vehicle and physically beat her, and him, in the street, causing significant injuries.”

A bloodied and bruised Young was handcuffed and separated from both her son and nephew for several hours.

Two days after the incident, a photo of Young’s son being held by a female cop was posted on Facebook by the Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police labor union in the country, reported NBC News.

“This child was lost during the violent riots in Philadelphia, wandering around barefoot in an area that was experiencing complete lawlessness,” the organization wrote in the since-deleted post.

“The only thing this Philadelphia Police Officer cared about in that moment was protecting this child. We are not your enemy, we are the thin blue line and we are the only thing standing between order and anarchy.”


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An officer and sergeant have been fired from the department, while more than a dozen officers are awaiting disciplinary action.

Young has since sued the police union over the misleading Facebook post, reported NBC.

“For them to portray me as this type of mom who wouldn’t know or care where her child was while chaos was happening all around is very hurtful,” she said during the news conference.

“All to promote a political message of fear of Black people and civil protesters.”

She added: “Our physical injuries may heal but the pain of seeing those images of my son in the arms of an officer and that horrible caption written to describe that picture may never heal.”


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Oct 26, 2009
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Missouri cops stand by as dogs attack Black man
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Publishing date:Sep 24, 2021 • 15 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
Missouri cops allow police dog to attack Black man while he was being arrested.
Missouri cops allow police dog to attack Black man while he was being arrested. PHOTO BY KSDK NEWS /YouTube
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Disturbing video shows Missouri cops standing by as a police dog is let loose on a Black man while he was being arrested.


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Police claim the man wouldn’t comply, but a video shot by a bystander in the St. Louis suburb of Woodson Terrace appears to show the three white police officers standing by while the dog repeatedly bites the man.

The footage sparked outrage, with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board comparing it to pre-civil rights days in Alabama.

“This incident bears all the hallmarks of cops deciding to issue their personal form of street justice,” the board of the local newspaper said.


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Peel Regional Police dog Nitro
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In the video, two officers can be seen arresting the man who is leaning over the hood of a car. Another officer stands in front of the car with a barking K9.

The man appears to not be resisting arrest, but the dog is released on him as the other two cops step away.

The dog barks as it nips at the man’s ankles, who is grabbing his legs and shouting “help,” but the three cops continue to let the dog attack him.


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Two of the officers then push the man on the ground, and the dog pulls and tugs at his leg.

The third cop pulls the dog away, only to let him loose on the suspect once more. The dog bites and drags the man back to the ground as the three officers stand by and look on.

The dog is eventually taken away and the man’s arrest continued.

A police canine expert with 35 years experience found the incident unsettling.

“The fact of the matter is, it’s a human reflex response, you can’t have an 80-pound dog puncturing your skin and be compliant,” Michael Gould told KSDK. “It’s virtually impossible.”

The Woodson Terrace Police Department issued a press release, saying they received reports of a man trespassing. He allegedly threatened to “kill the officers” and claimed he was a sovereign citizen but note in the release they use the term “subject,” not “suspect.”


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“The subject was then warned several times that if he did not comply, the K9 would be released,” read the statement. “The subject continued to resist, causing minor injuries to one of the officers, so the K9 was released and the K9 gained control of the suspect’s foot. The suspect went to the ground and the K9 was pulled off the subject.”

The police department said the man refused medical treatment but once he was taken to the station, he complained of his injuries and was taken to hospital.

Officers found what they believe was methamphetamine on the man, and claim that’s why they were unable to restrain the suspect.

“The subject was released pending application of warrants.”

Released. After all that.


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Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
This is a bit of a read and I'm sure the facts will offend the living shit out of the CRT and BLM supporting half-wits.

The Black Lives Matter movement and the allied criminal justice reform movement which opened jails and decriminalized crimes led to a nearly 30% surge in murders in 2020.

The 29.4% increase is historically unprecedented.

The worst one-year percentage jump in murders was a 12.7% increase in 1968 during a crime wave that led Democrats and Republicans to embrace tough on crime policies. 1968 was the year that LBJ signed the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act into law. But the opposite happened in 2020 as Democrats and some libertarian Republicans colluded to dismantle the criminal justice system, open up the jails, and endorse Black Lives Matter.

The pro-crimers have the blood of thousands on their hands.

The FBI’s numbers are in and they show that Black Lives Matter and its corporate backers killed more black people in one year than anything short of an African civil war.

3,595 black people were murdered in 2019. But in 2020, 5,839 black people were murdered.

That's an additional 2,244 black people killed.

56% of the murder victims of 2020 were black.

While people of all races were more likely to be murdered in the year of Black Lives Matter, black people were disproportionately likely to be killed as a result of police defunding and the George Floyd Effect, as well as the pressure on the justice system to open up prisons, free criminals, and stop arresting new criminals in the name of fighting for the big lie of racial justice.

3,060 white and Latino people were killed in 2019, which rose to 4,167 in 2020. The 36% increase is devastating, but the number of black people murdered in 2020 shot up 62%.

The 62% increase in the murders of black people should be the headline in every single media outlet which currently treats the lack of black classical musicians or chefs as a major crisis.

While statistics like 135 "unarmed" black people being shot by police in 5 years becomes a cause for massive riots, violent assaults on innocent people, and the defunding of the police, a 62% increase in the murders of black people won’t even get a mention from the same media which regales us with claims that car accidents are racist because of disproportionate impact.

The 62% increase in the murders of black people is the biggest disproportionate impact statistic.

If the 2,244 black people had been shot by white people, Asian people, or Republicans, we could talk about it. Indeed, the odds are that we would never talk about anything else. Ever.

But unfortunately it’s the devastating result of black-on-black crime.

Black perpetrators were responsible for 5,832 murders or approximately 50% of the murders despite making up only around 13% of the population.

White people and Latinos who make up 76% of the country accounted for 3,981 homicides or 34%. American Indians were responsible for 116 murders and Asians for only 65 murders.

Black people both commit murders and are the victims of murders at disproportionate rates.

There is no escaping these facts.

Coddling criminals and defunding police hurts people of all races, but black people are the ones suffering the worst from the gang members and criminals in their communities.

The number of black murderers rose 38% from 4,208 to 5,832. That’s a sharp increase in black murderers, but it’s dwarfed by the 62% increase in black murders. The number of black crime victims is rising much faster than the number of black criminals.

Black people are becoming victims at higher rates than they are becoming criminals.

That is exactly why it was black communities who originally championed a crackdown on crime, why the NAACP had originally demanded the death penalty for drug dealers, and why black people are still far more likely to oppose police defunding and other pro-crime measures.

Even in the one category of violent crime, rape, that decreased overall in 2020, that was true of every group except one where the number of black rape victims defied the trend.

But black rape victims, like black lives, don’t matter to Black Lives Matter.

In Israel, the hashtag Arab Lives Matter took off after the rise in arab-on-arab crime to demand that Israeli police stop the criminals. In the United States, Black Lives Matter is a demand that the police allow gang members to shoot up black neighborhoods with no interference.

The additional 2,244 dead black people are a tribute to Black Lives Matter’s efforts.

While Robin DiAngelo cashes in preaching the cult of anti-racism, and suburban white liberals search their souls for systemic racism, what’s really destroying black people is in the numbers.

5,839 black people were murdered in one year.

Homicide doesn't even make the CDC's top 10 causes of death for men in America, but it's number four for black men. In 2017, it caused 5% of the deaths of black men, more than strokes, diabetes, or most diseases. The only things more likely to kill black men than black-on-black crime are heart disease, cancer, and accidents.

Among black men under the age of 20, homicide is the leading cause of death at 35.3%.

(Those were 2017 numbers, the 2020 numbers, if they’re released, will be much worse.)

It's also the leading cause of death for black men from 20-44 years old at 27.6%.

Only at the age of 65 does homicide drop out of the top 10 causes of death for black men.

There are no such numbers among any other group, including black women. They reflect a high rate of gang violence, drug dealing, and violent crime among a subset of black men. This crisis is not news. There has been ample research on the subject going back generations that the new wokeness decided to shut down, suppress, and penalize anyone who mentioned it.

In 2020, the Left used George Floyd’s overdose death to initiate a massive cultural revolution, supposedly on behalf of black people, but in reality to spread terror and seize power.

Just as the proletariat paid the price for the leftist revolutions conducted on behalf of the working class, black men are paying the price for the latest revolution being waged on their behalf. The people paying the price may be ordinary, or they may be gang members themselves. The dismantling of the criminal justice system also led to an unprecedented expansion in crime that recruited a generation of black teens into drug dealing, robbery, and carjacking. The police now routinely arrest armed carjackers as young as twelve years old as part of the new crime wave.

Even if a new anti-crime consensus is forged between conservative Republicans and moderate Democrats who shed the madness of criminal justice reform, the damage will be hard to fix.

Cracking down on crime increased property values in black areas, led to a growth in black small businesses, and made it more possible for black teens to go to college, and earn higher incomes. Black Lives Matter calculatedly undermined many of those achievements. The teens whom teachers’ unions kept out of school, joined gangs, and began to deal and steal will find it much harder to build stable lives. The women they might have married and the families they might have built are more casualties. It is hard to build things, but all too easy to break them.

The 5,839 dead black people are just the most obvious sign of the social wreckage.

While black people are the biggest victims of black crime, they are not alone. As these statistics show, we all pay a price. Some pay it directly in the forms of murders, muggings, and assaults. But we all pay for the social cost indirectly through our taxes, the price of goods and services, the cost of insurance, the broken social compact and lack of trust, and the diminished future of our cities and our country. The criminal justice reform movement, like all leftist propositions, was based on ignoring everything we had learned from the past about crime and how to fight it.

The Black Lives Matter movement terrorized cities and became the official dogma of Corporate America. Every major institution began accusing itself of systemic racism and purging itself.

Meanwhile thousands of black men died in the streets of major cities. The CEOs and university presidents heard the death toll reported on the evening news and paid no attention because it was taking place in neighborhoods and housing projects that they would never set foot into.

Now the sum total of the carnage is in. 5,839 black people killed. 2021 is on track to see more elevated murder rates. The question is how many black people have to die until the big lie of systemic racism, the scam of anti-racism, and the criminal justice reform killing fields end.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The above article would be a reason why Dem's are all up in arms with the below article

Alabama Lawmakers OK Plan to Build Prisons With COVID Relief Funds

Saturday, 02 October 2021 09:49 AM

Amid a national debate over the use of pandemic relief funds, Alabama lawmakers swiftly approved a plan Friday to tap $400 million from the American Rescue Plan to help build two super-size prisons, brushing off criticism from congressional Democrats the money was not intended for such projects.

The Alabama Legislature gave final approval to the $1.3 billion prison construction plan, and to a separate bill to steer $400 million of the state's $2.1 billion from the rescue funds to pay for it.

With legislative leaders standing behind her, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed the bills into law soon afterward. The Republican called the construction plan "a major step forward" for the prison system, which faces various federal court orders and a lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Justice.
The plan drew opposition from many Democrats in the House of Representatives, but had minimal dissenting votes in the state Senate, where senators approved the use of the pandemic money in a 30-1 vote and the overall construction plan in a 29-2 vote.

Democratic Rep. Juandalynn Givan of Birmingham, who voted against the bills in the House, said she hopes the federal government steps in and tells the state the expenditure is not allowed.
Advocacy groups argued the state needed to take on broader reforms.

"The Alabama Legislature has proved its determination to spend $400 million of American Rescue Plan funds to build two mega-prisons when we have one of the highest COVID death rates in the world," said Katie Glenn, policy associate at the SPLC Action Fund, an arm of the Southern Poverty Law Center. "It won't solve the problems plaguing the prison system, only decarceration can do that."
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'JUST BAD JUDGMENT': Two TV reporters suspended, boss fired after Afro-like wigs worn on air
"It was a spoof on the '70s that just went wrong."

Author of the article:Washington Post
Washington Post
Jonathan Edwards
Publishing date:Oct 04, 2021 • 13 hours ago • 4 minute read • 25 Comments
A KATV anchor wears an afro wig on air
A KATV anchor wears an afro wig on air PHOTO BY @KENNABJVPBCAST /Twitter
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Heat waged a summer-long siege against Little Rock with average high temperatures topping 90 degrees in July. On Sept. 1, the city hit triple digits for the first time in more than three years. Officials opened cooling shelters and urged people to check on children and the elderly to make sure they didn’t get heat stroke or die.


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Then, in the middle of September, an approaching cold front was poised to drive off the heat and drop temperatures into the 70s. Local television station KATV decided to celebrate with wordplay in a “return to the 70s” segment in which on-air personalities sported looks popular in the 1970s. They might have chosen bell bottoms, tie-dye T-shirts or a peace symbol to pull off the gag.

Instead, the two White journalists wore Afro-like wigs.

The fallout was swift and severe, exposing the TV station’s ongoing struggle to combat racism.

Sinclair Broadcast Group executives apologized for the “poor judgment” that led to the segment, fired the station’s longtime news director, Nick Genty, and indefinitely suspended Chris May and Barry Brandt, the anchor and meteorologist who wore the wigs.


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“It was just bad judgment,” John Seabers, a Sinclair vice president and group manager, told The Washington Post. “It was a spoof on the ’70s that just went wrong.”


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Like KATV, newsrooms around the country are less diverse than the U.S. workforce as a whole and have been for decades, something journalism leaders have said they want to change. Pushes to diversify newsrooms have intensified in recent years, spurred in large part by the racial reckoning the country faced after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd in May 2020.

“Just as protesters have been galvanized by Floyd’s death to demand reform, journalists have sought to do the same within their own workplaces,” The Post reported in the weeks after Floyd was killed. Months later in October 2020, less than half of global newsroom leaders surveyed by the Reuters Institute reported doing a good job with “ethnic diversity,” compared with 80 percent when it came to “gender diversity.”


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In Little Rock, local activist Anika Whitfield “was not amused” by the 70s segment, saying that a White person wearing an “Afro wig” is a perpetuation of “systemic racism.” She then complained to KATV management, the Arkansas Times reported. When they did not respond, according to the paper, Whitfield went to Seabers, who got back to her quickly.

“We apologize to all viewers who were rightfully offended by the segment and we promise to enact and enforce new measures to prevent future incidents from occurring,” Seabers wrote in a statement.

Seabers – who oversees Sinclair stations in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma – followed up by meeting with the Central Arkansas Association of Black Journalists. He was joined by Sinclair regional news director Blaise Labbe, who is taking over at KATV for the ousted Genty while the company hunts for a permanent replacement. Genty declined to comment when contacted by The Post; May and Brandt did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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During the meeting with the Black journalists, the Sinclair representatives offered no excuses and criticized what had happened, the Arkansas Times reported. Seabers called the wig segment “abhorrent” and “juvenile.” Labbe said it was “stupid,” adding that he was especially angry given that the KATV staff completed two racial-sensitivity training sessions in the six weeks preceding the wig segment.

“How in the hell could this happen?” he said at the meeting, according to the Times. Labbe acknowledged Sinclair has some critics after employees reported being ordered to air biased segments, according to the New Yorker, and being fed interview questions favoring Republicans.

KATV in particular, Seabers told The Post, recently responded to an employee’s report of a Mammy doll — a racist caricature of Black women — hanging in a cubicle shared by reporters and photographers.


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The company investigated most of June but didn’t figure out who put the doll there or why. But, Seabers acknowledged, the doll was “racist and offensive.”

Because of the doll, managers in July made a formal presentation to all KATV employees, training them in inclusion and hidden bias, Seabers said.

The Afro incident brought further scrutiny to the news station. After the on-air display, Dorothy Tucker, president of the National Association of Black Journalists, noted the station employs more than 40 people, only eight of whom are Black. That’s less than 20 percent of staff in a city with a population that’s 42 percent Black. And, she told The Post, all the managers at KATV are White, something Seabers confirmed.

Seabers said he’d like KATV to hire more Black journalists, and Sinclair recruits at 18 historically Black colleges and universities to try to make that happen. Some Black college students may not view journalism as a viable career path if they do not see people like them on their TV screens, Seabers said.

“We’re trying to encourage minorities to realize … that journalism is a career field for them,” he said.