Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Personally in this case I think that's a cop-out (no pun intended).

I think that's why they have two cops in every cruiser. One's named "I'll lie" and the other's named "I'll swear to it." The worst part is, though only a small percentage of them are jerks ... it's that small percentage that paints targets on a lot of good cops.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hear you Wolf. We all have our good cop bad cop stories. Good topic for a thread. We all know the good guys who just love doing their job and helping folks. But we also have run into the type that just LOVE to have power over the common people.

A guy I know is a state trooper and I asked him if he liked his job. He has always been a nice guy and he said the feeling you get when you are able to help someone who is in distress is incredible.

But then I remember a local cop confronting a man getting out of the car with his family on the 4th of July. It was the town parade and he was parked in a legal spot but facing the wrong way. Instead of the cop saying...

"Excuse me sir... you need to turn your car around."

he says...

"Hey! Get back in your car and get the hell out of here!"
"It is a legal spot."
"Did you hear me... GET OUT OF HERE!"

Right in front of his wife and two young children who had their mouths open in shock. After explaining to the cop that he is a public servant and has no right talking that way the cop says...

"Yeah yeah yeah...move your car or I'll write you a ticket and you can tell that to the judge."

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Lawsuit filed over Tasering

From what I've heard, he was out of control and lunging at the officers when it happened.

The story is very misleading then as it say's the police burst into his room and he was
unarmed and in bed. If this retarded man was able to get out of bed and was lunging
at the officers, I wonder how he ended up with two sets of Taser prong burns on the
"back" of his left arm, and three more sets of Taser prong burns on his "back" between
his shoulder blades and his neck?

These burns would make sense if either the guy was turtled in a ball in his bed, or maybe
trying to get away from the police in an enclosed area. I'm not a CSI or anything but I
believe these prongs are either projected in more or less of a straight line... or used much
like a cattle prod. I don't think the police have the Taser "Boomerang" model yet that can
circle the room and repeatedly shock this guy in the back when he's lunging at them.
Should not the prong burns be on the front of this guy if he was lunging at them?

The guy who was assaulted has a brother that the police where looking for and he might
very well be a dirty sh*t that "has it out for the Police," but I'm still not seeing where that
justifies the Police bursting into the room of the victim and assaulting him like they did, and
Tasering him five times. I'm assuming that there was more than one Officer present?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
From what I've heard, he was out of control and lunging at the officers when it happened.

Do you have some inside information? I see nothing in the report of previous encounters with the law or of Lochner lunging AT police. The fact a police report contains so few details - accounts, I remind you, that are almost always overfilled with trivial detail - leads me to question police actions in this case.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
How about we wait until this goes to trial(or at least in front of a judge) when all the facts will be known?

Whenever someone sues the police almost everyone always assumes that the officers did something wrong and they never think that people are just trying to make easy money. I don't know what is the case here, but if the police did something they weren't supposed to, then it will all be brought out in court.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Lawsuit filed over Tasering

How about we wait until this goes to trial(or at least in front of a judge) when all the facts will be known?

Whenever someone sues the police almost everyone always assumes that the officers did something wrong and they never think that people are just trying to make easy money. I don't know what is the case here, but if the police did something they weren't supposed to, then it will all be brought out in court.

Yes...I agree. Thankfully this will happen in a courtroom and not a police internal investigation. I myself
missed the Taser burn on the victims left hand also. Someone here want to bet me a quarter (paypal?)
that this guy wasn't prone in bed on his right side with his left hand trying to protect the back of his
neck, turtled into a ball??? I'm just looking at the locations of the many Taser prong burns. Time will tell...

"He's coming right at us!" At least with the Taser, the Police don't have to explain five bullets in this
guys back. See:

'Jimbo and Ned are best known for their hunting antics. However, their idea of hunting is to slaughter
anything and everything in sight, often with military weapons. They seem to have misinterpreted
hunting-regulations as attempts by the Democrats to outlaw hunting, and so shout: "It's coming right for us!"
before shooting an animal in order to exploit the loophole that they can kill in self-defense.'


May 24, 2006
I think that's why they have two cops in every cruiser. One's named "I'll lie" and the other's named "I'll swear to it." The worst part is, though only a small percentage of them are jerks ... it's that small percentage that paints targets on a lot of good cops.
Well when someone with a gun breaks into your house, I hope the cops don't show up....


May 24, 2006
Do you have some inside information? I see nothing in the report of previous encounters with the law or of Lochner lunging AT police. The fact a police report contains so few details - accounts, I remind you, that are almost always overfilled with trivial detail - leads me to question police actions in this case.
It was on the news.........................


May 24, 2006
Yes...I agree. Thankfully this will happen in a courtroom and not a police internal investigation. I myself
missed the Taser burn on the victims left hand also. Someone here want to bet me a quarter (paypal?)
that this guy wasn't prone in bed on his right side with his left hand trying to protect the back of his
neck, turtled into a ball??? I'm just looking at the locations of the many Taser prong burns. Time will tell...
Keep in mind that this family has had a history of being anti cop. I would seriously expect those photos are doctored.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Well when someone with a gun breaks into your house, I hope the cops don't show up....

I like you too. What is it you write?

If someone with a gun breaks into my house, I'm going to know they're coming long before they're here. Don't know a lot about bush livin' do'ya? The cops are twenty minutes away ... so the risk is their own.
Last edited:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Well the police are entitled to defend themselves, especially while on duty...

Yeah well if I'm going to be facing the chance of being tasered by police in my own home..... by tasers which have been linked to numerous cases of people being killed..... then my life is at stake..... and if I have the chance of being killed by these idiots with a taser.... then I will defend my life, and I will fight life for life.....

Everybody claims that Tasers save more lives and is a good way to eliminate a dangerous situation...... well if more and more people start feeling as I do that Tasers are a risk to their health.... life even..... they more people are going to step up their defense and more situations are going to increase with more danger to the police and the people in the sights of those tasers...... thereby canceling out any benifits of using them in the first place, because then police will still have to resort to using their firearms.

This isn't simply due to protest..... it's human instinct and reaction to defend ourselves when we feel our lives are in danger..... regardless if your facing someone on the street, a family member or the police.

And when police start to use force before they try and difuse a situation through talking down someone in a peaceful manner, then you're going to have more of these situations.

This guy has the mindset of a 10 year old, probably has heard plenty of the news about tasers and people dying just like the rest of us..... do you think he's going to be reacting normally when police bust down his door when he is sleeping and points tasers at him?

One would think these police would have done some research before they entered the home. They should have reviewed who all lived in the home, their medical conditions, their mental conditions, every piece of information they could use they should have..... not just to protect those who are in the home, but to protect themselves.

If police went back to using their damn brains, rather then getting their macho fix of pointing and shooting at someone, many of these situations might have never occured in the first place.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Keep in mind that this family has had a history of being anti cop. I would seriously expect those photos are doctored.

What kind of idiot statement is that?

Editing phots isn't the easiest thing to do if you don't know what you're doing..... you can't simply go into Microsoft Paint and pop on a couple of purple dots with the paint brush to trick lawyers and medical experts.

Hell I'm not a super medical expert, but I know my photos, and I sure as hell could tell you 95% of the time when a photo has been edited or modified. I'm pretty sure the legal system has plenty of people like myself at their disposal if that is the case.

Whether or not they hate cops (Which you still haven't proven) is irrelevant..... they have all the same rights as you and I.... and when they are abused and exessive force has been used, they have every right to protest those actions and seek compensation or charges laid on those who commited the acts.

If I don't like the fire department, does that mean they have no obligation to stop my house from burning to the ground?

If I don't like police, does that mean they can beat the living sh*t out of me and light me up like a christmas tree?

Me thinks not.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
The story is very misleading then as it say's the police burst into his room and he was unarmed and in bed. If this retarded man was able to get out of bed and was lunging at the officers, I wonder how he ended up with two sets of Taser prong burns on the "back" of his left arm, and three more sets of Taser prong burns on his "back" between
his shoulder blades and his neck?

These burns would make sense if either the guy was turtled in a ball in his bed, or maybe
trying to get away from the police in an enclosed area. I'm not a CSI or anything but I
believe these prongs are either projected in more or less of a straight line... or used much
like a cattle prod. I don't think the police have the Taser "Boomerang" model yet that can
circle the room and repeatedly shock this guy in the back when he's lunging at them.
Should not the prong burns be on the front of this guy if he was lunging at them?

Technically you are correct.... unless he lunged at them, they pinned him and had him under control and then tasered him.... which isn't much better if you ask me.

The guy who was assaulted has a brother that the police where looking for and he might very well be a dirty sh*t that "has it out for the Police," but I'm still not seeing where that justifies the Police bursting into the room of the victim and assaulting him like they did, and Tasering him five times. I'm assuming that there was more than one Officer present?

Either that or the one police officer was a ninja.

And if the family didn't have a reason to hate the police before.... I'm sure they have one now.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Yes...I agree. Thankfully this will happen in a courtroom and not a police internal investigation. I myself missed the Taser burn on the victims left hand also. Someone here want to bet me a quarter (paypal?) that this guy wasn't prone in bed on his right side with his left hand trying to protect the back of his neck, turtled into a ball??? I'm just looking at the locations of the many Taser prong burns. Time will tell...

Allow me to blow this image up and we'll take a look at the available images: (Note: I have only increased the size and rotated the image.... no other editing was done beside marking the locations)

I count at the very least 8 noticable taser-like burn marks on the given photos. By #5 there are other marks, but I would consider those as moles not actual burn marks. #7 and #8 you can see two marks over top of one another.

Of course with the actual printout, there would be better quality for better judgement, but based on the given information, he was tasered more then 5 times.

Mind you, these marks are contact areas..... I count 8 contact marks, but that doesn't mean he was only tasered once in each of these locations and could have been tasered multiple times in any of these locations.

To me, anything more then being tasered twice is excessive. If you want to take someone down, taser their ass once and while they're being tasered, knock the crap out of them and take them down so you don't have to taser them again.

"He's coming right at us!" At least with the Taser, the Police don't have to explain five bullets in this
guys back. See:

'Jimbo and Ned are best known for their hunting antics. However, their idea of hunting is to slaughter
anything and everything in sight, often with military weapons. They seem to have misinterpreted
hunting-regulations as attempts by the Democrats to outlaw hunting, and so shout: "It's coming right for us!"
before shooting an animal in order to exploit the loophole that they can kill in self-defense.'

There should be a common sense law in place where people should be thrown in jail for abusing loopholes they should fully be aware of that they shouldn't be abusing.
