Kill gays, candidate says


Jan 6, 2007
I know a lot of people dislike hate crime legislation, but flat out declarations like the one he made, imo, should be considered an offense.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
He certainly did not win over very many students(if any) with his "enlightening" speech. The fact that the students jeered him and almost walked out should give the school a hint that this moron would not be welcomed back if they tried to get him.


Jun 23, 2006
I know a lot of people dislike hate crime legislation, but flat out declarations like the one he made, imo, should be considered an offense.

Although, to be fair, it sounds like the students knew he was wrong, and it sounds like we all do too... perhaps it's better to stick to free speech and remember than some people talk like that. It's nasty that people had to hear such crappiness at such a young age but the truth is that every one of them was going to hear it one day anyway...


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Popescu introduced himself with a public prayer, blaming environmental damage and economic unrest on the wickedness of society. His comments were met with silence as some students grimaced and shifted in their seats.

What a tool..... the "wickedness of society?"

You want to complain about wickedness?

He's leading the great "Holy Crusade" afterall....

Near the end of the more than two-hour event, students were invited to ask the candidates questions. As a long line of pupils waited to speak, Popescu told a young female student who asked about stem cell research that, "God would hurt" those who had an abortion.

The crowd jeered and many rose to their feet in protest after Popescu answered another teenager's question on gay marriage.

During a telephone interview later in the day, Popescu reasserted his view.
"A young man asked me what I think of homosexual marriages and I said I think homosexuals should be executed," he said. "My whole reason for running is the Bible and the Bible couldn't be more clear on that point." Candidates and teachers looked on in silence as students called for him to be "cut off." Despite their outrage, the discussion moved to other topics."

Yup.... just as I thought.... another ignorant bible thumper.

An advocate for the Sudbury Gay and Lesbian community said while Popescu's extreme views are well known, he has never said something "so extreme." "He's not simply saying that lesbians or gay men are mentally ill or somehow deviant or criminals. He's saying we should be subject to the death penalty," said Gary Kinsman.

"I think sometimes violence and hatred towards gays and lesbians gets dressed up in sort of a religious guise and is somehow tolerated. I just don't think it should be tolerated at all." Kinsman was particularly concerned the comments were made before a group of young people.
"There are lots of young people in high schools in Sudbury who are struggling with their sexualities. Often times, it's pretty hard time for them," he said. "To say something to young people is pretty terrible."

And people complain about Muslims being so extreme?

Oh no.... Christians are great and wonderful people.... far more in touch with peace, equality and tollerance..... sure.... :roll:



House Member
Aug 28, 2006
And how does extreme christian viewpoints get dealt with?

Immediate legal investigations to jail him for his views.

Saying you want to kill people in the name of another religion, and its kids gloves.

As for free speech,

He is a prime example of why you shouldn't have hate speech laws. When people like him say their views it turns the crowd off, it allows people to easily pick him apart in a debate.

The strong language laws (even stronger than ours) that protected minorities (such as the Jewish) in Germany fueled his rise to power, it was a strong tenant in his campaign.

And no one could debate him on anything he said behind closed doors that made it through the grapevine.

You couldn't hold him to his views, if you pointed out an error it was "you didn't hear the full story, your point isn't applicable" and he could never be forced to explain his views and let people point out the absurdity in them (And they were absurd, even to bigots, like his hollow earth beliefs)


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
Saying you want to kill people in the name of another religion, and its kids gloves.

Tell that to the kid who got found guilty of doing donuts and being incompetent and chopping a lot of wood.

How bout Iran?? There's a whole fleet of strategic kid gloves aimed at that country for them wishing Israel to cease to exist

Oyes christians sure do have it tough, the palestinians should shut up, they should try to be a christian in our hyper-intolerant totalitarian society here, palestine would look like paradise

Sorry for goin off topic but that last post was ridiculous


Jan 6, 2007
Although, to be fair, it sounds like the students knew he was wrong, and it sounds like we all do too... perhaps it's better to stick to free speech and remember than some people talk like that. It's nasty that people had to hear such crappiness at such a young age but the truth is that every one of them was going to hear it one day anyway...

That's all well and good unless you're the one whose death he's calling for don't you think?


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
forget violence, just tie him up, give him an IV of jolt cola and run endless hardcore gay porn on a nice big screen. REALLY gay porn, I'm talkin, with felching and stuff

Once he got a boner you could get pics of the tent and post em up online for the world to see, then let him deal with the fallout


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
It would be a sadder world without Darkbeaver around,but those cohosts on CBC AM..can do without them,thanks.
Do you mean CBC Radio 1 (used to be AM, now on FM), or CBC in the morning (am)?

I only know of one local CBC host who's gay, and I can't see how it has anything to do with his work. Does it bother you somehow?