Famous Abortionist given Order of Canada!


Jan 6, 2007
OK, so a girl makes a baby with her boyfriend, decides she doesn't like him and goes for an abortion. You consider that OK? Give me a break. Its just an easy way out, no mental trauma there.

Wel, what's the alternative? Pass a law that says only in cases of rape is it okay? Awesome... then they'll break up, she'll realize she needs rid of the baby, charge him with date rape, and get her abortion. Problem solved, and the system is 'fixed'. Right?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Mental trauma?? Give me a break If you don't want a kid, don't screw in the first place or use protection. Rape might be the exception.

That was what I was referring to, thanks for expanding your mind to see that in the end.

When I ment mental or health conflicts, I was referring to sexual assault, be that by a stanger, someone you known, a family member, etc..... there are also health issues that might come up during the pregnancy in which pose a risk to the mother, where she might not be able to give birth due to heart problems or otherwise (Major Birth Defects in which the baby would surly die after birth anyways)..... and if abortion wasn't available, then not only would the child die, but so too would the mother...... and I guess to suit some people's personal morals, her dying because she couldn't get an abortion is just the way she goes.....

.... I personally disagree, and once again, it's not your, or my business regardless. Their decisions do not directly affect you or anybody you know.... it will affect them, the parents, and they would have to live with whatever decisions they make..... and if they're willing to accept their decision, who are you or I to argue? It's not your life in any manner in which you look at it, so it's irrelevent.

Not to mention, you still have to debate when life starts and if an abortion is the death of a living human, or the death of a parasite.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
If you don't want the choice don't screw around. No one is forcing anyone to have one.

Who would decide if it was rape and how long does that process take? And why would a fetus have less rights if it was conceived that way?

Because the damn thing hasn't been born yet, has no concept of reality outside of the womb besides what people might suspect is would hear and react to.... but the human rights everybody likes to talk about should apply to the one who's already started life, who's already living and who has to deal with the complications and consequences of being raped..... the woman.... not some lump of meat in a stomach.

Who would decide? Once again, the person who it relates to.... the woman in question.

Give it up for adoption? Fok that, why the hell would I want to put up with 9 months of having some bastard child from some rapist in my stomach, going through all the sicknesses, missing out of work at my job, go through the pain of the birthing process, and then pass this monstrosity to the adoption people, only to worry about when that child will eventually want to find out who his or her real parents are and comes knocking at your door.... looking very much like the person who raped you in the first place?

If I couldn't have an abortion (Word Edit) if I was a woman, then I'd be taking a cinder block to my stomach, plain and simple. Just the thought of the above sickens me, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let other people tell me how the rest of my life should unfold, just to suit your own personal morals and objections.

It's not your life being screwed over, so you have no say. When it happens to you, you can practice what you preach all you like.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
OK, so a girl makes a baby with her boyfriend, decides she doesn't like him and goes for an abortion. You consider that OK? Give me a break. Its just an easy way out, no mental trauma there.

Short sighted point of view at best.

I don't promote abortions for tools who can't take responsibility for their own actions. I accept the fact that everytime I have sex with my girlfriend we might have a child..... so be it.... but if I came home to find out my girlfriend was raped by some jackass on her way back home from work or whatever situation you can think of, I'll be damned if I'm going to force her to go through the entire pregnancy process and give birth to an unwanted child because of what other's might think of us..... and I'll be damned if I'm going to raise this a$$hole's kid due to his own inconsidderate cheap thrills.

And he best better make sure I never find him, or he's behind a few police officers, or I'll abort his sorry ass too.

And having an abortion no matter what the reasons is not a simple decision to make, and it can be quite bothering to both potiential parents.... there is a lot of issues about what might have been, could you have another child later on, etc.... it's certainly not a flip of the coin situation as you and other "Pro-Lifers" like to make it sound like.

Have a little common sense.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Wel, what's the alternative? Pass a law that says only in cases of rape is it okay? Awesome... then they'll break up, she'll realize she needs rid of the baby, charge him with date rape, and get her abortion. Problem solved, and the system is 'fixed'. Right?

Technically speaking (In case some others can figure it out in what you're saying) then just to suit that woman's needs, she just got an innocent charged of a crime they never commited and branded them as a rapist in the eyes of the public, even if he's found not guilty..... those type of acusations ruin more men's lives then most would realize and I certainly don't find it funny.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
I do not quite understand why the pro-abortionists come with their feeble reasons of rape and health conditions! A woman could in pre-Morgentaler times get an abortion from her doctor in case of rape or health concern. Why not admit that?

Morgentaler only opened the door all the way! If a woman doesn't want her child, she can get an abortion... no questions asked.

Thanks, Karrie, for the advice to grow up or leave! :lol:


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Technically speaking (In case some others can figure it out in what you're saying) then just to suit that woman's needs, she just got an innocent charged of a crime they never commited and branded them as a rapist in the eyes of the public, even if he's found not guilty..... those type of accusations ruin more men's lives then most would realize and I certainly don't find it funny.
Praxi... Dude, carry a good supply of strong rubbers with you!!!;-):lol:


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Yes Loon, they are feeble. As are the arguments against choice or limiting choice based on circumstances. Those rape-cause issues are pushed primarily by those who feel only their reasons and values matter. You know, those who believe they've cornered the market on morals and ethics and that everyone must pass their standards to live their lives. What business is it of anyone's what reason is chosen? If my daughter was raped I wouldn't expect her to first stand in a court room and tell the world what happened (or a doctor) and beg for the approval of the righteous. It's no one's bloody business but hers, and that's the entire point.


Jan 6, 2007
Technically speaking (In case some others can figure it out in what you're saying) then just to suit that woman's needs, she just got an innocent charged of a crime they never commited and branded them as a rapist in the eyes of the public, even if he's found not guilty..... those type of acusations ruin more men's lives then most would realize and I certainly don't find it funny.

Exactly. I don't find it funny either. Mind you, like I've said, I abhor abortion for the sake of birth control. But, I see that as a very distinct concern. I could see it happening on a regular basis when a young woman is desperate to not be pregnant.


Jan 6, 2007
I do not quite understand why the pro-abortionists come with their feeble reasons of rape and health conditions! A woman could in pre-Morgentaler times get an abortion from her doctor in case of rape or health concern. Why not admit that?

Morgentaler only opened the door all the way! If a woman doesn't want her child, she can get an abortion... no questions asked.

Thanks, Karrie, for the advice to grow up or leave! :lol:

To my understanding a woman, pre-Morgentaler, had to explain and ask for an abortion in cases of rape or incest. She also had to cross her fingers and hope her doc wasn't a religious zealot who felt that even babies born of rape have a right to live (I'm one such zealot...). She'd have had no right to expect or demand an abortion regardless of her situation. Her doctors were in control her fate.

And you're welcome for the advice loon. You bring a unique view to the forum, you post compelling issues and articles, and this recurring issue does you a grave disservice.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
To my understanding a woman, pre-Morgentaler, had to explain and ask for an abortion in cases of rape or incest. She also had to cross her fingers and hope her doc wasn't a religious zealot who felt that even babies born of rape have a right to live (I'm one such zealot...). She'd have had no right to expect or demand an abortion regardless of her situation. Her doctors were in control her fate.

...or she did what God knows how many desperate gals before her have tried (if not suicide) and used coathangers or lye or bleach or any number of concoctions and objects that pretty much guaranteed there wouldn't be a second pregnancy.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Morgentaler named to Order of Canada

Morgenthaler:?:..... Is Canada going down the drain, just like the millions of babies he helped down the sewer pipes?

What on earth is this world coming to!!!!!



Dancing loon, take a deep breath………….. Morgenthaler is very deserving of his metal.
The obvious question doesn’t sit well with all pro-lifers.
No one has the right to tell you what to do with your body, who are you to tell women what to do with their body????? The scores of abandoned children mean nothing to all the bible thumping perfect lifers.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Before I respond any further: Related News:

B.C. priest returning Order of Canada over Morgentaler

A B.C. priest who worked extensively with troubled teenagers in Saskatchewan is returning his Order of Canada after learning that abortion crusader Dr. Henry Morgentaler has been awarded the same honour.

Rev. Lucien Larré said he means no disrespect to the Governor General, but said he must return the Order of Canada because Morgentaler's appointment degrades the award for those who believe in the sanctity of life.

Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean named Morgentaler as a member of the order on Tuesday for his services to women and for leadership in the fields of humanism and civil liberties. The appointment was made on the advice of the Order of Canada selection committee.

"I believe in my heart that he is horribly wrong and that the advisory committee made a terrible mistake," Larré said in a statement issued Wednesday.

Larré, who lives in the Vancouver-area city of Coquitlam, said he isn't acting as a representative of the Archdiocese of Vancouver in his rejection of the Order of Canada, but as a private citizen struggling with a matter of conscience.
Convicted of assault in 1992

Larré was a controversial figure in Saskatchewan, a province he left in the 1990s.

He opened the Bosco Homes in Regina for teenagers with emotional troubles and addictions in 1970, drawing praise for his dedication to helping those in need. His work earned him the Order of Canada in 1983, when he was cited for succeeding "beyond measure in restoring the lost to their rightful place in society."

But in 1992, a Saskatchewan jury convicted him on two counts of physically abusing children in his care at Bosco, according to Canwest News Service. Canwest said one of his convictions revolved around the accusation that Larré forced pills down the throat of a teenager to teach her a lesson about drug abuse.

How angelic of him.

He was sentenced to one day in jail and paid a $2,500 fine, but in 1997 the National Parole Board of Canada pardoned him and erased the charges against him, Canwest said.

Larré has also come under fire in British Columbia, where he had been practising psychology since 1998. His registration as a member of the College of Psychologists of British Columbia was suspended in 2006 following an investigation into complaints about his compentence.
Morgentaler fought to legalize abortion

Morgentaler's award has sparked controversy in Canada, with anti-abortionists condemning his appointment.

But some Order of Canada recipients say they feel no reason to protest Morgentaler's appointment. Former Vancouver Mayor Philip Owen, who was made a member on the same day as Morgentaler, said he respects the Supreme Court of Canada's decision to legalize abortion, and would not consider rejecting his award.

"It's a great privilege, I'm deeply honoured, and I think the tradition works beautifully and it should be carried on," he said. "We should move on from Dr. Morgentaler. We're just making a huge deal out of this."

Morgentaler, a Polish Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Montreal after the war, struggled for decades to have abortion legalized in Canada.

He opened his first illegal abortion clinic in Montreal in 1969 and performed thousands of procedures. A trained family physician, Morgentaler argued that access to abortion was a basic human right and women should not have to risk death at the hands of an untrained professional in order to end their pregnancies.

His abortion clinics were constantly raided, and one in Toronto was firebombed.

Morgentaler was arrested several times and spent months in jail as he fought his case at all court levels in Canada.

His victory came on Jan. 28, 1988, when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada’s abortion law. That law, which required a woman who wanted an abortion to appeal to a three-doctor hospital abortion committee, was declared unconstitutional.

Canada now has no federal laws governing abortion, and leaves regulation of the procedure up to individual provinces.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
This nomination was pushed throught by Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, a rabid new age feminist. She has managed to completely subvert the honour into a symbol of division. She has proven herself intellectually and morally incompetent for the high position she holds. She should be impeached.

Quote:Sources have informed LifeSiteNews.com that these prayers are urgently needed as Morgentaler is said to be gravely ill with perhaps only weeks to live.

Dr. Morgentaler is 85, has recently suffered a major stroke, and has openly claimed the OC (Order of Canada) was overdue and well deserved. He has lived his life by the creed of death, prospered by franchising abortion clinics across the country.. and has never shown the least doubt as to the legitimacy of his 'contribution' .. but all the honours and money in the world won't keep Dr. Morgentaler out of the 7th Circle of Hell. Barring that final realization, which does not seem imminent, he shall reap what he has sewn.
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May 24, 2006
Short sighted point of view at best.

I don't promote abortions for tools who can't take responsibility for their own actions. I accept the fact that everytime I have sex with my girlfriend we might have a child..... so be it.... but if I came home to find out my girlfriend was raped by some jackass on her way back home from work or whatever situation you can think of, I'll be damned if I'm going to force her to go through the entire pregnancy process and give birth to an unwanted child because of what other's might think of us..... and I'll be damned if I'm going to raise this a$$hole's kid due to his own inconsidderate cheap thrills.

And he best better make sure I never find him, or he's behind a few police officers, or I'll abort his sorry ass too.

And having an abortion no matter what the reasons is not a simple decision to make, and it can be quite bothering to both potiential parents.... there is a lot of issues about what might have been, could you have another child later on, etc.... it's certainly not a flip of the coin situation as you and other "Pro-Lifers" like to make it sound like.

Have a little common sense.

I think that if you reread my post, I have said that rape would be the exception...


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I do not quite understand why the pro-abortionists come with their feeble reasons of rape and health conditions! A woman could in pre-Morgentaler times get an abortion from her doctor in case of rape or health concern. Why not admit that?

Morgentaler only opened the door all the way! If a woman doesn't want her child, she can get an abortion... no questions asked.

Because there can and will be many other unforeseen situations that are not covered under sexual assault or health complications.... and besides that, back before he opened the door as you say, those who still got abortions when they had no other choice were treated like scum by the super religious, and still made the availability to choose to do so, or to find a clinic that would do it, next to impossible. He at least made it possible for the practice to be more accepted then before, giving the women a safe place to get it done, as well as giving some protection to the doctors who perform such operations.

And once again, even if a couple or a woman wanted to get rid of their baby just because they didn't want it and for no other reasons...... why is it any of your business? Why is it anybody else's business other then their own? It's their body and the fetus created was created by their body's resources and they can have the fetus ripped out of them just like a useless apendix if they so wish.

People sometimes need to take out the emotional appeal of a situation to just get down to the cold hard truth.... their decisions and actions are out of your control, not that you should have had control in the first place over another human being.

And to me, You're not human and you're not born until you take your first independant breath outside of the womb and detached from the mother.... until then, you're a fetus, I'm a fetus, everybody is a fetus.... feeding and living directly from within the mother, and any and all actions the mother takes, the fetus takes as well.... it's entire structure is setup to be completely dependant on the mother. Until the Fetus becomes independant on it's own organs, it isn't a human being in my view.

Agree or Agree to disagree... it matters not to me.