Those American Monsters!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I saw an interesting blurb on the coming food crisis on the CBC.

As part of the segment, they listed the countries that donate the most to international food aid.

Guess what? The United States tops the list at 1.1 Billion dollars annually. That is four times the amount given by the second largest contributor, which was the European Union at 250 million dollars. Canada was in the top 5, at 160 million dollars.

When will this greedy Imperialism by those monsters south of the border ever cease?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Once again we see the argument slanted to color the situation as "Who donates more... and since America donates more...all this criticism of America is foul and undeserved..."

Reminds me somehow of the "Holocust Must be Questioned thread....

Why isn't it perfectly reasonable to expect the richest nation on earth to be the most generous donor? How many acts of compassion and generosity does it take to balance the equation of death destruction and denial that America routinely exhibits?

For longer than any other nation on earth the United States has "war" no destruction of its infrastructure and no on-going intenecine conflicts. It has enjoyed the lions share of resources from all over the world and has established its claim to that "everything" by putting up military bases all over the place...It has established that it is more than prepared to bomb the living daylights out of people on the basis of a has embraced a "when-needed" generosity that has while helping developing nations, lain the groundwork for everything from regime-change at the threat and application of military coercion to arming revolutionaries and smuggling arms while claiming the high-road on issues of moral "correctness" on the world stage.

What are you after?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Once again we see the argument slanted to color the situation as "Who donates more... and since America donates more...all this criticism of America is foul and undeserved..."

Reminds me somehow of the "Holocust Must be Questioned thread....

Why isn't it perfectly reasonable to expect the richest nation on earth to be the most generous donor? How many acts of compassion and generosity does it take to balance the equation of death destruction and denial that America routinely exhibits?

For longer than any other nation on earth the United States has "war" no destruction of its infrastructure and no on-going intenecine conflicts. It has enjoyed the lions share of resources from all over the world and has established its claim to that "everything" by putting up military bases all over the place...It has established that it is more than prepared to bomb the living daylights out of people on the basis of a has embraced a "when-needed" generosity that has while helping developing nations, lain the groundwork for everything from regime-change at the threat and application of military coercion to arming revolutionaries and smuggling arms while claiming the high-road on issues of moral "correctness" on the world stage.

What are you after?

I quite agree that the richest nations should contribute, and do so generously, and should now step up to the plate without point is, that in doing so, we would be following the fine example of the USA............

BTW, I think the economy of the EU would match that of the USA>.....although I'm not sure about that.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Im pretty sure the EU as a whole outpaces the US , though its close.

Either way, the US sure as hell isn't 4 times as rich as the EU.

Side note: Proportion to wealth and population...

WOOOOOO!!!! (I am so reminded of the Canada on Strike episode of south park right now)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Lone Wolf said:
[Per capita, with one-tenth the population, we donate more....

As if it really matters. Someone's eating. That's where it counts.



I was waiting for someone to notice.. :)

we actually live up to our reputation as international good guys in this field.....and I'd like to see us do a lot more......


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Lone Wolf

Hey dude! :)

How are the statistics or whatever metric we're using slanted with respect to education and skill development?

Teach a man to fish.....

While it's nice/generous/magnanimous to donate food, how do nations committments to teaching agricultural methods and birth-control and hygene and and and and


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Lone Wolf

Hey dude! :)

How are the statistics or whatever metric we're using slanted with respect to education and skill development?

Teach a man to fish.....

While it's nice/generous/magnanimous to donate food, how do nations committments to teaching agricultural methods and birth-control and hygene and and and and

Also very true.....

But there has to be fish present.....or decent land.....or something.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Where do they get the wherewithall to give in the first place I wonder? Colpy slices the cream off the top and gives us that without following the story in both directions, the fact is no western country contributes anything at all nada zip zero -, the scraps off the capitalist table were stolen in the first place. You can quite correctly view western aid as bought and paid for PUBLIC RELATIONS, don't imagine we help anyone because we don't. It's a feel good bed time story for kiddies. Notice that western aid being dropped on Iraq and Afghanistan soon they'll be democratized and aided into extinction. You have to be some kind of idiot to believe in western aid, it's just biz kids show biz. Flag sucking twits.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Where do they get the wherewithall to give in the first place I wonder? Colpy slices the cream off the top and gives us that without following the story in both directions, the fact is no western country contributes anything at all nada zip zero -, the scraps off the capitalist table were stolen in the first place. You can quite correctly view western aid as bought and paid for PUBLIC RELATIONS, don't imagine we help anyone because we don't. It's a feel good bed time story for kiddies. Notice that western aid being dropped on Iraq and Afghanistan soon they'll be democratized and aided into extinction. You have to be some kind of idiot to believe in western aid, it's just biz kids show biz. Flag sucking twits.

Thank you, DB......everyone needs comic relief occassionally. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
And the funny part of theft and murder on a global scale is what? What's even funnier Colpy is your limits of fit.

Expect diareahaha, I am sticking the thorns in your little doll now.

I already have a DB wind it up, and it runs around in circles crying "American Imperialist running! help!" and "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need", and "we await eagerly the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!"

It is hilarous............


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The US probably gives far more international aid than any other country.
24 May 2007
United States Is Largest Donor of Foreign Aid, Report Says
Americans favor private giving, people-to-people contacts

Washington — The United States is the single largest donor of foreign economic aid, but, unlike many other developed nations, Americans prefer to donate their money through the private sector, according to a new report published by a Washington research organization.

Of the $122.8 billion of foreign aid provided by Americans in 2005 (the most current data available), $95.5 billion, or 79 percent, came from private foundations, corporations, voluntary organizations, universities, religious organizations and individuals, says the annual Index of Global Philanthropy...

Likely the above is factually correct. But much of what the US Government calls aid is in this form:

U.S. Unveils Military-Aid Package For Middle East Allies

July 31, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates have held talks in Egypt and extended offers of military aid to Arab countries and Israel.

"The United States is determined to assure our allies that we are going to be reliable in helping them to meet their security needs," Rice told a conference in Sharm el-Sheikh today. "We have a lot of interests in common in this region, in the fight against terrorism and extremism, in protecting the gains of peace processes of the past, and in extending those gains to peace processes of the future."

Rice said on July 30 that the multibillion-dollar arms and aid packages for allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt...

In the case of aid to Israel, the US is so generous they still owe Israel billions in aid.

U.S. Military Assistance and Arms Transfers to Israel:
U.S. Aid, Companies Fuel Israeli Military
A World Policy Institute Issue Brief
By Frida Berrigan and William D. Hartung
July 20, 2006

Much has been made in the U.S. media of the Syrian- and Iranian-origin weaponry used by Hezbollah in the escalating violence in Israel and Lebanon. There has been no parallel discussion of the origin of Israel’s weaponry, the vast bulk of which is from the United
States. “The billions of U.S. arms and aid it provides every year gives the Bush administration substantial leverage in pressing Israel for a cease fire in its attacks on Lebanon,” notes William D. Hartung, a Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute in New York. “Without at least discussing U.S. military support for Israel, it will be difficult-- if not impossible-- for Americans to understand the options available to our
government in this crisis,” argues Frida Berrigan, a Senior Research Associate at the Institute.

During the Bush administration, from 2001 to 2005, Israel has actually received more in U.S. military aid than it has in U.S. arms deliveries. Over this time period
Israel received $10.5 billion in Foreign Military Financing – the Pentagon’s biggest military aid program – and $6.3 billion in U.S. arms deliveries. The aid figure is larger than the arms transfer figure because it includes financing for major arms agreements for which the equipment has yet to be fully delivered. The most prominent of these deals is a $4.5 billion sale of 102 Lockheed Martin F-16s to Israel. “When it comes
to getting arms from the U.S., Israel has money in the bank,” noted Hartung...

So when it comes to international aid, the US actually owes Israel billions.

People should know about all US aid. Yes Americans are generous in aid in the form of food, healthcare, education... and other ways to help eliminate poverty. Probably among the world's most generous per capita.

But not all US aid is appreciated by the final recipients:

Lebanon 2006

Not all American aid makes the US more liked:

Senate: Stop Israel from buying cluster bombs with U.S. aid

By Shmuel Rosner and Meron Rapoport

The U.S. Senate version of the Foreign Aid legislation for 2008 includes an amendment that would prevent Israel from purchasing cluster bombs with American military aid.Israel's use of cluster bombs during last year's Second Lebanon War was highly criticized by human rights organizations...

Not everyone appreciates the US's increasing generosity:

Lebanon's Siniora slams hike in U.S. military assistance to Israel

By Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora criticized a proposed U.S. arms deal Monday that offers a sharp increase in defense aid to Israel, a rare rebuke against Washington by the Western-backed premier.

A statement issued by Siniora's office said he expressed displeasure, surprise and astonishment when he learned of United States plans to increase military aid to Israel by 25 percent, from $2.4 billion to $3 billion per year, guaranteed for 10 years....

Americans are like everyone else. We all want to believe our nations contribute to making the world a better place. Americans can take pride in many, but not all of their foreign aid programs.

I disagree with giving aid for the purpose of death and destruction. Obviously many of America's leaders disagree with me.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Here are Canadian stats as of 2000.

How many? How much?​
More than nine out of ten (91%) Canadians made
financial or in-kind donations to charitable and
nonprofit organizations, according to the 2000
National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and
Participating (NSGVP).​
1 This is an increase of
3% since 1997.

Seventy-eight percent of Canadians made direct​
financial donations totaling $4.94 billion

A far cry from what the damn Yankees give.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I notice she is not using a hakapik(sp) Protesters would say that was cruel.....;-)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Tragedy of Afghan Aid

by Andy Rowell / April 26th, 2008

It was a photo opportunity that was meant to signal a new dawn for Afghanistan. In January 2006, then British Prime Minister Tony Blair hosted a conference for some 60 international delegates in London on the future of the country. Standing side by side with Tony Blair for the conference photo was US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, then UN head, Kofi Annan and Afghan President, Hamid Karzai. According to the US State Department, the conference “represented an historic milestone for the Afghan people and the international community” in which “Afghanistan sets its reconstruction and development priorities.”
The centerpiece of the conference was the endorsement of the “Afghanistan Compact”, which set out an ambitious programme for Afghan development, committing to specific and achievable goals in security, governance, economic and social development. The document also included an entire annex on “improving the effectiveness of aid”. At the conference, the international community pledged some $10 billion dollars in aid. For the photo, Karzai held a copy of the Compact proudly in his arms.
Now two years on a new report has shown that the Compact has been a complete failure and billions of aid money to the county has either been wasted or not even delivered. The report is published by the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR), which is a leading alliance of 94 national and international non-governmental organizations working in Afghanistan.
Its author Matt Waldman argues: “The reconstruction of Afghanistan requires a sustained and substantial commitment of aid — but donors have failed to meet their aid pledges to Afghanistan. Too much aid from rich countries is wasted, ineffective or uncoordinated.”
It seems the last two years of effort has been wasted. Even before the London conference in 2006, the politicians knew they had a problem with aid money. Despite the billions pouring into Afghanistan, there were already reports of wasted money, corruption and incompetence. Just two months before the London meeting, the Washington Post had run a high profile piece entitled: “A Rebuilding Plan Full of Cracks”.
The paper noted that in September 2002, the United States launched what would become an aggressive effort to build or refurbish as many as 1,000 schools and clinics by the end of 2004. However, Congressional figures showed that they managed to finish and hand back to the Afghan government only 40 schools by late 2005.
This story of failure was not unique. At the time, the World Bank director in Afghanistan Jean Mazurell estimated that between 35 to 40 percent of the aid was “badly spent”. “In Afghanistan the wastage of aid is sky-high: there is real looting going on, mainly by private enterprises. It is a scandal,” said Mazurell. “In 30 years of my career, I have never seen anything like it.”
Other stories of wasted money began to emerge. A 45 million contract with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation to supply badly needed food for the country, included the proviso that four million dollars went to financing its headquarters in Rome.
The tragedy is that aid has often been ineffectual and wasted. Often it does not even leave the country it is being offered from, as it goes to the country’s own consultants. The fraud of aid never actually leaving rich countries has been known about for decades.
In the late eighties the British All-Party Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee had noted bluntly: “In practice, the purpose of bilateral aid programmes in the UK, as in most countries, has rarely been viewed as the purely selfless promotion of other peoples’ welfare. It has always been understood that such programmes should be carried out with British commercial and industrial interests and political interests in mind.”