Those American Monsters!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Poor Colpy, you're trying to apply reason to the innane.

We have to try somehow

They preferred to let them die from disease for the political motivations.

That has always been the case. Political motivations have always outweighed good intentions. They would much rather see any sort of aid stop and more pain and suffering so they can wag their fingers and say...

"Look at what you have done."

Today, the United States has implemented a multiyear 10 billion dollar plan to combat AIDS.

Shhhhhhh. More good will by the US

But if you take any of the American haters seriously, we should just stop offering any kind of assistance. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.

Well that has always been the case

Your preaching to the morally bankrupt.

Even sinners need preaching to.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Well actually I figured you for a reasonable fairly intelligent person. The incapacity to acknowledge the great harm done to many people throughout the world at the machinations of American greed demonstrates instead that your blinded by patriotism and plant youself firmly in the camp of "American Manifest Destiny". It's unrealistic to believe that anything taken at the point of a gun by a nation so demonstrably bereft of integrity when it comes to questions of morality justice and trust, might be viewed as anything but the engine of terrorism and lawlessness. We are (participants here at CC) but one voice of the greater mosaic of our nations so it should be an opportunity for clarity and unbiased discussion in an objective sense regarding world politics and dynamics. Canadians admit to abuse of immigrants (Chinese, Germans, Italians) and the on-going debate over the injustices perpetrated on our native people's by Canadian government suggests that many more Canadians are "in-touch" with and willing to acknowledge that mistakes have been made and are being made... Not the pitch we get from Americans here at CC by any stretch of the imagination. As far as your presentations go, it's the same arrogance and isolationist jingoisms made famous by America's political structure from its earliest days. While patriotism is to be expected, as hard as it might be for you to believe, America doesn't exist in some isolated insulated and separate region of the universe. One might reasonably expect some willingness to acknowledge that you are the creators of your own problems to a significant degree but instead, the position taken by most Americans is that everything the American military and American government has done over the past hundred years represents the "right-thinking" of all Americans versus the imbecilic ravings of the rest of the people living on this planet. Out of touch is one facet, and deep denial is another.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh woe is me...I am no longer in your favor. :roll:

I know that we are not perfect and have said so on many occasions. What gets me is how your ilk speak in arrogant tones and get riled when you percieve Americans speaking arrogantly. It is hypocritical. Your always seeing the bad and never the good in America causes me to speak out.

Isolationist? Are you kidding. I wish we were. We should be. I hope we become a lot more in the future and let other countries straighten out their own mess.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Oh woe is me...I am no longer in your favor. :roll:

I know that we are not perfect and have said so on many occasions. What gets me is how your ilk speak in arrogant tones and get riled when you percieve Americans speaking arrogantly. It is hypocritical. Your always seeing the bad and never the good in America causes me to speak out.

Isolationist? Are you kidding. I wish we were. We should be. I hope we become a lot more in the future and let other countries straighten out their own mess.

Always with the ILK Smack, oy vey. What exactly is an ilk?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
"Ilk" is anyone who doesn't shut the "f" up about how corrupt and greedy the people of the United States of Rampant Greed are....

We live next door to a monster, make no mistake about it, and we pander to them, lay-down and roll over for them and hang off their coatails like mindless insects. And we have successive governments run by greedy corporate mandarins like Paul Martin and Brian Mulroney to blame for undercutting our sovereignty and sense of national pride. We've been sold down the river by the "ilk" that suckle at the breast of American commerce and that dependency has instead of increased the quality of life for all Canadians put us in the position of second class Americans. A nation that let's another put gunboats on the shared waterways and federal police agencies (CSIS and RCMP) that are complicit in America's pogrom of hatred and genocide against Iraqis...a war of lies and misdirection that has profitted the Stronachs and the Strongs and other Canadian industrialist families while Canadian citizens are taken off aircraft in the United States and sent to foreign nations to be imprisoned and tortured in the name of America.

Canadians are getting what they deserve for having abrogated their responsibility to their children and the future of this country.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Always with the ILK Smack, oy vey. What exactly is an ilk?

–noun, class, or kind: he and all his ilk.

–adjective 2.same. —Idiom 3.of that ilk,

a.(in Scotland) of the same family name or place:

Ross of that ilk, i.e., Ross of Ross. b.of the same class or kind.'ve learned something.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
"Ilk" is anyone who doesn't shut the "f" up about how corrupt and greedy the people of the United States of Rampant Greed are....

No...please keep talking and posting.

We live next door to a monster, make no mistake about it,

Are we scary monsters? Those born from nightmares? :lol:

and we pander to them, lay-down and roll over for them and hang off their coatails like mindless insects.

Oh poor Canada. This ought to fire up the rebellion!

And we have successive governments run by greedy corporate mandarins like Paul Martin and Brian Mulroney to blame for undercutting our sovereignty and sense of national pride. We've been sold down the river by the "ilk" that suckle at the breast of American commerce and that dependency has instead of increased the quality of life for all Canadians put us in the position of second class Americans.

Ahhhh...the insecure. So desparate to be noticed.

A nation that let's another put gunboats on the shared waterways and federal police agencies (CSIS and RCMP) that are complicit in America's pogrom of hatred and genocide against Iraqis...a war of lies and misdirection that has profitted the Stronachs and the Strongs and other Canadian industrialist families while Canadian citizens are taken off aircraft in the United States and sent to foreign nations to be imprisoned and tortured in the name of America.

We still have gunboats? Gunboats in Canadian waters represents Canada's approval of the Iraq War? :roll:

Canadians are getting what they deserve for having abrogated their responsibility to their children and the future of this country.

Any solutions?