Another brave and heroic act ....


Jan 6, 2007
... no matter what uniform you drape on 'em, an ass is an ass. They're everywhere, and they walk amongst us all. This behaviour discredits the whole human race, not just one country.

I don't really have anything to add, I just wanted everyone to read what you wrote again, because I think it needs to be drummed into a lot of people's heads.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I don't really have anything to add, I just wanted everyone to read what you wrote again, because I think it needs to be drummed into a lot of people's heads.


Meh, I never said our troops were perfect, but you certainly don't see a plithora of home videos of our troops doing the same online. If our troops are doing it to the extent of these examlpes, they've shown they still have some brains to not record their actions and boasting about it online.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If this act had been carried out by a Canadian soldier, or German, or French....I'd have the same reaction. It's not the U.S. I'm pissed at, it's the damn war mentality. Happiness is a warm gun...ya right.


"We sleep peacefully in our beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf" George Orwell

That said, this act was disgusting......these guys need to be removed from any profession where they might possibly have power over a human being......such a lack of empathy is really disturbing.....and disturbed.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

That said, this act was disgusting......these guys need to be removed from any profession where they might possibly have power over a human being......such a lack of empathy is really disturbing.....and disturbed.

Couldn't say it much better than that Colpy.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
I can picture the Commander in Chief with his nasty grin, giggling hysterically at that video and oh so proud of his fighting men and women showing them there Eye-raqis whos in charge over there.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
The bravery of being out of range, as Roger Waters likes to say.

Honestly Colpy I don't remember asking anyone to go to Iraq on my behalf to maim and kill thousands of people for no reason at all. They're not acting for me. I know we can sit comfortably in our cosy homes while others go off to do battle. I also realize military action is sometimes necessary to keep some factions in check, especially if it legitimately threatens our way of life. But it had better be an honest campaign, not one with a hidden agenda that's done purely to feed the capitalist greed machine. I fear our constant military campaigns are turning our young men and women into cold hearted individuals with no respect for life in general. I guess the constant barrage of kill-or-be-killed will do that to a person.

"During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism." Howard Thurman


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh, wow, thank you for that. I skipped my breakfast because of this. Of course it is wrong, but hey who goes to military? You can argue as much as you want but in volunteer military(especially for a marine corp) they gotta be losers. The guy is one of them. I hope I will never ever see a Canadian man in uniform do that. I established modest and kind view of our soldiers fighting for American interests.

Well I was a Marine...volunteered...never threw a puppy...but I guess I am still a loser.

What a stupid post.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Well I was a Marine...volunteered...never threw a puppy...but I guess I am still a loser.

What a stupid post.

..I wuv you...



Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
That and the fact that YOUR soldiers aren't in Iraq.

I know.... if you like you can throw in Afghanistan too.... I didn't ask for them to go over and fight and I opposed that war too. Unfortunatly as the case be, we are there now, so from my own background and such, now we gotta stick it out.

But imo our forces over in Afghanistan are not fighting for us either.... they're fighting for Afghans (As most soldiers would say personally) and if they believe in the fight they are in, then who am I to tell them otherwise?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Dunno ... He might ruff you up....


WOLF! Are YOU attacking my USMC Training and INSINUATING that this PUPPY would even be a match!?!? We Marines are brainwashed from the moment we stepped off the bus at Parris Island that PUPPIES are the enemy and must be thrown from ledges into gullies.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
This story is a few days old now and the outrage it has caused is huge.
It has bothered me since I first read about it, but my outrage is not because of the dog which in other cultures is a food item and would be added to a pot of boiling oil without a second thought.
My thoughts are of the thousands of human babies, toddlars jueveniles who have been dispatched by artillary, airstrike or snippers cluster bomblets left to maim and kill, land mines phospher bombs and a hundred other poisons and chemical agents used to eradicate the enemies.
We understand the act to be cavalier cruelty a senceless act of death and it angers us. Why the outpouring of indignation for a puppy and not for the infants who died in Gaza this week. Well I think it's because it's safe to condemn the puppies trearment, it's safe to identify with the puppy, it requires no deeper understanding of the context. The same level of condemnation directed at the IDF or coalition forces who have killed scores of babies in the last month alone requires that we acknowledge and identify the perpatrators as a group or nationals while the heartless marine is an individual and the connection with the wider group can be easily severed into the singular act of one sick individual. So all of us feel safe condemning this act unreservedly while we may not feel safe condemning a pilot who has just dropped a bomb in some village killing women and children. We have to an alarming extent become hardened to the death of human beings, but we still need the emotional release of indignation, the dog provides release of pent up anger, safely, with no wider reaching connection, it is isolated and therefore safe to vent about. We can comfortably weep for the dog where we cannot for the dead Iraqis or the dead Afghans, they are only collateral damage the dog is somehow a bonified innocent victim in our eyes.
We spend billions on pets every year in the western world and we use them badly in many cases. What this marine did was just one cruel act among millions but it has commanded and concentrated the thoughts of millions on the dog and not on the human victims of war.
Last week on CNN they ran spots of returning service personell from Iraq who had shipped rescued puppies home from the war zone at a cost of thousands of dollars per dog while they were rescued from a country where stravation and premature death from disease and war are a dayly occurance. There is something deeply wrong with acts like that and I can't help thinking that memorials and shrines and donations,perhaps a ribbon campaigne will be devoted to this little animal while the human victims will be villified as the enemy.
I mean no disrespect to anyone who feels for the puppy as is considered normal, that was not my intention.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
This story is a few days old now and the outrage it has caused is huge.
It has bothered me since I first read about it, but my outrage is not because of the dog which in other cultures is a food item and would be added to a pot of boiling oil without a second thought.
My thoughts are of the thousands of human babies, toddlars jueveniles who have been dispatched by artillary, airstrike or snippers cluster bomblets left to maim and kill, land mines phospher bombs and a hundred other poisons and chemical agents used to eradicate the enemies.
We understand the act to be cavalier cruelty a senceless act of death and it angers us. Why the outpouring of indignation for a puppy and not for the infants who died in Gaza this week. Well I think it's because it's safe to condemn the puppies trearment, it's safe to identify with the puppy, it requires no deeper understanding of the context. The same level of condemnation directed at the IDF or coalition forces who have killed scores of babies in the last month alone requires that we acknowledge and identify the perpatrators as a group or nationals while the heartless marine is an individual and the connection with the wider group can be easily severed into the singular act of one sick individual. So all of us feel safe condemning this act unreservedly while we may not feel safe condemning a pilot who has just dropped a bomb in some village killing women and children. We have to an alarming extent become hardened to the death of human beings, but we still need the emotional release of indignation, the dog provides release of pent up anger, safely, with no wider reaching connection, it is isolated and therefore safe to vent about. We can comfortably weep for the dog where we cannot for the dead Iraqis or the dead Afghans, they are only collateral damage the dog is somehow a bonified innocent victim in our eyes.
We spend billions on pets every year in the western world and we use them badly in many cases. What this marine did was just one cruel act among millions but it has commanded and concentrated the thoughts of millions on the dog and not on the human victims of war.
Last week on CNN they ran spots of returning service personell from Iraq who had shipped rescued puppies home from the war zone at a cost of thousands of dollars per dog while they were rescued from a country where stravation and premature death from disease and war are a dayly occurance. There is something deeply wrong with acts like that and I can't help thinking that memorials and shrines and donations,perhaps a ribbon campaigne will be devoted to this little animal while the human victims will be villified as the enemy.
I mean no disrespect to anyone who feels for the puppy as is considered normal, that was not my intention.
A thoughtful post darkbeaver. I think the thing that caught people about that puppy, was that the puppy had nobody to act in it's interest. The three morons who tortured the puppy and the peace of human dreck who threw the puppy over the cliff should all have been dragged to the ground and beaten to within an inch of their lives, maybe several times. I can't express the contempt I have for those who tortured and killed that puppy but my contempt has nothing to do with my feelings for the human victims of war.