Nouveau Tech Society Scam


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Thanks Everyone

I'm glad I decided to look into this,because like some of you I also got a letter from them(Nouveau Tech).
And like some of you I wondered how they knew I even existed since I never heard of them before.But anyway I started thinking that it sounded like some kind of a scam so I thought I try to find out a few things about them before I went any futher with them.You see I went ahead and sent for the free booklet,but when they told me I needed the 1000 page book too I thought I'd better check them out.So I found these notes from all of you.Thanks for being there.Oh yeah, my dead line is this friday.December 15,2006.Thanks again.


New Member
Jan 15, 2007
Arlington, Texas
Nouveau Scam Letter

I just received "the letter" described in your post. Since you were "not scammed", and could not report the activity .. I decided to reply and find out what the pitch is. Will report more as the saga unfolds.

The letter claiming "first class" was sent using postage meter "716544" dated DEC 29'06 from Grove City, Ohio for 30.8 cents (presorted FCM)

The letter was enclosed in a Foreign First Class Mail envelope with return address of 3357 H. Southplace Park Grove City, Ohio 43123.

The letter claimed to have been written Dec 30 2006. (Truly a demonstration of the phenomenal powers of the society --- to compose a letter while traveling through the postal system .. untouched by humane hands)

My letter started :
" Dear Beas423,
This is a personal letter just to you" ...
(I wonder how many letters they had to send "just to you" to get the presort rate? I didn"t know I had that many postal addresses .. none of the other have reached me however.)

:happy1: The Soap Opera is about to start.
ps: My drop dead date occured before I even got the letter!!!

Thanks for your previous posting .. I know many unsuspecting types will still reply to this scam!

Buy Buy,


New Member
Jan 15, 2007
Arlington, Texas
Nouveau Scam Letter

I just received "the letter" described in your post. Since you were "not scammed", and could not report the activity .. I decided to reply and find out what the pitch is. Will report more as the saga unfolds.

The letter claiming "first class" was sent using postage meter "716544" dated DEC 29'06 from Grove City, Ohio for 30.8 cents (presorted FCM)

The letter was enclosed in a Foreign First Class Mail envelope with return address of 3357 H. Southplace Park Grove City, Ohio 43123.

The letter claimed to have been written Dec 30 2006. (Truly a demonstration of the phenomenal powers of the society --- to compose a letter while traveling through the postal system .. untouched by humane hands)

My letter started :
" Dear Beas423,
This is a personal letter just to you" ...
(I wonder how many letters they had to send "just to you" to get the presort rate? I didn"t know I had that many postal addresses .. none of the other have reached me however.)

:happy1: The Soap Opera is about to start.
ps: My drop dead date occured before I even got the letter!!!

Thanks for your previous posting .. I know many unsuspecting types will still reply to this scam!

Buy Buy,


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm

Is anybody home. I may have gotten a letter from New... whatever but it's in the bottom of my shredder now.

New.. whatever has really got everyone here spending alot of time pondering the deceptions of the secert **** every where. Well because they are every where.
Now just get off this forum page and think of a good scam for yourself and you will be able to tell people secert **** is going on and if they send you some money you wil explain the whole thing to them.
So if you want to send me some money I will explain the whole thing to you because I am from a secert society thing. OK.

Bye, and don't send your kids college fund. :laughing7:


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
i got this letter

I got this letter today..and was wondering what it was. I just read the first and last page and was like this sounds like a load of crap!! So here i am..i though mabey..just try it out? but then after reading these posts..i definantly dont want to get ripped off.....has anyone ever ordered Eye-Q stuff? because..i had before and thought mabey thats where it came from..or has anyone ever joined a survey site like or is what i am under) and could it be from there? because it started freaking me out when it was like "they are waiting to meet you".....its not hard to freak me out and i would really like to bust this scam open...because its a total rip off aparantly.


New Member
Jan 17, 2007

check it out for yourselves! my first "personal" letter was dated on 12-23-2006. however, the post mark was dated on 12-22-2006. included in my first correspondence was the 56-page book that said basically nothing. so i did nothing! then my second "personal" letter arrived, dated 01-13-07, yet the postmark was once again dated one day earlier. beas423 got me looking. this looks pretty scamoliciuos to me. thanks everybody for their comments. 139.95 will stock my fridge nicely with beer.


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
I just got my letter today and it said the same blah blah're special....this letter is personal and JUST FOR YOU...Blah blah blah...and so I decided to do alittle research and found this site...I'm so disappointed to find out so many other people are as "special" as me and the "secrets" ...meant only for ME in this very private letter have been shared with almost every other person on the planet! LMAO Very silly of this age of computers and technology to assume we wouldn't find each other....Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts on this and for starting this thread...I wasn't sure at first what to make of this strange letter...although my very first impression was to chuck it~ After reading what everyone else wrote here I've decided to use it to start our fire tonight!
Love and Light~


New Member
Jan 17, 2007

I do not wish to say a lot. I just barely opened the same letter the rest of the special world received. I get so much crap in the mail every single day. I pretty much know something is junk mail as soon as I see the envelope. Having said that, this letter is so junk mail ish. I was able to quickly pick out a few words which gave it away, "power", "wealth", and "control". I thought, "Just exactly what the world wants." I would like to see a letter that talks about helping others and improving the quality of life.

I have seen a lot of messages stereotyping the United States as a group of hellbound people. I happen to be from the United States. It's not really my fault I was born here, but no matter where you live, you can make the best of your situation. I have friends from many different countries, and although I may not agree with their "leaders" I still like those friends. I'm not saying that the United States is the best, but I like it here. I have a family, friends, a good job, and freedom. You can get that from just about any country.

Anyway, enough of ethics and values. I think I may do this whol secret society thing, not because I'd like to get riches and power, but because I'm a very curious person. I'd like to see their reasoning of believing everyone wants what they have to offer.

Thanks for all the advise and warnings. I'll keep you posted with what I learn from this stupid crap.
Be kind to people you don't know.


New Member
Jan 23, 2007
nouveau scam

Hello you all,

Just hought I would let you know that, I too, have received this glorious mail.
The promise of great wealth and fortune is the least of the promises.
Now, LOVE, that is the one that impresses me! I am 70 yrs, old!
If course, I don't need to be revitalized? Maybe it will do something for my wife??
It really "DO" sound ( a little Amereicanism there) good!
I had Kevin mentioned and I suppose that is the one mentioned earlier, with all
natural cures. Didn't he make enough on his books that he has to nail us poor folk
with this scam?
Mine came out of Grove City, OH. but to be mailed to Dover, DE or faxed to (716)
area code for NY.
It was finally signed by John Flinn. I thought they could not give out any names.
Googled John Flinn - came up big TV guy>
I faxed mine in just now.
I just wanted them to have to pay something, even if it is postage.

Have a good day.

For the Aussie's. Don't knowif this is spelled right?? Godday? Goday? Gooday? or something like that.

Rath :naka:


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
Grove City?

I got home and the letter was already opened by my wife, so I didn't realize it came from Grove City. My fax supposedly goes to Delaware.
I figured it was a scam because if they were as smart and creepy as they say they are, they'd have known not to use my formal name throughout the letter, and instead the name everyone who knows me (or can read my mind for that matter) uses.
So, I live about 20 minutes away from Grove City. It's a little town that's growing a lot, but it ain't no mecca for the rich and famous, that's for sure. We call it Grove-tucky in these parts. I have family there, so I'll check out what the heck place it is that is mailing this crap out. Maybe I'll clock one of them secret society folks on the head and just take their big book, but then, they'd know I was coming, wouldn't they?:smilebox:


New Member
Obvious scam

hi All,

i am in Boston, and i receved the same initial mailing. since it didn't cost me anything, i faxed in the document, and i mailed it as well. if this was a legit "secret", they would have detected that this was a duplicate, and wouldn't send me TWO envelopes with this pathetic 56 page booklet.

typical scam, with their trying to get you buy stuff as they know that for evry 10 smart people that throw this crap away, there is one idiot that will actually pay for this. it is like someone telling you that if you jump from a building, Superman will rush to save you.

it is nice though to see that the people at the post here did their homework.


New Member
Mar 5, 2007
noveau tech society

I just received the same letter in the mail. Thanks for the info on this scam. I was already sceptical about it, but you know how everyone hopes that it could be true. I guess I will have to work for my money. Thanks again.


New Member
Mar 8, 2007
the rip off

Hi All,
I got my letter about a week ago and read it very carefully I was impressed. I guess im just gullable. I was going to go ahead and read the 56 page booklet. so I faxed my reply in. like most of you I got my letter a couple of days past the dead line to reply so I faxed it back. I have always lived by the rule of thumb that "If it sound to good to be true, It probably is." Anyway I was considering going ahead and buying the 1000 page book when I came across this page and I'm glad I did. After reading some of the replies it look to me like this is a group of Athiest or anti-christ and being a blood bought Christian I wouldn't want to get tied up with this sort of folks.

Now, I have never had a problem with the folks from down under or up over either. However, when people start talking down on my country, well, that gets on the fightin side of me.
One thing Ive noticed that when some of these other countries have a earthquake or tidle wave they sure don't have a problem with asking for our help, which we usually come up with a substantual amount of money and food and clothing to help out.
In 2005 the USofA had several hurcains that destroyed billions or dollars of damage of which we are still diging our way out of the destruction. this includes one of our major sea ports. Do you want to know how many countries came to our aid and how much money or supplies was donated or offered, 0. So be careful about bad mouthing us you might want our help someday.
Thank you for your post about the rip off.
"If you don't read the news paper, you are uninformed. If you do read the news paper you are misinformed." Mark Twain


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
Hello from the US :wink:

I recieved this "letter" too, and I just have to come out and say....
Of all the "don't buy it, it's a scam" opinions out there, which amongst you have actually BOUGHT it???
I'm having the damndest time finding a warning like this coming from someone who HAS!!!
There seems to be an extreeemely disproportionate balance between who has an OPINION on it, and who has actually TRIED it??? Or......Is that just ME??? :dontknow:

I believe you're not entitled to deliver a verdict of whether it's good or crap until you've given it a fair shake....

Does it sound too good to be true? Possibly....
Do I believe everything they discuss in that "booklet"? Not all of it....
Some of the "stories" appear to be just that, stories, some so fantastical it made ME laugh (like the kid-beating dad at the burger shack story... :laughing6: oh uh-huh ok)

But until/unless I give it a TRY, I can't make a good or bad opinion of it, and neither could any of you....

Wake me up when you find someone who HAS...Then I'll pay close attn. :sleepy2: