Nouveau Tech Society Scam


New Member
May 7, 2009

Looks like it would be an entertaining movie to see. I might just check it out. Did you see it, and what did yo think?


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
To jjw1965,

If your on often post again ill be checking. my friend also got the book and ill tell you if People are as stupid as i think then this could be bad. I'm trying to talk to people who know about this organization and who feel as against it as myself. This goes for everyone reading do not give in to the evil ways. this is no scam its a way to control the world.


New Member
May 7, 2009
I'd like to read more about it

Since the last time I posted, I received two more letters from "The Secret Society" with one of them offering me half the price that they originally charged me for their book, or should I say, manuscript.
Personally, I just don't believe that a book can contain the kind of power that these people claim it has. If it does have that kind of power, then the forces that control this power would probably drive a person mad, crazy, or insane.
It has been close to a month now since I have received anything from these people. Sometimes I think that I should buy the book to prove myself right; that it is all a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. On second thought, maybe I won't because they will make off with my money and I would be upset with myself for unwillingly supporting their cause.
I will gladly read anyone's comments about this. I would like to learn more about others experiences with this Novieu Tech scam.


New Member
Oct 28, 2009
I really hate these scams

Hi,I'm from Plaquemine,La USA,:angryfire: I'm really mad at these people for getting my hopes up.They said one of my "special traits" was to be able to "cure".The funny thing a couple of months ago i found my 7 year old son is completly left ear.That is really wierd.How far can they go.Can the get into med records or something.I'm really glad my husband said to check it out before i mailed it .THANK YOU SO MUCH:lol:



New Member
Nov 17, 2009
At present I have sent this letter to the office in Delaware, Ohio and Nevada; maybe they will read it here!?!

Attenton Nouveau Tech Society,
Please accept my apology? While my sister assisted Cambridge Who's Who with their "Press Release" on me, she Inadvertently assumed, due to your name and membership number "# NC10 1502-9994--member # 0248694267" being in my data base that I was involved with your organization and put it with organizations I actualy belong to.

This was rectified before the realese on my next International award and a Europa Award for my work with locating missing children

Enclosed is the bogus letters I recently received from your organization advertisement group out of Dover, Delaware. Let me know if you ever decide to put those 3 books I bought on CD, so, my speech Programs can read them to me? Beings, you never responded to give me permission to pay $1,500.00 to have them at least converted to Braille!?!

I did list your organization with the Alaska Independent Blind and the American Council of the Blind so they could put into The Braille Forum 2 years ago that your organization was "Handicaped Unfriendly; To The Blind!"

How does it feel, to know that I am a real member of the true Illuminati that knows the truth: "from longevity, to crossing over, to inter-dimensional traveling, to organic naturopathic cures and it has nothing to do with money or control or harming the innocent!" Your Kind and The Billonaires are no different than the Soviets that let National Geographic ino the village of people that were several hundred years old hoping National Geographic would be trusted with the knowledge the Soviets couldn't extract and in their anger the Soviets murdered and cut them up as lab mice. Yet ignorance Mao's Red Guard didn't kill and mutilate all the San'_feng Daoist Illuminati. You people shall fail too because, you will never have or figure the right way into the Illuminati. You should have seen or even been there when I set fire to Murkowski's friends million dollar tax free cashiers check, I just laughed and walked away; its not about power, control or greed. I am now 71 years old by the time I reach 80 my body will have reverted completly back to 40 years old which is where my Temple (human body) will remain unless your kind destroys my Temple! Stop stealing hard working honest peoples money with scams, beause, you never know as to who or what is checking you out!?!

Have a nice Life,

Hans Heinmenberg Remote Sensor / Locator
International Cyber Investigations SOG-CID
Remote Sensory OP's: Studies & Observation Group
PO Box 911
Talkeetna, Alaska
USA 99676-0911



New Member
Nov 20, 2009
in regards to the Nouveau tech society

As i was walking in my house, my dad said, "....., look at the book your step brother received in the mail. As i came upon it, i began reading it like woahh it has my step brothers name on the front cover. This is absurd, my step brother is an idiot. Poor kid didn't even graduate from high school and yet this book is for him? News flash, your not going to become successful by reading a book people. It's called education, attend college and earn a degree. This is definitely a scam. My ignorant step brother swears there is a back door to success, yeah maybe if we lived in the 80's or 90's then it could be possible. It becomes more arduous every day that passes by to find a job that does not require having a college degree. Now a days thats not even enough, having your masters destroys your competition when applying for employment. "some retarded society, if they picked my step brother." Yup and knowing him he would be dumb enough to pay those $135.00. This kid does not even have $ to buy food for himself. Oh my God, he does not even know how to attach documents to his email!!!


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
recent victim

I recently recieved a letter from tech society, they asked me for $300.00 dollars to join. I decided to look it up on the internet and thats how I found this website


New Member
Feb 4, 2010
I know this is a late posting, and this post originated in 2006. I am from the USA, served my country. I also received this invitation letter. I have wondered about it and did a search and came across this forum. Thanks for all the posts. As someone mentioned there are scammers in every country. One thing I do not understand is how did George Bush come into the post? If most of you are from Canada, and Australia, and believe Bush did a terrible job, just take a look at who we have in the white house now!


New Member
Mar 12, 2010
Cheezzy posts

Did anyone notice that #3 and #17 posts are exactly the same? I mean really guys if you're going to do the self advocating thing, at least put the effort into writting two different versions.As for me, I am greatful for this site. It has showed me that just maybe Im' not as special as that letter made me sound. Besides that, I read a really good 2000 year old manuscript that showed me how to attain the things that really matter in life without paying $139.95. If you're wondering what's in this mysterious book they offer you, I can't honestly say. I'll give you a couple of freebys though. Alot of people that are broke, want to get rich and alot of people who are lonely want to get laid. Its the ones who take advantage of those weakness's that I would be wary of.:blob:


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
nouveau tech

I just finished reading some threads. got the manual and all of us bornagain spiritfilled christians are living a big lie according to the leading members of the secret society. what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;-)


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
Iposted a thread at canadian content .net. For all of us born again spiritfilled christians we are living a big lie. what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul. Also every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD>NOT NOUVEU TECH>


New Member
Jun 30, 2010
well, i also received this letter from our friend Kristy, and i can't help but be disappointed that this is a scam.. i really thought ..
"wow, someone has finally discovered me" its the "secret society" and they are going to share their secrets with me so i can finally be able to read minds like i've always wanted to!!
but no!!!!
its all just a scam :(

it almost felt like finding out your boyfriend told his ex the very same thing he told you..
"you are the only girl who has ever made me feel this way"
hmmmmm... yea right!
no on the real.. reading this letter gave me a weird feeling, and it was not a good one.
it just didnt feel right, almost ungodly.

anyway im sure this Naturals cures guy is the one behind this ,
because i had just recently bought his book,
"free government money" or whatever its called.. (i haven't even read it yet)
and it might just end up at my next yard sale truthfully.

its just not good for me to be watching infomercials late at night right after pay day!
i knew i should have just gotten the closet organizer instead!

but you know what, no matter what they say and how many people they said it to..
we are special, God made us all very unique and with many different gifts,
what we choose to do with them is our choice..

i choose to glorify his name with mine.

good night.


Time Out
Sep 21, 2010
well, i also received this letter from our friend Kristy, and i can't help but be disappointed that this is a scam.. i really thought ..
"wow, someone has finally discovered me" its the "secret society" and they are going to share their secrets with me so i can finally be able to read minds like i've always wanted to!!
but no!!!!
its all just a scam :(

it almost felt like finding out your boyfriend told his ex the very same thing he told you..
"you are the only girl who has ever made me feel this way"
hmmmmm... yea right!
no on the real.. reading this letter gave me a weird feeling, and it was not a good one.
it just didnt feel right, almost ungodly.

anyway im sure this Naturals cures guy is the one behind this ,
because i had just recently bought his book,
"free government money" or whatever its called.. (i haven't even read it yet)
and it might just end up at my next yard sale truthfully.

its just not good for me to be watching infomercials late at night right after pay day!
i knew i should have just gotten the closet organizer instead!

but you know what, no matter what they say and how many people they said it to..
we are special, God made us all very unique and with many different gifts,
what we choose to do with them is our choice..

i choose to glorify his name with mine.

good night.
i've read your comments on neo-tech and frankly,as with most other comments,you put the cart before the horse.ignorance certainly is bliss! unless you have studied it to some degree(which i have)how come you feel compelled to condemn?or even qualified to judge? let me reassure you, it's certainly nothing to do with a scam,maybe some of the aforementioned "selling points" are contrite but it's defo worth the £65 i paid for it,it's a fantastic lesson in history as well as an incredible insight into the future via science and nanotechnology,also the philosophical structure portrayed by wallace is easy to grasp even for a simpleton like me,but more than anything it conveys the most important dilemma we as a civilization face in the near future, ie the dire urgency for society to awaken from our current platonistic /altruistic philosophy and the tragic reality that the elitest authorities and religion have brought us to the point of nuclear warfare.with these mad morons at the helm and our fate in their hands we can never safely pass through the nuclear decision threshold which is where we stand today, any person of sanity who cares to give it some consideration,must surely realise that given the endlessness of space and time, there are almost definitely millions of other earth-like planets in the universe,with human civilizations thriving and of those, millions will have civilations that are billions of years in advance of ours,they too have been where we stand and chose to abandon war and weapons in order to survive, for what is the alternative? the end of mankind , i purchased neo tech 6 yrs ago and i'm not saying i am much better off financially but i am that bit wiser and aware of the folly of religion & politics , so i say to you with respect,as i do to others on this site,unless you have read this genial manuscript don't make the mistake of assuming that because one person condemns this book without ever reading a page,that the erroneous chain reaction of negativity has any real foundation because i can assure you it don't,as jack nicholson says in reply to morgan freeman in the movie the bucket list ,when freeman asks him of the god concept "so 95% of the people on this planet are wrong?" nicholson's reply..... "well they usually are!" DITTO TO THE SCEPTICS ON THIS SITE!! PEACE TO ALL:eek:ccasion9:


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
I got my third and supposedly final letter yesterday. I was really kicking myself because I didn't send my order in with that $139 check. Then, I stopped and decided to look at the letter again. I ddn't see anyone's name that jumped out at me but I did see the name 'The Nouveau Tech Society.' So I decided to 'google' the name and see what came up. Lo and behold; there was this website.

Although, when I first started reading the site, all the typos just leaped off the screen at me. It appears that most people just jump on a computer and start pounding away without learning anything about keyboarding skills (what a shame). But I digress, when I saw that what I thought 'sounded too good to be true' really was in fact, just that -- too good to be true.

But it was not greed that made me think (wishfully) that this might be legit. You see I live (make that lived) with my mom up until July of 09; I came home from work one day after 7-4-09 and found that she had fallen. We took her to the hospital and then to a nursing/convalescent home; from there she went to Chicago IL (we live in Dayton Ohio); my youngest sister is a stay-at-home Mom and can be there 98 percent of the time. So I wanted to use the vast array of riches (both money & social) that the booklet spoke of to get Mom back to Dayton where she so much wants to be.

But darn it; I had doubts so I came to the internet. I was so relieved when I read that first comment about what the society had done for the person I was ready to mail my check. But Momma didn't raise no fool; and I realized that the only way I am going to get money, fame or any other kind of wealth is to earn it. I was really trying to remember who the man was that went to meet Gorbachev with Reagan and Schwarzkopf, but couldn't. Does anyone remember? So I am gonna close by saying that wishful thinking is good to a certain degee, but at some point, you really do need to take your head out of the clouds and see what is really going on.

You can't get anything in life without working for it

Oh and by the way, P T Barnum never said there's a sucker born every minute, however, he did say 'there's one born every minute!'


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
I thank you for this sight, I was about to get the sencond book they were asking $99.50 and their po box is 560647 in Dallas TX 75356-0467 but something told me to check it out in the web even though they memtioned that they where not in the web or any where that could be found since they were a Secreat Society, and I found this one,I thank every one for their input, it made me aware of a lot of things and there is a lot of people trying to get money of people in this hard time, such the one I'm going through as I'm unemployed, I thank you again for opening my eyes.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
Hi all,
By coincidence I was browsing the net and came across this forum. I felt so strong about this topic, I registered with this site so that I could tell you my story.
In 1986, I was young and living in Sydney and received a similar letter to those you have been discussing. I paid the money and again kept receiving letters and deals, which I kept buying into.
I received quite a large book-an encyclopedia, a book on poker (and neocheating concepts), a thin booklet on the discovery (with interesting articles on the bicameral mind and dupont) and a booklet on achieving biological immortality (the book with least day to day relevance in my opinion). My manuscript has a handwritten number on it.
There is some truth to the scam approach, in they way the NeoTech/Think guys lever up your spend, but in my case the outcome far outweighs the original cost.
At first I felt cheated because I was looking for a simple solution to life, however I kept those books and over the years read and reread them and started to practice, broadly, objectivism in my day to day life.
Back then I was a junior administrator, on meagre pay and usually dateless (due to lack of confidence mainly). Taking on the concepts within those pages, I reinvented myself over a number of years. I went back to school, completed my tertiary entrance exams, studied 2 professional degrees and went on to what I am today-an owner of my own practice with a presence across Australia and sometimes overseas. I am married to a wonderful loving woman (with whom we have passionate romantic love) and 2 fantastic children. We have a fulfilling life with regular travel and a focus on family and our culture (European based-food, wine, music, family etc). I improved my health by taking up a sport that I enjoy and still enjoy.
I still have the books and reference them now and again. I have kept this to myself over the years because one thing I have learned is that what counts is how you believe in yourself and found in the early days there were a lot of disbelievers. This is the first time I have opened up for over 20 years on this topic.
These days I don't listen to negativity and mysticism, almost never to politicians, I avoid the 'authority' espoused by people in position of influence (especially banks and large corporations) and focus mainly on creating and delivering honest value in return for value.
If you are scared to spend the money then at least look up topics on objectivism, concepts around rejection of mysticism, creation of value and exchanging value for value, keeping your health and fitness, romantic love with a single monogamous focus, and generally being a better person without pretense, coercion or negativity of your fellow men and women.
Note: I don't know if the topics I have set out are the same as those contained within the books you have/or might purchase. I have never had an affiliation with the publishers in any manner and have no idea if they still publish the same works-it just looked the same when I read your posts.
Anyway, if any of you take the punt and attempt to live this lifestyle, let me know. I'd be interested to see if others received a benefit.