My husband received the same letter today. The first thing he did was to go to and type in "Scam re: Secret Associations", and he ended up here. Now he's teed off because he found out that he's not special with unique traits (other than having a valid MasterCard).
Well, they obviously got him mixed up with someone else with the same name! After an amputation, months of rehab, an e-mailed pink slip, & his 3rd heart attack during his 1st job interview, my hubby just joined me on permanent disability. If that book isn't edible or flushable, we don't need it!
That's probably why all of you Canadians and Austalians are receiving these wonderful offers - our good ol' U.S. of A economy is so far down in the toilet that half of us are in foreclosure! And the other half that have the money to pay for a $140 book don't need it because they're obviously already in this top-secret how-to-take-advantage-of-the-rest-of-us-poor-schmucks Society!
Happy blogging!