Nouveau Tech Society Scam


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
An example of the ten second miracle can be observed in the fact that I own the books. When I received the letter I was broke and employed at a low paying job were I was not happy. I had no way to pay for the books and no one to loan me the cost. My wife could tell how badly I wanted to know what was in this book and told me to relax. I did and almost instantly a way to acquire it came to me. I now own all three thanks to the ten second miracle.


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
And just think If this thread was Bush and Cheney The Scandal Of the Century I'ld be on everyone else's side. But in this case they're calling my friends and family scam artists and probablly their own.


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
Before I bought the books I too looked them up on the web and found this thread and everyone calling them a scam. I noticed though nobody had bought them. So in a journey of self fulfillment and truth I decided to purchase the first. It was what they said so I bought the next. And I had to send them a letter to get the third but I was hungry for it. About 2 years later I can truly say I answered the call and got what I was looking for.


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
I haven't finished reading the questions but this answer is for borrottp . YES it gives you several techniques some reading the 3 Heirlooms still don't get. I don't know if you will benefit from this post so long from when you asked but I have been available since before you posted. Were you even really interested? It doesn't seem to matter for another almost 5 years according to a poster on this sight that says they own the book. They are now sending out our money with a short section summarized version which sadly I saw coming when I started my meetings and he told me they would. It's never to late to know if you are patient and hungry like I was. Though you may have to devote some time and money (the publication fee and delivery + study time) to it , it should be the truth you can't find anywhere else except when your life flashes before you as you loose your consciousness and join the supposed co author and publisher Frank R. Wallace who WAS DEAD before print.


New Member
Apr 11, 2008
Celina, Ohio
And once again if you didn't buy them you don't know what they say. If you did buy them and still can't see it read them again.

I did read it. I bought it. I could not find any reference to the 10 second miracle in it or even the manuscript mentioned in the 56 page intro book. I bought the Package of Inside Secrets...could you tell me what page it is on??? Where should I look?


New Member
May 26, 2008
Ron: I know you guys were talking about this over a month ago - but the VERY same thing happened to me! I bought Trudeau's Natural Cures book via a 1 800# after an infomercial, and within 30 days got the "special invitation" to join the Secret Society - AND my debit card info was stolen by someone who booked airlines tickets to somewhere in Europe with Euro conversiona rates and all! There must be more people who have LITERALLY been ripped off by these people.... I am going to let my bank know about this connection. I do not believe in coincidences - hey, maybe that's what the 10-second miracle tells you!

If you have any further info on your debit card fraud - please let me know - THANKS!


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
I paid with a money order from cash after using the "Ten Second Miracle" to aquire the money I don't have all of the second and third books page reference handy but I can tell you off the top of my head that it is explained in the meetings. #9 I think. AS it is explained you are reasured that only a handful can figure it out with out having the explanation stimulated correctely. The problem is most people don't have a dictionary handy while reading and lack education due to lack of control in a human population of followers.


New Member
Aug 4, 2008
Welcome ALL, I just wanted to post something about this secret society thing that everyone is talking about. I have recieved my letter inviting me and sent for the 56 page book and I must agree I found MANY flaws. Like the fact that if they see me as a special person then why dont my mentor come to my house since they have my address and give me the book for free like EVERY PERSON in the 56 page book got theirs. And I seen right off the bat that the first story is the same story as the paper they sent me trying to get me to send for the 56 page book with some words added. And the last thing that seemed to bother me is the fact that I have a hidden power that I will learn to use to my advantage to manipulate and use people that don't know they are being used and I would be able to see into the future and make millions. I must admit that I was going to send the $139.95 but there was a small problem, I don't have it. I have a VERY small job and I sometimes don't get all my bills paid. Much like you they told me I have till Friday or I will NEVER be able to get the 1000 page book ever again in my life, I simply said to this that the 56 page book said that "if I read the stories that 3 good things will happen within 3 days" I said, " If thats true and I get alot of money in those 3 days THEN and only then I will get the book, but if it don't I will not send my hard earned money to them so some scam artist can make money for nothing from me. I have a question for QUAD K, you speek of a ten second miracle I have had the 56 page book for over a day now and why havent I seen my ten second miracle? I was just wondering.........


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
My husband received the same letter today. The first thing he did was to go to and type in "Scam re: Secret Associations", and he ended up here. Now he's teed off because he found out that he's not special with unique traits (other than having a valid MasterCard).

Well, they obviously got him mixed up with someone else with the same name! After an amputation, months of rehab, an e-mailed pink slip, & his 3rd heart attack during his 1st job interview, my hubby just joined me on permanent disability. If that book isn't edible or flushable, we don't need it!

That's probably why all of you Canadians and Austalians are receiving these wonderful offers - our good ol' U.S. of A economy is so far down in the toilet that half of us are in foreclosure! And the other half that have the money to pay for a $140 book don't need it because they're obviously already in this top-secret how-to-take-advantage-of-the-rest-of-us-poor-schmucks Society!

Happy blogging!


New Member
Dec 29, 2008
really annoying scam

Check Secret Society Scam there are scanned letters from "the society". Def scam. Cheers

Moderator's Edit: Link removed.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2009
I also recieved this letter...Listen if you are into something along these lines there is a much cheaper very well known alternative ...There is a book that has been on the best sellers list for quite some time by Rhonda Byrne called THE SECRET...Its about 20 dollars. It talks about the law of attraction. If you really want to learn about the "secrets" and powers people have read this book. Its not such a big secret a a matter of fact is obvious. My only warning is simply this nothing worth anything is have to work at everything you do...The Secret can leave people with the feeling that all they have to do is what the book says for success and that is missing the whole point of the book. You need to work very very hard AND do the things the book tells you not one or the other. Look if it takes 135 dollars for you to convince yourself to feel better about yourself and it works for you then it's money well spent if it takes 20 dollars and a trip to a book store great I am happy to help...If your already doing great then share the wealth and let everyone know what worked for you maybe it will work for someone else maybe it wont...My advice is try the book if you have already sent in the letter fine read as much as you can here and elsewhere and decide if you want to spend more...Not having seen anything but the letter and knowing how many scams are out there I am quite content with my bookstore version...and let me say it has opened my eyes and things are going fairly well for me ALL OF A SUDDEN but its because I am stil working my ass off plus doing what the book suggests....By the way My name is Lucas Lasagna

Moderator's Edit: Links/spam removed.

I am surprised that no one reported this.
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New Member
Feb 22, 2009
This may or may not be a scam. Perhaps life is just one big scam. We live our lives day in day out convinced that the only way to achieve happiness is through external material means. Not to mention that we have this false belief that just because we identify with our emotions that we ARE our emotions. Mankind has lived in this fog for FAR too long and eventually all of our self-induced, self-created negativity will become useless. I know it is a lot to grasp and understand in just one sitting/reading but the main point is that as human beings we have far more potential to do great things than we are currently aware of.
Yes, there are certain groups/societies that exist to aid in awakening mankind to this untapped potential but one of the key ingredients in this awakening is education. And I'm not speaking of the traditional education system that we are all familiar with. I speak of self-education. There is literally a universe of knowledge available to ANYONE who seeks it. Go to your local libraries and do your own "research". Read lots and lots and lots of books. When your done reading all those books then read more books. Even if you don't consider yourself to be a "reader". When you think about much knowledge can you gain from watching endless "reality" shows? Does it really matter if some guy picks some girl to be his bride or if one girl hates another girl just because she "stole" her boyfriend?
I know it may be a little boring at first to have to sit quietly for a few minutes a day and read a few chapters from a book. Believe me I know, I was once the type of person that shuttered even at the thought of books. And it doesn't matter what type of books you read just as long as you read SOMETHING.
We've all heard how important a good education is and I wish to add to that and say that a good self-education is just as, if not equally, important.
Minimum wage jobs are not always going to be readily available. Our economies, national and global, will always be unreliable. You don't have to be a psychic to see that in the VERY near future people will start becoming more and more self-reliant in ALL aspects of their lives.
Secret societies or not. It will happen.


New Member
May 7, 2009
Definite Scam!

I got the letter from nouveau tech three times now, within a matter of 5 weeks. If this were not a scam, but legitimate, they would have come to my front door to make me a part of their society. If I possess these rare traits that they have been searching for, they would not be asking me for my money. Instead, they would "hire" me, and then, "problem solved."

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I haven't gotten any such stuff, but it'd head straight for the recycling bin if I did.
If I discovered some nifty something-or-other that would benefit humanity I wouldn't charge a nickel except what it'd cost to patent it. These people are just getting money for very little.
There's another one out I think is also a scam. It's called "The Secret". The Secret :: Official Web Site of The Secret Movie :: Law of Attraction