My Story...Much Like Yours
Ahh, I read most of your replies and yes, I got the letter too. They sounded familiar to me and I don't know why. I love the reading. I bit the line and I decided to get the little booklet. Hey, it's free! There are just a few things I don't understand about this though.
If they really were psychic, like they say they are, they would know that I wouldn't have gotten the first letter until Saturday (the Saturday after the Friday I was supposedly supposed to send it back on). Well, I sent it back making a little note saying it arrived on Saturday. I still got the letter...even though they probably got it on Monday. I got the booklet today (Tuesday...Halloween!) and I read the entire thing. I even saw the "non-bill" order form.
It says in the booklet that this is a special discount but on the bill it says that the discount ends this Friday. So you would think that if I sent it after Friday, I would pay full price. The booklet says after Friday that I can't get the book at all, so which is it?
I'm not worried about the address part. They can get that from anywhere. And I kinda figured Kevin had something to do with it just by reading one of the letters marked "Anonymous." I have realized they have changed a little bit of information around just by reading your replies.
My first booklet came from Ohio and was 56 pages. The book I'm supposed to order is 1000 pages (a Bible if you will) and I'm supposed to send this money to a P.O. Box in Dover, Delaware. Mine also said "The Nouveau Tech Society."
The other part that confused me was when they said that they looked at my profile and this is mentioned quite a few times in the booklet and letters. I'm thinking to myself, "What and which profile of mine?" I have a MySpace, MSN Spaces, Yahoo!360, and other various profiles. I think I still might have my AIM profile online too somewhere. That just got me wondering.
I decided to look online already figuring this was a scam. I read the replies, even the robot replies too that were saying that you should really get this book. If it's so damned good, wouldn't you want to share the secret? At least to your family right? Maybe your friends?
I have a lot of friends that are down in the dumps making minimum wage trying to get by and I try to help out if I can even though I can't afford it. I took all those courses to help live a healthy, loving, successful life and well...I don't really have a successful life and I'm not really healthy. I'm all loving but that's all natural...LOL! If this book did what it says it does, I would certainly help my pals out. I don't know about you but I'm not THAT greedy.
Then the secret...why is it a secret? Couldn't you just offer the book online or in a book store and make money off of it that way too? Makes sense too me.
Anyways, reply or not but tell those bots to go away. If it's really that great, tell us what it's done for you and what you had to do first in order to get there. I'm not going to be selling my soul to the Devil you know.